Former Kuwaiti ruler Shaikh Saad Al Abdulla Al Sabah died today after a long illness at the age of 78. Kuwait's online community was moved by the news, as hundreds of messages of sympathy and condolences poured onto blogs, in Arabic and English. The country has declared three days of official mourning – but the parliamentary elections, scheduled for Saturday, will go ahead as planned.
Saba [Ar] posts the following eulogy:
يعتصرنا الالم بفقدان رجل عظيم من رجالات الكويت
الذي ضحى بحياته وكرسها دائما وابدا من اجل الدفاع عن تراب هذه الارض
وكان رحمة الله عليه علامة بارزة في تاريخ الكويت المعاصر
كقائد عظيم يشار عليه بالبنان
وذلك من خلال البطولات التى تصدى لها
في فترة تقلدة مراكز السيادة والحكم في دولتنا الحبييه
We are hurt by the loss of a great man from Kuwait, who sacrificed his life and spent it always to defend this land. He was, may Allah rest his soul in peace, a major personality in Kuwait's contemporary history. He was a great leader, with heroic deeds which everyone knows about during his official work and rule in our beloved country.
Mr Chocolate [Ar] too is overcome with emotions and writes:
كنت سنداً لأخيك أمير القلوب الشيخ جابر الأحمد الجابر الصباح رحمه الله
و والداً لأهل الكويت
لن ننسى فضلك و جهدك في تحرير الكويت
و لن ننسى انك كنت أحد أبناء أبو الدستور الشيخ عبدالله السالم الصباح
ربما حكمتنا أيام و لكن لن ننسى معاناتك مع المرض
رحمكم الله جميعاً يا أوفياء الكويت
You have always been a pillar of strength for your brother, the Emir of Hearts, Shaikh Jaber Al Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah, may Allah rest his soul in peace. You have been a father for the people of Kuwait. We will never forget your efforts in liberating Kuwait and we will never forget that you have been one of the sons of the father of the Kuwaiti constitution Shaikh Abdulla Al Salem Al Sabah. You may have been a ruler for a few days but we will never forget your suffering with illness. May Allah have mercy on all the faithful people of Kuwait.
Al Tariq [Ar] wishes the people of Kuwait patience in dealing with this calamity. He writes:
ادعو له بالرحمة والمغفرة ، وأن يلهم الله أهله وذويه والشعب الكويتي الصبر والسلوان
I pray for mercy and forgiveness for him and may his bereaved family and the people of Kuwait have the patience to deal with this calamity.
5-q8 posts the following picture, which says: Farewell, Father of Fahad, Shaikh Saad's eldest son.
The Blkalfasih [Ar] announced that the elections will be held on Saturday, May 17, adding that three days of mourning – Wednesday, Thursday and Friday – have been declared in the state.
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