China: What the Olympics Will Look Like

Xueyong wonders what the Beijing Olympics will look like after the disaster as people are still in the mourning mood. He suggests that the government should not take the lead in framing the Olympics but leave space for the people to express their emotions and feelings[zh].


  • Dennis

    If the Beijing Olympics are to look like anything the Chinese are to be proud of, then the government must address the issues surrounding Tibet and hold meaninful discussion on Tibetan autonomy with HH the Dalai Lama.

  • my_mother

    THANK YOU DENNIS for dictating the terms and conditions as to how us Chinese would be proud.

    If you are Chinese, a big THANK YOU for speaking for ALL of us.

    If you are not Chinese, still a big THANK YOU for speaking for ALL of us.

    Talking to HHDL shouldn’t be a precondition to anything! And it definitely shouldn’t be tied to the Olympics. I am sick and tired of political opportunists taking advantage of the Olympic, the 5.12 earthquake, and whatever they can to advance their political agenda. Freaking bunch of jackals.

    As a Chinese, I don’t need the f**king Olympics to make me proud.

    I am already proud!!!
    I am proud our cultural and ethnic pluralism;
    I am proud of our national history;
    Most of all, I am proud not because I am Han, Miao, Manchu, Mongolian or Tibetan, but simply just because that I am Chinese.

    People can screw with the Olympic all they want. If London, Paris, SF, etc. had show us anything is that it will only draw us closer and more united. Ultimately, that’s the only thing that counts.



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