Myanmar: Government information website

In case you are looking for the Junta's official mouthpiece, visit


  • Further I have given the postal PIN code in India in zip code box.
    I was born in Insein,Yangon, Myanmar in 1951.
    I left the country in 1965
    since the military government denied education through English medium,
    abruptly without giving allowance to complete ones high school.
    Since 1965 I have been closely watching the development in Myanmar (Burma).
    I would have been happy if Burma is elevated to the economical level of Japan or China or even Thailand through these 45 years. even if I am unable to live in or visit to my birth place.
    Instead the country is degenerated to nullity.
    There is no people’s government.
    People have no rights or freedom to express;
    no rights to information; no proper media-Radio, TV, Telephone, Mobile Phones; they just do not know what is happening around, in the world.
    They are denied of their rights for several decades-not just for a few years term .

    -not just for a few years term .It is said that a land line phone connection is a matter of 2.5 million Kyats which is not accessible able to an average citizen!!!While mobile phone is not more than a toy in all world countries, most people in Myanmar are not aware of the existence of such a device. I have my own nostalgia of my life in Rangoon (present Yangon) and would like to visit before I die.Would the Myanmar military leaders change their attitude and create a little smile in the faces the citizen.
    and create a little smile in the faces the citizens and give at least their grand children an opportunity to go along with the streams of the world citizens ????????????????

    • Antonio

      It is happening gradually. My first time in the country January 2011. It is shocking but in my short 5 months here, am seeing changes…

  • YangonBorn1975

    I don’t understand what this guy this talking about cell phone or at least which part of town he is from. Internet is almost freely accessible, with know how. People are suffering because of individual wills, all the people are lazy or government rule to be lazy. The individual practice make the community and make the suburb, town, city, country. The people need to pure them self first before talking about others.

  • aung

    Hello YangonBorn1975!

    Have you ever lived under the present military regime? Do you know that only the regime can provide internet access and that it is heavily censored? People are not allowed to use even the email services available on the web like yahoo mail, google mail, hot-mail, etc. Connections are usually slow and most of the time people can’t chat using g-talk or Skype.

    If you were born in Myanmar, you won’t say that the Burmese are lazy. Just go and visit the country and find out about the people there and life under brutal military regime.

  • YangonBorn1975

    Yes, live there when guns shooting outside streets. I have people chating me from Yangon using g-talk, 500 kyat an hour from the internet shops.

    You ask how many people in Yangon work 8-12 hours a day, this is normal for SG, CHINA, KOREA, JAPAN. All government department staff is looking for bribe and very few hours really think about what they do and their role/country.
    Only people really working in Chinese/Indians runs most of the businesses, who is not lazy.

    Each person need to increase the moral of their own and take example of other nations. Not self inward think and afraid to hear the real problems or being told lazy. The nation is in need of real leaders.

  • aung

    Now, I can guess where you are. You must be working in one of sweat shops in those countries that you mentioned.

    When you comment on the people of a country, have a broad picture. You can’t just look at the government employees in Yangon and say that the people are lazy. I will give you a simple example. Look at the tea shops that are ubiquitous in big cities like Yangon, Mandalay, Mawla Myaing, etc. Did you ever ask the employees there how many hours a day they work? Now, there are thousands of private companies in Myanmar. Did you ever ask the employees there how many hours they work in a day?

    One thing you said correctly is that the nation is in need of real leaders. People are endeavoring for that eventuality. Our people are very brave. Just look at the mass uprisings in 1988 and 2007.

  • linyan

    Well. Lets say MM gov and the current leaders are bad. Can anyone tell who might be a good leader for MM??? I don’t think those who blaming to the govt will not do this job. Criticizing is easy.

  • YangonBorn1975

    Labour workforce is working very hard, agree with you on that. Compare to percentage it is not enought, 80% of people need to work the same way, not 10%. Yangon & Mandalay is not a city, soon it will left as old cities. Mass uprisings didn’t achieved anything so far, back to same old dragging process, every affair after the election, generals will step in like in Thailand. I am not living in country mentioned. All the real braininess and leaders are outside country and watching the situation for last 30 years and soon they will all be dead. Some train solider will rule or try to rule the country with tatmandaw mind.

    Criticizing & media is need to improve the country. Anyone does not like to be criticized but healthy in freedom of expression, with continuous process improvements, country will change and anyone who live outside country need to help the country when it is open.

  • M_kyi

    ACT NOW! To save myanmar land !
    1. Don’t sell you land to any foreigners. 
    Think about our children.You want next generation like us , poor maid, poor foreign workers? stateless children?
     We need to show who we are. Please participate and do your duty for our nation.

  • what going on there in Myanmar??????????? , why this much bloodshed????????????????

  • Samikhan123456

    Stop the Blood shed of innocent Muslims, otherwise u will count the result.  God seen all the time and there is nothing between Pray of oppressed and God.

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