China: Is Sarkozy the problem with Sino-French relations?

Global Voices OlympicsOkay, this post comes inspired by GVO Lingua. Bush is coming to the Olympics, but French President Nicolas Sarkozy has pegged his decision on the outcome of talks between Beijing and the Dalai Lama, currently underway. Pending that, many Chinese netizens are now telling Sarkozy not to bother showing up.

This week, Wen Wei Po Paris correspondent Zheng Ruolin critized French President Sarkozy for fumbling Sino-French relations through his stance on Tibet in his ‘A Chinese Journalist’ column on Seeing that, Sohu blogger ‘Cai Xiongshan’ translated many of the comments (Zheng btw is also a Sohu blogger) left there into Chinese, and here are a few:

21H54 05/07/2008
Avec sa politique bling-bling-n'importe-quoi, Sarkozy va nous facher avec toute la planète.

With his bling-bling-whatever politics, Sarkozy is going to enrage the world.

21H59 05/07/2008
Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité vous y croyez vous ?
je suis français et cela fait bien longtemps que je n'y crois plus, c'est comme le père Noël.

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, do you believe in all that? I'm French and I haven't believe in those for a long time, might as well be Santa Claus.

M Zheng,
je pense comme vous qu'à force de vouloir jouer sur la corde raide, Sarkozy va réussir à mécontenter tout le monde.
Là où je ne vous suis plus c'est votre conviction que l'opinion Chinoise puisse avoir une influence sur l'opinion Française.
Rappelez vous, lors de l'opposition de Paris à la guerre en Irak, les Américains furent très mécontents de l'attitude Française et on a vu se monter une campagne anti-Française au USA. Malgré cela, si Chirac a eu des mauvais sondages ce n'est certainement pas parce qu'il avait mécontenter les Américains.
En ce qui concerne les touristes Chinois, s'il ne voulaient vraiment ne plus venir en France, on comprend mal alors le pourquoi de ce boycotage officieux de la destination Française sous la pression des autorités Chinoises ? Il s'agit là d'une maneouvre d'intimidation indigne d'une nation qui doit acceuillir les Jeux Olympiques.
Je terminerai sur l'arrogance de vos propos : “Ils veulent du travail, l’augmentation du pouvoir d’achat, la maitrise de l’inflation… Et c’est la Chine qui peut leur apporter tout cela et personne d’autre.”
Il ne faudrait pas que la Chine se fourvoye dans cette illusion. Incapable de maitriser son environnement, elle se croit capable faire la pluie et le beau temps de nos economies, j'ose esperer que cela n'est que votre point de vue.




Mr. Zheng, like you I also feel that Sarkozy is walking along a tightrope, and that he stands to anger everyone. What I disagree with is your assurance that Chinese opinion stands to influence French opinion.

I'll have you know that when the war against Iraq began, Americans were quite displeased with the French and we saw an anti-French movement in America. Despite this, opinion polls showed low support for Chirac at the time, but that obviously was not because he had made the Americans unhappy.

As for Chinese tourists, if they really don't wish to come to France, I don't understand why Chinese officials are pushing for a boycott against France as a tourism destination. And these are intimidation tactics coming from a country about to host the Olympics.

I'll end with your arrogant words: “they want jobs, to increase their purchasing power and control currency inflation. China can provide this, but not others.” China ought to not get so lost in such narcissism. At present, China is unable to do anything about degradation of its environment, yet it's confident it can control its economy. I dare hope this is not your view alone.

01H02 06/07/2008
Cher Daniel,
Je pense que dans notre ère mondialisée, les opinions d’un peuple influenceront tôt ou tard un autre, car les informations sur le net n’ont vraiment plus de frontières, et avec nos bonnes volontés et nos sincérités, nous arriverons à vous montrer et démontrer que la réalité du Tibet et de la Chine n’est pas ce qu’on voulait vous faire croire ! La France est quand même le pays de Voltaire, et de Rousseau, elle devait avoir un esprit suffisamment large pour écouter et comprendre les autres civilisations, et pas les rejeter sans connaître réellement la vérité ! J’ai vécu 15 ans ici, et vous voyez, certains (peut-être mes anciens compatriotes) m’accusent encore « ne connaît rien sur votre pays ». Alors je me demande combien de gens ici ont déjà posé le pied sur le sol de mon pays ? Donc expliquer, et discuter dans un esprit égal et ouvert, ça sert toujours quelques choses, et un jour quand un jeune Français connaît le système féodal-servage du Tibet sous la règne de dalaï-lama, on comprendra qui est contre la réforme démocratique en 1956… Et tous les événements depuis s’expliquent automatiquement !

Concernant Ils veulent du travail, l’augmentation du pouvoir d’achat, la maitrise de l’inflation… Et c’est la Chine qui peut leur apporter tout cela et personne d’autre.” C’est vrai, vous avez raison, je suis maladroit, en pensant provoquer un débat il vaut mieux des piques qu’un verre d’eau tiède, je blesse à mon tour les Français, je m’excuse sincèrement ! Mais pour un simple citoyen, c’est une chose, pour un président de la République, il faut agir dans l’intérêt du peuple, non ? Pour les touristes chinois, le gouvernement ne peut qu’interdire les fonctionnaires d’état de venir en France, mais pas d’individus.

Merci pour votre mise en garde, je ferais attention.


Dear Daniel,
I think that in this globalized age of ours, public opinion in foreign countries soon or later does affect other countries, because for online information spread there are no borders. Given an honest and sincere desire, we will be able to show you that the true Tibet and China are not what you would have yourselves believe! France is the country of Voltaire, of Rousseau, and she ought to have enough presence to go listen and understand other civilizations, and not reduce herself to knowing nothing. I've lived here for 15 years, you see, and people still accuse me of knowing nothing about your country. I ask myself how many of you have set foot in my motherland? Which is why I ought to be of level and open mind as I explain and discuss, that to do so is more or less useful, and when one day comes that French youth understand the serfdom that is Tibet as ruled by the Dalai Lama, people will then understand just who it was that opposed the 1956 democratic reforms, and everything will become self-evident.

As for what I said “they want jobs, to increase their purchasing power and control currency inflation. China can provide this, but not others.” Yes, you make a good point, I very foolishly felt that making a spectacle to set off this debate would be better than something mundane, and in the process I hurt the French people and for that I am truly sorry. But, being a simple citizen is one thing; being a nation's president who ought to act in the people's interest is another, no? As a Chinese tourist, the government at most can only restrict civil servants from coming to France, but it cannot prohibit individuals.

09H05 06/07/2008
Dans les pays dits “non démocratiques”, la plupart des
gens savent qu'il y de la propagande officielle
Par contre dans un pays dit ‘démocratique”comme la France, la plupart des gens croient qu'il n'y a pas de
propagande officielle ! mais c'est pire , c'est plus vicieux, car “la propagande”est distillée par les médias à la solde de gros groupes financiers !
Enfin , soyons fiers de nos médias français indépendants et donnons des leçons à la Chine !
在一个 非民主国家,大部分人知道有官方宣传。相反,在一个所谓的民主国家,如法国,大部分人认为没有官方宣传。这更糟糕,更缺陷,因为宣传被支持媒体的财团所控制。


In an “undemocratic” country, most people know that there is official propaganda. On the other hand, in a so-called “democracy” such as France, most people feel that there is no official propaganda. This is even worse, messed up, because propaganda is controlled by corporations which support the media.

Finally, let's be proud of France's independent media, and show the Chinese a lesson!

12H10 06/07/2008
C'est assez drôle, quand Mr Zheng Ruolin exprime son avis, on lui rappelle tout de suite que la Chine n'est pas la France, et quand France, on peut critiquer allégrement le Président sans rien risquer.
Mais il y a quelque chose que je ne comprends pas, bien que je lise et que je relise cet article et tous ceux traitant plus ou moins du même sujet : pourquoi les relations entre la France et la Chine passionnent-elles tout le monde à ce point? Ca frise l'hystérie. Peut-être parce qu'en France nous avons de belles valeurs, de beaux idéaux, une Révolution dont on oublie souvent le caractère sanguinaire ? Peut-être à cause des restes de l'ancienne politique néo-colonialiste, qui fait que les pays européens et la France en particulier aiment à rappeller à tout bout de champ à quel point nous sommes sages et démocrates ?
Et puis, pourquoi taper à ce point sur la France (qui l'a peut-être un peu cherché) quand il y a pas si longtemps à l'échelle de l'Univers les Anglais ont déclenché une guerre en Chine pour contrôler les routes de l'opium ?

It's rather strange that when Mr. Zheng expresses his opinion, we remind him that China is not France, that in France we can encourage criticism of the president without being in any danger.
But there are some things that I don't understand, despite repeated readings of this article, namely the topic: “why does Sino-French relations get everyone so worked up?” To the point of hysteria. Perhaps because in France, we have good values, we have thoughts, our Great Revolution. Perhaps it's due to colonial history that European countries including France are so keen to recall our wisdom and democracy.
So, why has this point gripped France? Didn't England launch the Opium War against China to control the flow of Opium?

22H57 05/07/2008
Monsieur Zheng,Je suis abusolutement d'accords avec vous!Sarkozy doit reflechir.Il ne faut pas toujour traiter les affaires chinoises dans une maniere francaise.Aujourd'dui,la Chine,est capable de dire “non” dans le monde,pourquoi pas?!
Cest vrais,La Chine a beacoup de problemes,mais la Chine s'ameliorer toujours. Il faut fair les francais connaitre mieux la Chine ,sinon,ils pensent que la Chine est toujour a l'epoque de Mao.
Je suis alle a l'universite a paris pour communiquer avec les etudiants .Il y a des etudiants qui ne savent pas ou es tibet sur le plan de la Chine,mais lls parlent Tibet comme specialistes.Ce n'est pas responsable!
Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité on veut bien ,mais il ne faut pas jouer double jeu au nom de Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité .
Le peuple chinois ne accepte jamai ca !

Mr. Zheng, I absolutely agree with you, Sarkozy ought to reconsider. One can't always look upon China from a French perspective. Today, China has the ability to say “No.” And why not?!
Yes, China does have many problems, but China has always been improving. More French people need to better understand China, or else they will all think China is still stuck in the Mao era.
I once went to a French university to talk to the students, and some didn't know where Tibet was on a map of China, but they still spoke about Tibet like they were experts. This is irresponsible.
Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, us Chinese want these too. But one ought not to play political stunts in the name of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. The Chinese people will definitely not stand for it!

And here's just one comment from the 140+ others left on Xiongshan's post:


Liberty, Democracy and Fraternity, what intoxicating words! But, this is related to a country and its people's growth and cultural traditions. If it weren't for the invasion of the eight-power allied forces, if the Powers hadn't partitioned, if there hadn't been so much compensation, then we might just have had Liberty, Democracy and Fraternity a whole lot sooner. Have they really forgotten that they were once shameless invaders? They took our gold and silver and gave us opium in return, the reason our people were oppressed, starving, humiliated and backwards in comparison to our neighbors for so long. Are we supposed to think that that was our fault? Our people have just set out on the road toward prosperity and wealth, the fruits of our hard work and diligence. They're just blabbing nonsense, and why? What are they afraid of? Is this supposed to be the symbol of their “liberty, democracy and fraternity?” Is this their “declaration of human rights”? It's this logic that I really don't understand. The don't even know which dynasty or period the Book of Odes is from, but they can sure distort and criticize what's in it. They don't know where our Tibet is on a Chinese map, but they can twist its history and get its location wrong. Don't you think that's silly? This is the standard stuff of realpolitik!


  • Knights

    “Unlike an authoritarian country like China, France is democratic where the people controls the President and not the other way around.”

    Does Hu control, na! Bush controls me. . . .hahhahahaha

    I do NOT hate Bush as much now after I hear he’s still going to the olympics, and I also see recent photos of him chatting with Hu. . .

  • Welco

    ;-) Ok, is this a compliment to Bush, or not?

    “Chinese people, especially online readers, have taken notice of US President George W. Bush’s persistent pledge to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games.

    As his second four-year term draws to an end, Bush is now showing true leadership.”

  • Kai

    Well, let’s see…Bush lied to his country about weapons of mass destruction, leading to the investment of billions of dollars and loss of American life to invade and occupy Iraq, which in itself resulted in the loss of Iraqi lives and money, spies on the American people, defends the use of what can be considered torture against potentially illegally held prisoners, and has done a lot of other awful things…like mispronouncing easy English words.

    …but its okay, he’s going to the Beijing Olympics.

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