Last week someone left a comment on a GVO post, something to the effect of ‘the whole world hates the Chinese people now’ and for a lot of people in (and outside) China, it sure is looking difficult to even be Chinese these days.
Following the violence in Seoul during the Olympic torch relay there last week, a lot of Chinese fenqing types are for the most part just seeing what they want to see in how their generation and China is now being perceived abroad, and not only on
At least these militant patriotic voices are still getting the most play online. The ‘River Crab Goes Ashore’ blogger has been posting recently on the themes of Olympic nationalism and China's image, and on May 2 reposted a piece that has been making the rounds on the internet, apparently written by a female student now in Korea, ‘Chinese exchange students cry foul: The Koreans have gone crazy!’ as well as the accompanying YouTube short:
韩国网上贴出了留学生联合会干部的照片、学校、学科、年龄甚至手机号码,这些学生会代表的人身安全受到巨大威胁。不光是他们,从昨天周一开始,普通中国留学生们在学校、外面和打工的地方都受到了不同程度的威胁,在我们家附近对我很好的大妈,往常看到我就会亲切的拉着我问东问西,今天我跟她打招呼,她竟然立刻把头偏向一边。我一起住的朋友眼眶泛红的回来,一问才知道,她在回来的地铁上,只是拿着书翻译上课资料的,坐在她旁边的韩国男学生看到她在查中文,立刻就问”너 중국인요?”(你是中国人吗?)朋友问怎么了,他立刻就说“ 중국개새끼(中国狗杂种)”朋友问他”우리 처음 만나서 왜 나쁜 말이 했어요?(我们第一次见为什么要骂人?)”谁知那胖子竟然说 “중국사람이 다 개새기요(中国人全都是狗杂种) “朋友气不过立刻说”너 개새끼잖아(你才是)”,没想到周围的几个韩国人竟然全冲着我朋友围过来,并且七嘴八舌的说“原来就说中国人劣等今天一看果然没素质”,弄得她一个女孩子只能车一停也不管是哪站立刻就跑下车。 这样的事情这两天发生很多,问问周边的朋友,大部分都或多或少的遇到过,现在我们不敢单独出门,不敢太晚回来,一个人时甚至不敢用中文讲电话,我们晚上在外面吃饭时说中文,周围的韩国人竟然几乎都不吃饭拿异样的眼光瞪着我们,就连住在一层楼的韩国大学生都敢占着厕所不给我们用。在韩国两年来,从来没碰到过这样的事情,早就知道看到的都是道貌岸然,但没想到,一夜之间全还原了真面目。想告诉在国内的同胞真相,也感叹国内的朋友竟然大部分都不知道韩国出了这样的事,不知道韩国媒体甚至比CNN的报道更加恶劣,矛头直指驻韩大使馆和中国政府。今天韩国著名的Naver网站上,首页头条就标出他们总理的话:”中国人暴力示威是从侧面损伤韩国人的自尊“同时韩国媒体还指出,韩国民众现在对中国人暴力事件的愤怒没有丝毫减少,要求抓出捣乱分子交由司法处理。天哪,这到底是个什么地方,我们未来的情况到底会怎样,我们不敢跟国内的家人说,怕他们会担心,只有互相安慰互相告诫千万不要单独出门,甚至商量好把手机的快捷键设置成好朋友的电话,万一出事立刻能拨出求救,因为我们连警察也不相信。
主要是针对所谓的中国留学生27号的”暴力示威”. 国人都知道,这是夸大其辞的东西. 当然我们的留学生中那天是出现了不够聪明的举动,也许是因为爱国激情的膨胀,有部分学生对ZD分子动了拳头.就是因为这个,给韩国媒体一个盼望已久的反华机会。还有,现场那些ZD分子,自己带来了改锥,扳手,石块等凶器,卻对着镜头说是中国学生袭击他们。最近,韩国新闻中不断播出那些“暴力镜头”和一些所谓的凶器证据,然后说我们的暴力严重影响了韩国国民的爱国自尊心。现在,韩国政府居然要求中国就此道歉。
In Seoul, even though the torch relay finished on the 27th, here all of Korea is still crusading against China.
It's mainly being aimed at Chinese students’ so-called “violent demonstrations” on the 27th. We all know this is being exaggerated. Of course we exchange students didn't make the smartest moves that day; maybe because patriotic fervor was surging, some students raised their fists toward the Free Tibetters. It was this that gave Korean media the chance they've long been waiting for, to turn anti-China. Also, the Free Tibetters who were there brought screwdrivers, wrenches, bricks and other weapons with them, then turned to the camera and said it was Chinese students who were attacking them. Recently, Korean news has been repeatedly showing these “violent shots” and so-called proof of weapons, and then saying our violence has seriously impacted the Korean people's patriotic pride. Now, the Korean government has gone so far as to demand China apologize for this.
Just a while back Korean students kept saying “it's the Chinese who are beating people”, but then went out themselves and beat up one Chinese student in Cheongju. Since the ruckus on the 27th, Chinese exchange students in Korea are in a really dangerous spot. Koreans aren't like Westerners, who understand what human rights and equality, etc. are. Koreans are actually just boors who will strike out at any time. For example, Chinese in the US can go demonstrate at CNN's front door, and as long as it stays within limits it's legal, and Americans can't do anything about it. But in Korea, this would be impossible. They would barbarically turn to violence. On the 27th, one student from our campus only so much as raised a flag in front of one Free Tibetter and was then held down by police, saying s/he was an instigator. This is why we here in Korea can't freely fight for our rights or respect like those in America or other countries.
Now, Korean police have already taken away several exchange students, who it looks like are going to be penalized. Every student society president at every campus and several exchange student organizers have all received threats to their safety. Koreans are saying they're going to show the Chinese people that they are not to be messed around with. Then there are people putting out rewards for whoever catches the few of us who organized this. We're just here as exchange students. Most of the time when we're faced with discrimination and insults from the Koreans, we keep quiet, and now because of that one day we went to show our support for the Sacred Torch Relay, and express our patriotic sentiments, this is how it turns out. If things go on as they are, Chinese students in Korea will only be in more and more danger, with less and less to hold onto.
(PS: Today I saw the pictures of our compatriots studying abroad after having been beaten by the Koreans, and then I understood the truth. Korean media, you're more fracking CNN than CNN itself!!! If those SOB beasts hadn't gone grabbing at our flags, ripping our flags, then our compatriots studying overseas wouldn't have clashed with them!! Frack!! Is there no justice on this earth??!)
关键字:留学生, 韩国, 视频, 殴打
Link to this post: Chinese students in Korea cry foul: The Koreans have gone crazy! (video)
Keywords: Exchange students, Korea, video, beatings
Disclaimer: Aside from stating this to be an original creation, if reposted, please state clearly that it comes from River Crab Goes Shore and link back to the original.
And a portion of the comments on River Crab‘s post:
yesdo 2008-05-2, 8:28 am
sttony 2008-05-2, 9:32 am
xxoo 2008-05-2, 9:35 am
路过 2008-05-2, 9:36 am
夜彷徨 2008-05-2, 10:24 am
首先27日在韩国的圣火传递过程 在国内报道了吗
在终点的宾馆里 确实有国人动手打人 还被人拍下证据了就不要不承认 那是在韩国 有韩国的法规 韩国*文明用语*也要有他自己的威信 不可能欺负到自己头上了还憋屈着
这事闹大了会不会再来个抵制韩国货……PS:韩国的朋友要小心了 注意安全;有国外媒体职责中国没有道歉(不过貌似说要去看望);韩国好像没有直播那天的圣火传递
媒体都有自己的立场 同一个事实报道不同的侧面而已 不是全世界的电视台都为中国服务 报道些你看不顺眼的就抗议是很不明智的
Why is this coming out only now, several days later?
At the hotel at the end, there were definitely our people hitting others, proof of this was even caught on film so don't bother trying to deny it. This was in Korea, Korea has its own laws. Korea's ‘diplomatic language’ also needs to carry authority. You can't go around bullying people then get bent out of shape when it comes to bite you back.
If this gets too big, do you think there'll be a ‘boycott Korea'……?
PS: Korean friends, be careful. Watch your safety. Foreign media are blaming China for not apologizing (though it seems they've said this will be looked into); Korea I think didn't do a live broadcast of that day's torch relay.
Media all have their own positions; one truthful report has different sides to it, that's all. It's not like the whole world's television stations exist to serve China. To protest something just because you don't like the look of it isn't very bright.
警惕 2008-05-2, 10:39 am
朝南生 2008-05-2, 10:56 am
Then as the pack starts hitting people and the ‘love China’ voices roar you hear a: ‘sorry’
My mother! Are those people waving the national flag my compatriots of legend?
呦 2008-05-2, 11:03 am
I just wonder how many of those students were able to go study abroad based totally on their academic achievements!!
I just wonder how many of those students have parents who are high officials (“making” their money in the name of ‘serving the people’)? And how many of them just have rich parents (the kind rolling in money from government contracts)? And how many of them have stacked social backgrounds (like pitbulls with friends in high places)??
Of these exchange students, how many come from poor farmer families? Do any of them have parents laid-off or unemployed?! Which of these students won't have a career path paved with cash?!
While China's corrupt officials go trampling over lives, where is their “diplomatic language”? The Chengguan beat people to death like they're dogs, and with impunity, so why don't we see them protesting or boycotting then?!!
These overseas students, just what kind of a bunch of people are they???!!
poshi 2008-05-2, 11:22 am
And…if you say Chinese people need to calm down, can one calm down in conditions like those? Those Koreans said flat-out that we Chinese are inbreds? Once they finish saying that, they say we Chinese don't speak with any civility. Even if you were Bruce Lee and knocked him flat, he'd just say you were a thug. So what are we supposed to do? People point you in the face and say your country's people are inbred, how can anyone stay calm?
poshi 2008-05-2, 11:44 am
死的蚊 2008-05-2, 12:20 pm
Coming next, voice-of-a-sensible-part-of-his-generation blogger He Caitou's response to Chinese college students in Korea's cry for help..
Man, that is so much pure nonsense coming from an alleged Chinese woman in Korea. Here, we haven’t heard a single word of any Chinese getting harassed here yet; it’s not mentioned on any site or TV, no word from people out in the street, yet this freak claims all this is going on.
Wow . . .
@R. Elgin:
Interesting. Say what she claims is going on, though, how much of it do you think you’d hear about? Assuming you’ve tapped into the Chinese community there, is it like she says, that Chinese students have gone from being generally quiet before April 27, back to quiet/withdrawn now? Or has ‘April 27’ carried on with Chinese dorms now covered in CCP flags, arguments on campuses, etc.?
Just in case you or anyone else is wondering, I did stop and check that this one story is in fact something that is getting heavy play in many places across Chinese net-space.
Thank you Chinese people who commented here. I’m in Korea and saw both the video footage and netizen reaction both in Korean and Chinese. I despaired at the ignorant, knee-jerk reactions on both sides in the media and online. Fortunately I saw your rational comments here, and it gives me hope. Thank you.
There are always extremes on both sides which should be dealt with FAIRLY according to local laws .
SO if this is true, I am LOL, we get punished just because we wave red flags and welcome the torch?????? If this is the case, what is democracy????????????????? I thought we can have different voices in democracy society?????? NO???!!!!!!!!!
China should help ALL the North Koreans pass through to go to South Korea then bill the ROK government and its taxpayers the costs. Watch the S. Koreans’ comfortable middle class lifestyle disrupted as they squirm and complain about higher unemployment and higher taxes when the ROK government imposes a “solidairty/unification tax” similar to what West Germany did after the fall of East Germany to pay for food and oil. Then watch S. Koreans dissing the N. Koreans immigrants as violent, uncouth and dumb. S. Koreans should be grateful that China is keeping the flow of refugees to S. Korea manageable and easier to absorb. China can just as easily open the floodgate. Besides last time I was in Beijing there are equally alot of Koreans living there and less they too become hostages to public sentiment, S. Koreans should learn to be more discerning, become more rational and less prone to violence like the peace loving Japanese people.
@ Knights:
Wow, I’m speechless. You’ve got to be kidding me. Are you intentionally being–for lack of a better word–stupid?
Where in the above post does it say Chinese people are being punished simply for waving red flags and welcoming the torch? It says some violent Chinese people in Korea are potentially being legally punished for physically assaulting other people. You do understand that physical assault and violence is not generally legal in democratic societies, right?