It feels like trampling on an already well-trampled Chinese flag at this point as millions have begun their Olympic host celebrations on the mainland, but carrying on from an earlier post, here is how discussion over the actions of a few Chinese students who resorted to violence as the torch passed through Korea earlier this month looked on popular blogger He Caitou's May 3 post, ‘Nationalism vs. nationalism’:
Last night, one buddy asked me on MSN, is there any chance the government will step in to get that one kid out from prison? I said, look what Clinton did in 1993 when 15 year-old American student Michael Fay was sentenced to six lashes with a cane and four months in prison for stealing road signs and spray-painting graffiti on over twenty cars. This incident created a huge uproar in the US, and Clinton himself requested this youth be pardoned. In the end the caning was carried out, but reduced to four lashes.
Because this was in Korea, this is a bit of a unique problem. Korean nationalism is well-known throughout Asia and even the world, and then you have China, its stronger neighbor. Now that something like this has happened, it's hard to predict which way things will go. In Korea, in Japan, countless numbers of Chinese flags suddenly appeared, turning the Olympic torch relation into a platform for the Chinese people to display the strength of their nation, so of course the hosts would be a bit edgy. The Olympics are an occasion that belong to the world, but after the torch passed through London and Paris, every place it has touched down in thereafter has become a sea of red flags. “Defending” the torch like this makes the Olympics effectively belong to China, and don't you think that violates the goal of the Olympics just a little?
With all the praise for the “Red Knight's” violent behavior in London, could people be taking this a little too far? Fists as means of communication, does that really work in every situation? Amidst all this noise, people who used to have something to say have now changed tune and are just going with it, and not issuing warnings or criticism. I don't think this is normal. The end result will be that everyone ends up paying the price. Big and strong can be expressed in a number of different ways, but pissing everybody the hell off to the extent of agitating our neighboring countries, I'm afraid isn't such a good thing.
Selected comments on He Caitou's post:
1. 郭巨虾 Says:
05月 3rd, 2008 at 4:16 pm让此事冷下去吧。。再发展起来 对谁都没好处
2. 壹杂志 Says:
05月 3rd, 2008 at 4:22 pm我们总是在自己的出发点很好的时候,做一些结果很坏的事情。其实看看香港的火炬传递过程,我们也许会发现,国内的民族理智进程还有很长的路要走。
3. hehe Says:
05月 3rd, 2008 at 4:38 pm我看<朝鲜日报>的社论,针对我外交部发言人的回应,感觉他们有点酸,意思就是"如果中国留学生在美国、法国打人了,中国外交部肯定不会这样反应",另一方面又说要反省"自己到底做了什么,让中国这样对待自己"….
Hah, overall I just strange; it's not so much their nationalist sentiment as it is like the concubine, having just been beaten, saying ‘if I was the main wife, things wouldn't be like this, etc.,’ and then wondering, ‘is it because my husband thinks I did something wrong…?’
6. buguanqita Says:
05月 3rd, 2008 at 5:15 pm我觉得,红衣大侠的英勇行为是在向西方人生动地论证“汉人压迫藏人”的观点。
7. 发情期? Says:
05月 3rd, 2008 at 5:22 pm为什么偏偏在韩国就打人,在美国和日本就未见打人事件呢?这是不是说他们生于淮北则为枳,被那里的人影响了呢?
9. yan50 Says:
05月 3rd, 2008 at 5:54 pm我不极端,但是我还是要说,说到底还是国力不够强大。美军士兵在韩国作奸犯科的不是一次两次了,韩国政府有这么叫嚣过吗?韩国人对于中国人踢了韩国人一脚,美国人强奸韩国妇女的反应似乎不太对称。
I welcome criticisms and critiques.
10. 管智鹏 Says:
05月 3rd, 2008 at 6:00 pm在韩国,在日本,突然出现无数面五星红旗,把奥运火炬传递变成了中国人展示本国强大的平台,….所经之地都变成了红旗的海洋。……演变成奥运专属中国,怕和奥运的宗旨有违背的地方吧?
The blogger is spot-on. Just think if Japan was hosting the Olympics, and Japanese flags started popping up all over China, without doubt some of us would start rioting.
11. KIA Says:
05月 3rd, 2008 at 6:48 pm国家最多帮他出钱请个律师吧
15. 看不惯 Says:
05月 3rd, 2008 at 7:31 pm我不极端,但是我还是要说,说到底还是国力不够强大。美军士兵在韩国作奸犯科的不是一次两次了,韩国政府有这么叫嚣过吗?韩国人对于中国人踢了韩国人一脚,美国人强奸韩国妇女的反应似乎不太对称。
I agree with #9
Spectators’ silence is only just a step away from apathy.
I can totally forgive those who hit people for their emotions at the time.
Just think, if a gook came up to you on the street and pointed at you and said ‘your mother lacks virtue,’ how would you respond?
a) Roll up your sleeves and whack the person;
b) Keep smiling and sit down the gook, explain the facts, apply reasoning, and prove that your mother for the most part still maintains virtue?
A normal man would choose A
Similarly, if you see your country as their mother, and someone grabs your national flag and rips it up right in your face
How would you respond?
16. 和菜头 Says:
05月 3rd, 2008 at 7:38 pm你有本事在韩国驻军的话,你的士兵犯事,一样是在你的军事法庭而非当地刑事或者民事法庭上审理。
Furthermore, don't go making such simple analogies. Say it's 2012 and Japan's hosting the Olympics. The torch is passing through China, and the streets are completely filled with Japanese people crazily waving the red sun flag. You go and raise a flag demanding independence for Okinawa and Nawa, and get a beating from Japanese international students, what would you do then?
19. yan50 Says:
05月 3rd, 2008 at 8:15 pm我不是抬杠,你也别生气。我觉得你的类比似乎比我的更简单。
I'm not saying there was anything inappropriate in the way the Koreans handled the Chinese students. I just want to say that since the Koreans feel that Chinese people have treated Koreans differently from how they treated the British and the Americans, it's because they don't see themselves as being on equal footing with Britain or America.
I don't condone the violence either. The “Red Knight” you mention, when he was beating the Free Tibetter in the fountain there, I was standing right beside it. There were Chinese people all around me cheering him on, but I didn't, and to be more precise I was quite ashamed. But I can understand their behavior, with the tens of thousands of people gathered there, it's quite easy for emotions to go overboard, not to mention that the other side's behavior wasn't civilized in the least. I think it's normal for there to be differing means of expression, some people just have hot tempers, and others aren't easily agitated. That's why I'm unable to say that they were wrong, but I would like to tell them from now on to not be so hot-headed
I welcome criticisms and critiques.
20. yan50 Says:
05月 3rd, 2008 at 8:29 pm试想,如果大街上有个棒子突然指着你说:你妈不守妇道.
当那个ZD站在高处洋洋得意地喊”China lie, people die”的时候,我想在场的所有中国人都憋了一肚子火。“红衣大侠”错在他不是高干,他也敢那么暴躁。
a) Roll up your sleeves and whack the person;
b) Keep smiling and sit down the gook, explain the facts, apply reasoning, and prove that your mother for the most part still maintains virtue?
A normal man would choose A”
#15's metaphor, that's some dark humor.
When I see a Free Tibetter standing above righteously yellying “China lie, people die”, I think that all Chinese people there will be holding back a whole stomachful of fire. The “Red Knight's” mistake is that he's not a high-ranking official, but he still dares show such temper.
21. BlazingCD Says:
05月 3rd, 2008 at 8:53 pm其实,这个事件本身肯定没有问题,抓是绝对应该抓的
Where the problem lies, is that when Chinese people break the law overseas, they get arrested, and that's fine. But when laowais in China break the law, no matter how small or severe it is, it always gets handled discreetly, or not at all, and then the news gets cut or whatever. And why is that? Is a country like this really worth loving?
And the final comment on He Caitou's post at time of posting:
35. Bill Says:
05月 5th, 2008 at 11:05 amDid anybody see the Olympic flag in these 奥运火炬 torch runs ? Is this a torch run about the Olympic Games or about China being the biggest and meanest ?
If you have never heard of 中韩两兄, you have now. This is a sentiment that was shared by almost everybody around me while I was growing up.
As for the “唇亡齿寒” phrase that Mao uses, that has less to do the fraternity of brotherhood than the geopolitical climate of the time.
It is also underlies not only Korea’s strategic importance during the cold war, but its historical and continuing significance. It’s just a bit of regrettable that so many sorrows had visited the peninsula because of it. To some extent the same is true for Vietnam.
Just think about invasions routes to China. Think about which ways are the easiest? If you had to put boots on the ground, where would you start? And if both of those routes are in accessible, where would the third route be? Well, you don’t have to think that hard about it. Ain’t it obvious?
Well, anyhow 中韩两兄 shouldn’t be conflated with the “唇亡齿寒” philosophy of the Mao. The former is what I and many other take to heart. A camaraderie, between two groups of people who had seen much suffering the the past century, that should be nurtured and fostered.
I have not heard of Chinese bad words that we call Koreans, maybe I was born in foreign soil, and I got out of touch. I do know that I love Korean foods especially Kimchi besides American and Chinese foods.
Jaewoo, you could develop some critical thinking skills and do some real reading; that would help greatly or just quit posting nonsense about how the evil white-people are trying to take over your economy. Perhaps you should read up on your own history and consider the similarities between Tibetans and the colonial period in Korea but I guess that would require thought on your part.
I support Jaewoo who is my sibling, so deal with it.