mmhan informs of a place in Singapore where one can make a donation to help out in the aftermath of cyclone Nagris that hit Myanmar.
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Learn more about Lingua Translation »mmhan informs of a place in Singapore where one can make a donation to help out in the aftermath of cyclone Nagris that hit Myanmar.
First I would like to make a donation.
Secondly; my daughter’s name is Katrina we thought it was quite a coincidence that on the week-end of her wedding Hurricane Katrina hit. She married a man whose name is Storms. Now I find out that they have named this cyclone “Nargis”! My daughter’s middle name is Nargess.
Just as a side light she was born on “Pearl Harbor Day”
I am willing to donate on the condition that relief transportation process is protected by Western army, directly delivered to those people who need designated by experts from UN or NGO, and not interfered by Burma junta.
This is extremely important that my donation will not goes to Burma junta whatsoever.
I noticed Google is helping in the Myanmar relief effort. Then I noticed we were supposed to send our money to UNICEF or Diredt Relief International.
Hell, we might as well send it to the Red Cross, the United Fund, or spend a day at the races.
A better bet to insure the aid gets wher it is needed is to send it the the Catholic Relief Services, LDS Philanthropies, or the Salvation Army.
But then again, this is politically incorrect.
I thank heartily to GOOGLE to initiate the donation towards our people, yes CYCLONE NARGIS has wash-out almost all delta regions in AYYARWADDY DIVISION as well as main Commercial city YANGON (Rangoon), I urge all of you to donate thru UN Agencies.
Many thanks, pray for us.
uhm., i dont have anything to donate
.. im just 13 yrs. old and i dont have money
to give ..
but i could pray for those victims of this cyclone..
If u guys will come n see, then u will know wht is happenin in our country, please dont blame to any one, please help people those who r suffering, this is our first experience, if u ur human, pleas come forward, help. I urge please please donate thru UN, if u dont believe this JUNTA, I feel really pity for them, I am doing wht I can do for these innocent people. If u all will come forward, show yr sympathy, I am sure those survivors will outcome from this big tragedy, please forget abt current political situation, i want to inform the world body to help our people, they dont know wht is NARGIS, wht is politics, they r so simple and innocent. Please help them.
Thank you.
Daniel from MYANMAR.
Our site rates news sites based on their appearances at Google News.
You may be interested in our current rating of sites covering the Myanmar cyclone and the earthquake in China.
We caught 26 news items about these disasters at Google News during May. We found 5566 individual listings for those 26 stories, on the home page at Google News and up to 10 sub-pages deep.
Strangely though, for those 26 stories we found only one Asian news site, Xinhua, on the home page of Google News. We would have expected to see more Asian sites placed higher as sources for these news items. A local view is always interesting.