Stories from 1 July 2008
Bahrain: From Italy to Hungary
After almost a month in Italy, Bint Battuta in Bahrain was in Budapest, Hungary, where she attended the Global Voices 2008 Summit.
Bahrain: Silencing Opposition
Bahraini blogger Mahmood Al Yousif says seven writers and website administrators have been arrested in a bid to silence them in Bahrain.
Bahrain: Hiring and Firing
Bahraini blogger Mahmood Al Yousif rants about new laws introduced to govern the labour market in his country.
Jamaica: Gun Control
Jamaican blogger Long Bench objects to a newspaper's use of an image of a gun pointed at the reader, saying “Here we are celebrating the very weapon and skill that...
Jamaica: Trick and Treat
Geoffrey Philp's Blog Spot goes to the movies, and finds Hollywood blockbuster Wanted is steeped in the tradition of the Trickster/Warrior, “the two dominant archetypes in Jamaican culture.”
Egypt: The Lollipop and The Flies
The image above is been circulated for a while via email. It's one of those campaigns targeting women in order to cover their body and get veiled. But many bloggers...
Morocco: Catching Up With Peace Corps Bloggers
Morocco is host to a vibrant Peace Corps program. All over the country, American Peace Corps members volunteer their time teaching English, sustainable growth, assisting with agricultural and women's projects,...
Japan: 2ch and Waiwai
W. David MARX at META no TAME writes about the flaming of Mainichi's “WaiWai” column on 2channel, Japan's largest internet forum. Mainichi announced late last month that the column had...
Israel's fan in Tunisia
Zizou from Djerba recently introduced his readers [Fr] to Souheil Ftouh, whom he describes as "surely the most pro-Jewish and admiring of Israel of all Tunisian Arabs :-)", a man whose perspectives, unorthodox for a Tunisian, left Zizou's readers respond a bit appalled.
Barbados: Tourism Woes
Barbados Underground comments on the first ever Caribbean Tourism Summit, which comes at a time of great challenges in the regional tourism market.
Russia: “Detskiy Mir” Toy Store in Moscow
LJ user yustas posts a photo tribute to Moscow's Detskiy Mir (“Children's World”) toy store, which closed down for renovations yesterday, for the next three years.
India: Sacking overweight flight attendants
Natifnatal [Fr] writes about the Indian high court's decision to sanction Air India's sacking of overweight flight attendants about a new report from ActionAid, a British NGO, which shows the...