Puerto Rico: Independence, Anybody?

The occasion of the USA's Fourth of July celebrations prompts Gil the Jenius to think about why Puerto Ricans reject the idea of their own Independence.


  • ronbothunter


    Puerto Ricans, who desire to be free, must always know that the federal government, here in the States has no “subject matter jurisdiction” over the person, case or location and should be challenged to proof it.

    You won’t be told this in court but: All jury members, judges, attorneys, and employees working in federal court, must reside in federal territory to legally be a federal juror or touch your case or they can be commercially sued, disbarred and financially ruined for violating your constitutional rights etc.

    Your god given right to be free is not wanted by the USA, it will oppose your desire for independence and freedom.

    The USA has been the biggest alien invaders the world has ever known. In order to win your freedom you must oppose them by knowing that their weakness lies in the Constitution and the common law and common law remedies.

    To win –You must always reserve your constitutional, commercial rights and know what they are.

    The majority of Anglos have no idea that the USA has killed more Latinos, than Hitler Killed Jews, The USA has supported traitors, Gringitos, Butchers, Sociopaths, and Megalomaniacs who were supported and kept in power by sucking up to the Anglo Alien Invaders.

    Latin America has had enough of this form of genocide of Latinos. That includes other African, Asian etc. countries that lost millions of innocent people from USA aggression.

    I want to vomit every time some ignorant fools says: “If you don’t like it here –go home”.

    If the Alien Invaders would get out of each and every Latin Country and stop interfering in our affairs—it would make sense to say such a stupid thing. But unless the Snakes get out of Latin America-we have just as much right to be here!!! So, grin and put up with it—this was once our land.

    A Puerto Rican without a desire for independence and/or freedom from alien control has no soul of a man.

    The fact that the public does not know that we are NOT free, makes no difference, to the desire to be free. The PR that wants Statehood is a Gringito, who has no soul of a man left in his traitor’s heart. Freedom is happening all over the world and yet we allow Gringitos to kill our right to be free.

    A Gringito is a non-Anglo thing/person who internally is so inferior, that he desires to be what he can not be—thus Gringito means little gringo.

    We allow the Alien Invaders to kill, harm, abuse, rape, and scam us and yet the Gringito wants to give our Country away.

    This abuse must end. No man or woman is a real Man or real woman who is too scared to fight for their souls and be free. If you listen to the Gringito, you will lose your soul.

    Thru out eternity Humanity owes its freedom from slavery, ONLY to brave souls who fought for your right to be free.

    The fight will NOT succeed if you don’t fight the Gringito enemy at home first. He is there next door and claims he is a real man and tries to give you many excuses of why PR can’t be a free Country.

    The fight for the independence of Puerto Rico is now non-violent and will be won in the hearts of real men around the World.

    The Ronbothunter,

    A proud freedom loving Puerto Rican.

    All Rights Reserved

  • Jerri Johnson

    Interesting article, it would be great for us, Puerto Rico, to be free. I have examined this in every way shape and form I could. We might not agree with how we became to be a common wealth of the US but looking at all of history and the condition of every island around us and other similar small countries we are so much better off then ANY OF THEM it is hard to believe. In my investigation I have found no real way for us to continue with the lives we have and be independence.Twist the number around anyway you want complain all you want but no matter how you do it we are very well off when compared to others and will likely be even stronger if we chose statehood. Hawaii certainly improved greatly after choosing state hood. We continue to draw off of the US government system for a multitude of social and welfare programs and actually contribute a minimal amount to the US treasury to off set what we receive.

  • eco avila

    Living on the Island Puerto Rico,being free and able to leap tall buildings and travel to chicago@will,we suspect you are a castrista with nothing to do.or maybe a nationalist or republican or Maybe you are clergy with cuban unity@heart or none of the above.
    From 1899 to Nov1,1950 and 1954 terror in the house the PR Nationalist via violence and blood spills have attempted to highjack SanJuanBautista,changing the capital from washingtonDc to Havana state of mind.
    El truco de los independance y macheteros puerto ricanos is the latino card in one hand and violence in the other.
    Hispanola was split into Santodomingo y Haiti,we on the island are not hispanic nor are we latin nor english nor boriqua.Latin are clergyhooders,read and write it.Spanish is the language of the slavemasters.the language of the slaves did not servive,only bids and pieces liken to OHALA.
    Puerto Rican Americans liken to the spirit of the United States Island of PuertoRico, more in line with the spirit of the islanders,and the language spoken a mix of american slang,puerto rican slang upgraded from sanJuanbatista slang pre-1898!
    You do not have to leave the island,you are free to say what you want within civil and common usage plus take it up a nach..lelolai.
    The USConstitution was drafted one more time on the Island of Puerto Rico 1954.
    The Puerto Rican Consitution the Perfect one,we need not change it for another nor the PRConstitution need reinvention.
    the Onle rain Forrest in the USA@Yunque.
    Papi y mami@USArmyMemoria1944!
    take care the ones you love
    get a USmint Coin with the image of the american liberator Mathiasbruckman assassinated september30,1968 in Yauco SanJuan Batista Puerto rico.
    Visit his grave say a prayer love your status as citizens travel in and out of sanJuan to JFK como moncho y moncha por su casa
    ecoavila go your own way fellow

  • ronbothunter


    Puerto Ricans, whether they are called Independents (independentistas), Patriots or Nationalists or Freemen, who desire to be free, must always know that the federal government, here in the States has no “subject matter jurisdiction” over the person, case or location and should be challenged to proof it. These are magic words to learn when in Court for desiring freedom for your/our Country.

    You won’t be told this in court but: All jury members, judges, attorneys, and employees working in federal court, must reside in federal territory to legally be a federal juror or touch your case or they can be commercially sued, disbarred and financially ruined for violating your constitutional rights etc.

    Your god given right to be free is not wanted by the USA, it will oppose your desire for independence and freedom, because the Federal USA is a profit based Corporation.

    The Federal Government is a District of Columbia “Corporation”, as are all the States of the USA. These Corporations were formed for the benefit of the real owners. Since June of 1933, everything since then, is under Contract law or commercial law, aka Admiralty law, to benefit your masters in power.

    The Federal Government owns Puerto Rico as an ASSET, because it is a slave colony—whether you like the idea or not. But the Federal Government takes orders from those who own and run this (Corporation) Country, but are not of this country. The International Bankers, who really own the corporations called the USA, will let PR be free, only if enough real men of Boricua blood wish to be free, by reserving their rights under the Constitution. Their books will be adjusted and we will be free.

    The answer to your freedom lies in your Constitutional rights — To win –You must always reserve your constitutional, commercial rights and know what they are and how to do so.

    The USA has been the biggest alien invaders the world has ever known. In order to win your freedom, you must oppose them by knowing that their weakness lies in their violations and in their treasons to the Constitution and to the common law and common law remedies.

    The majority of Americans have no idea that the USA has killed more Latinos, than Hitler Killed Jews, The USA has supported Traitors, Dictators, Gringitos, Butchers, Sociopaths, and Megalomaniacs who were supported and kept in power by these monsters, sucking up to the Anglo Alien Invaders.

    Latin America has had enough of this form of genocide of Latinos. That includes other African, Asian etc. countries that lost millions of innocent people from USA aggression.

    I want to vomit every time some ignorant fools says: “If you don’t like it here –go home”.

    If the Alien Invaders would get out of each and every Latin Country and stop interfering in our affairs—it would make sense to say such a stupid thing. But unless the (Feds) Snakes get out of Latin America-we have just as much right to be here!!! So, grin and put up with it—this was once our land.

    A Puerto Rican without a desire for independence and/or freedom from alien control has no soul of a man.

    The fact that the public does not know that we are NOT free, makes no difference, to the desire to be free. The PR that wants Statehood is a Gringito, who has no soul of a man left in his traitor’s heart. Freedom is happening all over the world and yet we allow Gringitos to kill our right to be free.

    A Gringito is a non-Anglo THING, IT is not really a “person”, just like a mass murderer is more like an animal than a person, who internally is so inferior, that he desires to be what he can not be—thus Gringito means little gringo.

    The Gringito is like an Uncle Tom to blacks or a collaborator and traitor to many others. To us he/she is all three and much worst. “It” is the enemy of freedom all thru out HUMAN history.

    We allow the Alien Invaders to kill, harm, abuse, rape, and scam us and yet the Gringito wants to give our Country away.

    This abuse must end. No man or woman is a real Man or real woman who is too scared to fight for their souls and be free. If you listen to the Gringito, you will lose your soul.

    Thru out eternity Humanity owes its freedom from slavery, ONLY to brave souls who fought for your right to be free.

    The fight will NOT succeed if you don’t fight the Gringito enemy/traitor/collaborator at home first. He is there next door and claims he is a real man and tries to give you many excuses of why PR can’t be a free Country.

    To give away your/our/my Country is not a right of alien invaders, visitors or foreigners with NO Puerto Rican Blood.

    The right to vote on THIS ISSUE should NOT be given to NON-Puerto Ricans.

    The fight for the independence of Puerto Rico is now non-violent and will be won in the hearts of real men around the World.

    The Ronbothunter,

    A proud freedom loving Puerto Rican.

    All Rights Reserved

  • I love your article! May Free Independent Puerto Rico LIVE FOREVER!

  • eduardo garcia

    All you independent fanatics are INSANE! The will of the PUERTO RICAN people have OVERWHELMING DEFEATED the independence party through and through every single election. Just this recent election on the island a 4th party entered the political landscape on the island and beat out the independence party across the board…puerto rico does NOT want independence and the independence party should just go away because 94% of the population wants to be a part of the United States whether it is via commonwealth or as a state! That is a strong statement to the independence party…independence will never happen for we the puerto rican VAST MAJORITY do not want it or SEEK it!!!! so pack your bags and move to the dominican republic or la madre patria for yours is a lost and unwanted cause in puerto rico. The proof is in this election where the new political party which is not an independent platform beat the independents at the polls! Que Viva Puerto Rico como parte de la gran nacion de los Estados Unidos de America!!!! And for the record my family’s roots go very deep into the past of Puerto Rico’s history so don’t think that this individual may be a “castrista” or the like

  • Christian Perez Colon

    It appears that Mr. Garcia is what we on the island call ‘un vende patria.’ Using the same logic that he is using, I should be allowed to say that any of those Puerto Ricans that want to become a state should just move to the United States. In all honesty just leave and never return since you have obviously bought into the false mentality that the United States has always been, is currently, and will forever be the greatest nation on Earth. Even the “Populares” on the island seek more autonomy from the United States. Look around you. The great nation that you call the United States is falling apart before your eyes, you are just too blind to see it. Also, the very notion of a Spanish-speaking, Latino country entering the Union is as absurd as your ideologies. People seem to forget that the United States is actually run by the people, not the government. Congress may have power over whether or not to accept a state into the Union, but Congress is controlled by the people who elected them in the first place. Do you honestly believe the Americans want us or will accept us into the Union? They have yet to accept Hawaii as Americans and Alaska is just a frozen wasteland. Finally, in order for Congress to take action on the matter, a symbiotic relationship must be present. Currently, there is none. Puerto Rico gives little to the United States in the form of revenue, profits, or taxes. We will gain our independence; however, it might not be the way that we want it. I believe Puerto Rico will become independent after the United States as we know it virtually dissolves. There is an overwhelming montage of issues affecting the United States right now that will prove to be detrimental and fatal. Poverty, healthcare, corruption, racism, cultural imperialism, war, the economy, these are some of the issues that currently plague the nation. Every single country and empire in history that have faced these same issues have collapsed and dissolved, the United States will be no exception. It’s inevitable and personally I cant wait for it to happen. As I said before, for those of you that look like dogs pleading with the United States to accept my country as the 51st State, use your citizenship for some use. You have free access to the 50 states, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, the Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands. You want to be apart of the United States so much and be American then by all means please just buy a one-way ticket out of my island and never return. To Mr. Garcia: Congratulations! You got what you wanted. Since you obviously love the United States and wish to be apart of it, I no longer see you as a Puerto Rican. Although the Americans in the United States will laugh at you the moment you say you are American, you have truly demonstrated every aspect of an American. You have forgotten where you come from, your culture, your history, and your pride. The only thing that is necessary is your departure from Puerto Rico. Please do it as soon as possible. “Vende Patria!”

  • Emmanuel Caceres

    You are so right Mr.Colon and I’m glad you put Mr.Garcia in his please and told him the truth that I agree with you 100% because PR should be an independent republic or nation.It’s about time that Puerto Ricans get their act together and work towards having something real.They have the name,the culture,the history,the love for their island you name it.The National pride exists more than American pride exists in the USA!You can’t tell a Puerto Rican that they’re American! No Way..They re’ Puerto Rican!Yes and true they fought in all the wars in the name of the USA.It’s time they fight for their island or country.Everyone that thinks it’s great in Hawaii.A pereson I read about in a article said he used to lived in Hawaii for 2 years and he can assure you that Hawaiians aren’t happy that they lost their identity .Most Hawaiian culture has turned into a “made in China” souvenir.Everything Hawaiian is now a myth or a tacky tourist attraction.Puerto Rico already has it’s Latin traditions fading away.We need to fight to save our culture and we need to fight to have courage to become the republic of Puerto Rico.Statehood is not the answer.Puerto Rico is better off as an independent nation with control over it’s own destiny because we can stand on our own feet.

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