North Cyprus: The Opera Comes to Town

“One thing that's definitely in short supply here in North Cyprus is opera, so I'm thrilled that no less than 21 opera stars are performing in Kyrenia on September 14th,” writes Kathy from North Cyprus Blogs. Opera singers from Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Northern Cyprus, Bashkor-tostan and Tatarstan will be performing various traditional opera arias from Middle East culture.


  • Selene

    Great news. Luckily I don’t like opera, or I’d be very unhappy :)

  • Get Real!

    There’s no such place as “north cyprus”! Get a proper map.

  • Selene

    That’s funny. If there is no “North Cyprus”, where was I on holiday this summer? D’oh!

  • NorthCypruslover

    The Greeks are lucky there is still a south cyprus after trying to commit genocide on the muslim population. the Turks could have taken the whole island, after all it had been Turkish for over 300 years until Britain took the island in world war 1. Cyprus has never belonged to the Greeks. it was Venician, Lusignan, Byzantine, Egyptian and even Persian before that so why do the Greeks think they have exclusive rights to the island just because of the byzantine period?

    • Louis

      What a plonker!!
      Yes Cyprus had many rulers due mainly to its geographical importane. But the Locals were always there!

    • george avgeris

      Cypriot Turks were kept in camps by Turkey for propaganda purposes.

       Cypriot Turks “were forced into enclaves all over the island – all with the aim to demonstrate that peaceful coexistence was impossible and that partition was the only solution.”

      [Robert Ellis , “The Scandalous History of Cyprus”,, 3 March 2010 

      • george avgeris

        The Turkish government falsely claimed that all Cypriot Turkish deaths were due to Cypriot Greeks and mainland Greeks: “Of these known deaths, 52 per cent were caused by Greek-Cypriots and 48 per cent were caused between 11 August 1964 and 15 November 1967, records from various authoritative sources indicate that 109 Turkish-Cypriots are known to have been killed. . . . This number probably includes all Turk-Cypriots killed by Greek-Cypriots and the majority of Turk-Cypriots who were killed by Turk-Cypriots.“

        [Richard A. Patrick, Political Geography and the Cyprus Conflict: 1963-1971 (Department of Geography, University of Waterloo, 1976), pp. 45-88.]

        Patrick was a Canadian UN military officer on Cyprus.

        Some Turkish apologists may argue that Patrick, being a westerner is jaundiced.

        Yet, Dr. Vamik Volcan, a Cypriot Turkish author, wrote admiringly of the opinions of UN military personnel.

  • According to international law [the principle of prescription], land belongs not to the conqueror, but to the original inhabitants [the Greeks]. The invader cannot gain territorial title by conquest: title remains with the indigenous: the Greeks are the indigenous! Thus, Turkey itself belongs to the original owners: the Greeks, Kurds, Arabs: deal with it! D’oh!

  • NorthCypruslover

    is that right George! Try telling that to the native people of the American land mass, Australasia and pretty much everywhere else in the world. should the Britons who supposedly now reside Wales push to regain England?

    how do you substantiate who retains the original genes of the original people of a region seeing as the genetics of most people of the Eastern Med are pretty much identical?
    Do we base it on language? If i learn to speak ancient Egyptian can i claim Egypt?
    Which tribes were the first to own this part of the world? Are there people with Hittite or Phonecian genes still around? Probably! How far back should we go? as far as suits you eh! get real dude.

    The fact is that when people start wars and lose them there is normally a penalty. The Greeks and Greek Cypriots who started the war in Cyprus thought they could exterminate the Muslims and gain total control of Cyprus. They gambled and lost. get used to it.

    Oh and dont spout international law to me, as the people who make these laws dont even adhere to them when it suits them.

  • editor.please add question mark after “africa”, as I do not remember the name of this newspaper.


  • At leastr one Turkish diplomat recommends that Turkey accept Prescription and try to make amendsa to the original inhabitants of “Turkey”:

    Turkey must immediately apologize to Armenians for the “tragic events of the past,” said Volkan Vural Turkey’s former ambassador to Russia during the late 1980s, reported the Taraf Turkish newspaper.
    “Although it is difficult to imagine that Turkey would recognize the Genocide, nevertheless, it must apologize to the Armenians and other ethnic minorities–Greeks, Assyrians, Kurds–for displacing them and massacres, and allow them to return to the land of their ancestors and become Turkish citizens,” said Vural.
    “The return of assets and financial restitution are difficult issues to tackle. However, it would be possible to make a symbolic offer of financial restitution,” explained Vural, saying that making an apology is an “imperative for a country like Turkey.”[in na, “Assyrian International News Agency” website, 9-14-08].

  • NorthCypruslover

    George.. are all you Greeks taught the same propaganda at school?

    the western world is guilty of more genocide than anyone and it is the western world whos laws you spout.

    if Greeks had not been so busy stabbing each other in the back during the mediaeval period they may have formed a nation earlier and would have more land today… tough luck mate.

    you may see yourselves as the people who invented democracy but you didnt develop the idea so stop living in the past and deal with what you have today.

  • Current Cypriot Turkish leader Talat called the Turkish occupation a jail cell.

    In 1821, Cypriot Turks joined the Greek Revolution against Turkey. Could this be repeated?

    Bravo Kurds, Bravo for fighting the foreign Turk!

    Military: Canadian experts in Time magazine said that the Cypriot Greeks performed far better than the Turks,militarily, but they were outmanned and outgunned.

    Democracy: I have read most experts agree that the Greek government functions far superior than the Turkish government.

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