26 May 2008

Stories from 26 May 2008

El Salvador: A Computer in Ecuador Stirs Up Salvadoran Presidential Campaign

  26 May 2008

A computer file purportedly discovered on a laptop computer at a FARC guerrilla camp in Ecuador, has bloggers in El Salvador wondering what impact it will have and what impact it should have on the upcoming elections in their country scheduled for March 2009. Much of the focus has been on FMLN presidential candidate Mauricio Funes and his reaction to the discovery.

Pakistan: On Security

  26 May 2008

Changing Up Pakistan! interviews an expert from Rand Corporation to get some insight on the security situation.

Armenia: Nasty Politics

The first president of the Republic of Armenia depicted as a Jew, supporters of the newly elected president labelled as “Turks” while he is depicted in visual propaganda as a...

Kazakhstan: Scandal Royale

Adam reports that today several British tabloids simultaneously published a breathtaking story featuring their two sexiest topics at once — royal family and eastern moguls who buy out England. This...

Uganda: Book Club arrives

  26 May 2008

Book Club arrives in Kampala, Uganda: “The long awaited book club arrives. The onus is on me to pick the location, I guess, and I was thinking Iguana, but that's...

Cayman Islands: Not Here?

  26 May 2008

Cayblogger responds to a mainstream media editorial by examining the Cayman Islands’ attitude towards homosexuality and crime: “There have been, what… five murders in Cayman this year to only one...