4 June 2008

Stories from 4 June 2008

Muslim Couple in French Court

  4 June 2008

Shaheen draws our attention to a court case between a Muslim couple in a French court in this post. The court annulled their marriage because the Muslim-born wife misled her...

India: Bullying a Blogger!

  4 June 2008

A website – Kerals.com decides to bully and abuse a blogger, when she protests against unfair use of her content on their website. More at Ginger and Mango.

Zimbabwe: Morgan Tsvangirai detained

  4 June 2008

Zimbabwean police have detained the main opposition leader: “We believe that Morgan Tsvangirai is currently being detained in Lupane Police Station. Please call the police station and alert them to...

Bahamas: Hope Sells

  4 June 2008

“Apparently, hope is a marketable service and bankable commodity”: Simon at Bahama Pundit blogs about the business of selling hope, saying: “Like food and energy prices, the cost of hope...

Bermuda: Cry for Justice

  4 June 2008

Breezeblog calls for justice in the murder of a 14-year-old Bermudian student: “I can’t even begin to think about what sort of person decides to rob such a young girl...

China: National Outrage

  4 June 2008

Two cold pointed out that Chinese people as a whole shouldn't be so easily outraged by foreign media or foreigner's comment, such as Sharon Stone's comments on the earthquake. The...

Hong Kong: Where's the Apology

  4 June 2008

CNN and Sharon Stone have apologized to Chinese people. Yesterday a Tibet monk has also made an apology of what he had said about the repression. William Sin wonders why...