On the the eve of the first anniversary of Myanmar’s “Saffron Revolution,” The Irrawaddy website was hacked. A blog was set-up as a temporary mirror site . The Irrawady focuses on Myanmar and Southeast Asia.
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Learn more about Lingua Translation »On the the eve of the first anniversary of Myanmar’s “Saffron Revolution,” The Irrawaddy website was hacked. A blog was set-up as a temporary mirror site . The Irrawady focuses on Myanmar and Southeast Asia.
Ok, you are late. the voice on global voice has delayed for some reason. Fine. the key issue is “hacked”.
yes, Irrawaddy was the main target or most vulnerable or Ko Aung Zaw and its associates have chosen a wrong person to work with them. I am not surprised. Burmese army has been a well organized and well trained team. It has built its strength in last 2 decades .I dont understand 3 web sites have been such a weak to get attacked.
During that time, God gave U Than Shwe gas mines as present. If you follow Christianity, God accepts U Than Shwe as a king.
In Buddhism point of view, U Than Shwe made many good thing in his previous lives. As a consequence, he is a chief. Untouchable so far.
Sorry I dont know about Muslim point of view. Someone may discuss.
In my point of view, U Than Shwe did well done and a great thought the country but he needs to change many things right now.
Than shwe the stupid Pig? he did good? why r u saying it? What good things that he did? God don’t accept him as a king. In fact, God is not accepting Burmese people’s freedom because of the Bama Buddhists’ cunning mind over other religions and ethnics groups. So., God is punished Burmese but other ethnics groups get suffered as collateral damages. Those juntas need to be removed. but are you people ready to form another government? with same mind of hated upon other ethnics groups and religion? Stupid U Nu, who give the power purposely over Busted Ne Win for they don’t want to formed federal government in Burmese ethnic States 10 year after independent. Wake up!!! and see the fact!!
It is good idea if you show your name or ID. Anyway it should be fine as this GV has already allowed visitors to post anonymously. welcoming more post with discount rate?
Well, I think I agree with you to some extend. for me, not only ethnic minors, but also Chinese and Indians living in Burma should have an equal opportunity. It is easy to see Burmese people bully Karen, Chin and Indians. In Arakan state, Rakhines beat those with Bangladeshi or Indian blood. It is something like legal there. what can you say Myanmar in Singapore have been victims of discrimination. They might forget they discriminated Indians when they are in Burma.
Look Burmese families. Father and mother would keep dictatorship system in the family management while they are pestering about democracy in outside world. I cant believe it. Elder brother would intervene in young sisters’ love affair in the name of love or Burmese culture or Buddhist way or the way I dont know.
As i cant accept some Burmese culture and tradition, I moved to the UK. But I love water festival :)