The ongoing collapse, bail-out and buy-out of Wall Street investment banks, threatening a U.S. and possibly worldwide recession, has triggered no lack of debates in Japanese blogs on the country's strong financial connection with its overseas ally.
Photo by Flickr user conorwithonen
Michi Kaifu [海部美知] (known in Japan for her blog Tech Mom from Silicon Valley) writes at about the Japanese precedent to the current Wall Street crisis:
The demise of Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch reminded me of my home country Japan 10 years ago. Amid the post-real-estate-bubble mess, in 1997, Yamaichi Secirities, then one of the “Big Four” brokers in Japan, closed its doors. Long Term Credit Bank and Nippon Credit Bank wend under as well.
She refers to a Wall Street Journal article which discusses this precedent, noting that “career flexibility was not woven into [Japan's] social system yet” when the economic bubble burst 10 years ago in Japan:
In the end, many employees from those failed brokers and banks found jobs in other financial institutions. Some still had to go out and seek the opportunity in the new world. It is not an official story, but I have my own theory that this “spill over” employment issue caused a chain reaction in the form of “mobile phone boom” and pushed Japan up to one of the most sophisticated mobile countries in the world.
Tokyo Stock Exchange. Photo by Flickr user Goodimages
Economist and blogger Nobuo Ikeda [池田信夫] at Truth about Japan makes a similar observation in a post titled “Lessons of Yamaichi“:
The tragedy of Lehman Brothers and the following jump of interbank rates remind me of a similar event in Japan eleven years ago. Yamaichi Shoken, one of the Big Four security brokers, filed to close business in November, 1997.
Ikeda explains that the close of Yamaichi Shoken [ja] [山一證券] resulted from the bankruptcy of another broker, Sanyo Shoken, which then triggered default on an interbank loan, resulting in panic and the failure of Hokkaido Takushoku Bank and Yamaichi:
The Ministry of Finance let Yamaichi fail because it was only a broker. However, Fuji Bank, the “main bank” of Yamaichi became the target of short selling, because Yamaichi's bankruptcy signaled the liquidity crisis of Fuji. Then overall credit crunch emerged, which forced the MoF to bailout 21 major banks in 1998. It was similar to that of AIG.
In a post entitled “This thing called confidence” (信用というもの), blogger kitanotakeshi55 responds to a comment [ja] by Economics Minister Kaoru Yosano that influence from the financial crisis would be on the order of a bee sting (ハチが刺した程度):
(kitanotakeshi55 makes a note here that Yosano was in fact not born a career bureaucrat, and that while the way Yosano was described in this blog entry would seem to make him out to be that type, this was not the blogger's intent.)
kitanotakeshi55 continues with a parallel to the ongoing tainted rice scandal:
Blogger nutrocker writes about how complicated the system of global financial transactions has become:
Blogger Jei at The Diary After Retirement is worried about the phenomenon of “borderless investment”:
At gatto libero, another blogger writes about how dark and gloomy the world has become recently:
It's not that I want to think only about gloomy things though…
Blogger kawaii123, finally, suggests that maybe it is capitalism itself that is coming apart:
Japanese mass media is reporting whatever suits them, but in the end if you want to find useful information,
seems like there's really no other way to do it but to go out and find it for yourself.
In the countries of Central and South America, anti-America and anti-Americanism are growing more and more intense.
I guess this is proof that the power of America as a nation is in decline. As a result of the sub-prime loan crisis,
the value of the American dollar has dropped dramatically, and attention is now on which currency will pick up steam.
Europe switched to the euro as a common currency because they were thinking ahead.
In Japan and other Asian countries, efforts have been invested in the yen, but this process has been trampled by American intervention.
For another interesting perspective, check out this post [ja] at My Image Ltd. by blogger Waki, who finds a connection between the ease-of-use of the iPhone and the collapse of Wall Street investment banks.
Japan suffered a 16 YEAR RECESSION as land prices fell back to reasonable levels (what could be actually earnt from living on the site, not what speculators conned buyers into paying). The present world f*up is caused by a similar real estate bubble.
But what do the powers that be do? Bail out the banks and prop up real estate prices. A 4 – 5 year recession is almost a certainty with the vested interests propping up their mates. Let land prices fall. Keep a lid on land prices permanently by putting a holding charge on all land, taking taxes off work and consumption.
This is the only tax the wealthy cant hide in a tax haven, and it has many benefits for sustainability, public transport.