Stories from 6 June 2008
Rio Fashion Week brings recycling to the catwalk
Fashion Rio 2009, in Brazil, begins tomorrow through 13th. “This year, the main catwalk's topic is recycling, and with the theme “Rethink, Recycle, Renew” the organization aims to show that...
Russia: The eXile Under Investigation
Foreign Policy's Passport blog reports that “The eXile, Moscow's venerable English-language alt-weekly, is under investigation by the Federal Service for Mass Media, Telecommunications and the Protection of Cultural Heritage and...
Estonia: “Memories Denied”
A Step At A Time writes about “Memories Denied,” a 2006 book by Estonian filmmaker and journalist Imbi Paju, about the Soviet-time “cultural genocide” waged by Moscow against Estonia.
Cedric Kalonji on Photographing Congo
In an interview, Congolese journalist and blogger Cedric Kalonji explains why a picture's worth a thousand words.
Brazil: Taking the piss of election regulations
Rodrigo Alvares [pt] publishes an amusing picture of a banner in support of Ivan, The Terrible for São Paulo's council. Note the mention of Orkut, YouTube and other social media...
Poland: Warsaw and Podgórze Ghettos
Polandian writes about the Warsaw Ghetto and the Podgórze Ghetto in Krakow
Poland: Request to Jewish Tourists
Kasia in Kazimierz asks Jewish tourists to not come to Poland “to be angry”: “Rather, come to learn about the past and perhaps about your family’s heritage. Come to learn...
Bosnia & Herzegovina: Vaso Todorovic and Zoran Tomic
Srebrenica Genocide Blog writes about detention of two alleged war criminals in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Bermuda: Ban Reversed
Bermudian bloggers are abuzz about the Speaker of the House reversing his ban on questions to Ministers from an old Parliament. Vexed Bermoothes: “In doing so he lays bare the...
Tanzania: Tanzanian search engine
White African spots two new East African websites: “Bongoza is a new search engine for Tanzania. I’m intrigued by this idea of a niche search engine by country. Usually I...
Bahamas: Thinking About Trees
“What is it about us and trees? It would appear that beauty — and oxygen and serenity and shade — are not a premium in our city any more”: Nicolette...
Puerto Rico, U.S.A.: Black & White
Gil the Jenius thinks that Puerto Rico stands to learn a lesson or two from the accomplishments of Barack Obama: “Of course there's racism in Puerto Rico. Of course it...
Pakistan: Al Qaeda claims responsibility
CHUP! on Al Qaeda claiming responsibility for the Danish embassy bombing in Pakistan.
Sri Lanka: Abducted
groundviews on the disturbing lack of information on abductions in Sri Lanka.
Bhutan: An imposed democracy
Freedom in Bhutan on the idea of top-down democracy.
Bangladesh: Trade Deficit
Mukti on the issue of Bangladesh's trade deficit with India and China.
Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica: Calabash Highlights
Nicholas Laughlin at Antilles blog does a retrospective of the recently-concluded Calabash Literary Festival in Jamaica.
Uganda: Frustrated with Joseph Kony
John Boonstra blogs about peace and security in Northern Uganda: “Frustrated with notorious rebel leader Joseph Kony's persistent failure to make good on his promise to sign a peace deal,...
Kenya: President who rode in a crowded bus
Kumekucha writes about Barack Obama and Kenya: “I will not pretend to even understand the Obama phenomenon. I leave that to more informed writers than myself. But for this post,...
Kenya: Kenyan blogs in the media
Collins writes about the power blogging in Kenya: “More than that i have received a request for a TV interview on one of Kenya's new popular tv business channels and...
D.R. of Congo: Streamline architecture in Bukavu and getting by in Kinshasa
Do you want to buy something in Kinshasa? Don and Marsha of Congo Chatter have a detailed post on ‘how things are sold' in Kinshasa. Whether you're looking for a European used car, a Coke bottle full of diesel, a walking stick, a football, a 10 cent bag of drinking water, a hard-boiled egg, a bunk-bed or a full sofa suite, it's all right there on the side of the road