China: National Outrage

Two cold pointed out that Chinese people as a whole shouldn't be so easily outraged by foreign media or foreigner's comment, such as Sharon Stone's comments on the earthquake. The blogger pointed out that Chinese media also had made many unsympathetic comments to other countries’ misfortune [zh].


  • Kai

    Like I said, knights, wingnuts everywhere.

  • Knights

    Kai, I am NOT hurt nor am I outraged by some ignorant old dirty swine, I am exercising my free speech to attack whomever I dislike. . .

  • Kai

    LoL, wow, you actually read this comment. I thought you only troll Kennedy’s posts. ;)

    Anyway, you’re still proving my point that you’re largely (and hypocritically) whining for China instead of making any solid points against anyone. But its okay, I understand how you feel and why you do the things you do. I just don’t think its very constructive…but you already knew that.

  • Spanish in Beijing

    China can say any idiot remarks about others misfortunes, but this cannot change the fact that Sharon Stone was really, really stupid with her stupid remark. Freedom of speech, right? So freedom for call stupid to Sharon.

  • Knights

    Kai, same thing can be said about you.

  • Kai

    Okay, knights. I’ll bite. Yes, maybe I whine…but usually about you. Solid points? You’ve never been able to argue why my points aren’t solid; you’ve only been able to argue that you don’t like what I say. As for being constructive, I think it is far more constructive encouraging rational dialogue than spewing hatred and using immature logical fallacies. Anyway, I’ve made a mistake: I keep feeding the troll. I should just learn to ignore you. I’ll start now.

    @ Spanish in Beijing:
    You are EXACTLY right.

  • Knights


    1) your comments are NOT constructive, they are excessive wordy and long. Basically you are repeating the same things over and over. Worse yet, you go about in circles before reaching your points, and they are not even clear. Ever heard of the word “Succinct”?

    2) Hey I live in U.S.A, you are in China which you hate so much, do you want me to get you here. hahahahaha

  • Kai

    1. “Succinct?” Actually, I have heard of it. I’ve heard of “concise” also. I’m just not good at either and I admit to it. In my defense, I feel the need for nuance, which you seem to lack and why I can get on your case all the time for engendering hatred and contributing to both sides’ unwillingness to actually communicate to each other decently. You see, I admonish and encourage both sides to be fair to each other. You just prefer to repeat the same insightless commentary over and over again that most educated people associate with prejudiced mainstream media both in China and the West. You won’t agree with me, but oh well.

    2. LoL, you know so little of what you speak of. I CHOOSE to live in China. And actually, I’m in Los Angeles visiting right now. Where are you? Let’s meet up, get a beer, and whisper sweet nothings in each other’s ears.

    3. Aside from that, I’m feeding the troll again. I’m going to unsubscribe from this thread so I don’t fall into temptation again. Bye knights, glad to know you’re safely in the States. Better hope us fen qing in China don’t find you or your family though.

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