There are some Taiwanese playing in Major League Baseball: Chin-Feng Chen in Dodgers from 2002-2005, Chin-Lung Hu in Dodgers, Hong-Chih Kuo in Dodgers, Chin-Hui Tsao in Royals, and Chien-Ming Wang in Yankees. Although they are loved by Taiwanese, these baseball stars are not the focus of this article. Here are stories about how baseballs change the life of challenged people and students in remote elementary schools.
Photo courtesy of Haomei.
The first story starts when a screen writer, an actor, and a director, Nien-Jen Wu left a message in Haomei's blog about the Sacred Heart Home for the challenged people. Fr. Franz Burkhardt founded the Sacred Heart Home in Chia-Yi, Taiwan, in 1980, and he planned to build a larger building to help more challenged people. Although the Reverend Franz Burkhardt, a recipient of presidential and papal honors for his services to Taiwan over almost half a century, died in 2002, his colleagues keep working on this project. Due to the funding shortage, Haomei started to blog about the Sacred Heart Home and helps raise money and invite people to visit the Sacred Heart Home.
An episode for these fund-raising activities is about baseballs.
Chensumi talked about how Tai-Yuan Kuo signed baseballs for a fund-raising auction:
This auction raised 182100 NTD for the Sacred Heart Home, and this success inspired some baseball lovers to contribute their baseball-related souvenirs to the second auction. The second auction raised 281861 NTD for the Sacred Heart Home. The result is not only satisfactory for the Sacred Heart Home but also for the baseball players and lovers–
The second story is about helping some baseball teams in the remote elementary schools. Chensumi reported:
Chien-Kuo Group's plan is based on the love for the children and baseball:
我們也許讓未來有機會站上大聯盟投手丘與打擊區的小孩們,未來要扛下國家隊第四棒或職棒中心打線的小選手們,可以有新手套,可以不必擔心練習用球不見,同時 讓他們知道,這段辛苦的棒球路,不是那麼寂寞,因為我們相信,在棒球起步的階段,曾經受過幫助的人,會一輩子都懂得感恩,不會愧對棒球之神賦予他們的使命。」
Redyellow described what they saw when sending the equipments to one of the elementary schools:
這一天我回來後,心底帶著暖暖的滿足。意外變成先發登板的我,帶著大家的愛心來到汐止國小,看著天真活潑的小球員,心裏彷彿被純淨的水流洗淨一般。到底是我 幫助了他們,還是他們幫助了我,讓我找回心中久違的感動。[…]替這些勇敢追夢的孩子們吶 喊加油吧!因為這也是為我們自己加油啊!