The G8 Summit at Toyako, Hokkaido [ja], ended on June 9th after three days of meetings, leaving a bitter aftertaste for some bloggers in Japan. With a total cost for organization and security estimated as enough to treat millions of HIV patients, and protests by thousands of farmers and activists from around the world, the event was not without its controversy.
The G8 Summit – New CHITOSE airport (from Flickr user mujitra) CC-BY
Many bloggers questioned the high costs of the event, pointing out how environmentally unfriendly it was. Blogger gooorii, on the other hand, considered some of the outcomes of the G8 summit to have been positive:
The Oxfam G8 Big Heads at Big Letters Performance (from the Oxfam Flickr page) CC-BY-NC-ND
Blogger jg96aqkg, meanwhile, points out the irony of the G8 dinner:
Challenge the G8 Peace Walk (from Flickr user skasuga) CC-BY-NC-SA
Blogger mkj2 also picks up on the theme of the G8 feast, and writes:
That there is going to be a lot of locally produced food on menu with good stuff like crab and asparagus.
From the food to security and what not, a large amount of taxpayer's money is spent.
That itself is ok.
Because leaders from around the world are gathering and discussing various issues.
Please, for god's sake.
With so much money and effort put into it, if the gasoline prices do not go down, and the food prices do not go down, how are they going to take responsibility [for all of this]?
Toyako from the windsor hotel (where the G8 Summit meetings were held, by Flickr user veroyama) CC-BY
Finally, blogger fookpaktsuen makes a novel proposal:
四国や九州からの警察の動員2万人余。……で地球温暖化が主要議題、ならこのサミット開催こそ「地球に優しくない」のが事実。もう国連活動に収斂されていいのでは? テロ襲撃が危険視されるなら各国首脳が一同に介せずSkypeで会議すれば良し。会場からほど遠き農牧地帯で120名のサミット反対デモにデモ参加者上回る数の警官が防備。異常。
(For more pictures of the G8 protests, see pics at the account of Flickr user Powless.)
Some comments to the global food crisis:
According to various studies (e.g. check out , 100 million tons of grain are being diverted to make biofuel this year, but over seven times as much (760 million tons) will be used to feed animals to produce meat. Depending on the type of animal, it takes up to, and sometimes more than, 10 plant calories to deliver 1 meat calorie. Meat consumption is therefore by far the biggest waste of grain globally.
Possible ways of future nutrition without livestock are presented at