Anyone who arrived in Budapest thinking the Global Voices Citizen Media Summit was going to be an ordinary conference, will have been seriously surprised. The media accolades and heart felt blog posts after the Summit have kept piling in on our RSS readers.
No one is more thankful than we are to everyone who traveled from far and wide to join us and share their stories. We've compiled choice quotes, links, and photos as a thank you to everyone who participated.
The PDF above was created by Paula Góes, Solana Larsen, and Georgia Popplewell. Go ahead, download it!
The Summit is over, but at least we'll always have the memories. And the videos. Thanks to Sami Ben Gharbia, our Video Archive has been updated with edited, high-resolution videos of the entire public event.
We're especially thankful to our Summit Sponsors for supporting the work of Global Voices and so many online activists around the world with this event. We hope to see everyone again next year!
Solana, thank you and everyone else who worked so hard to organize the Summit. It was really an unforgettable experience.