“The Mufti (religious leader) of Mount Lebanon is a foul-mouthed demagogue who needs to be demoted as soon as possible,” writes Beirut Spring from Lebanon.
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Learn more about Lingua Translation »“The Mufti (religious leader) of Mount Lebanon is a foul-mouthed demagogue who needs to be demoted as soon as possible,” writes Beirut Spring from Lebanon.
1 comment
Amazing how hate turns Sunni version of Islam into inhuman theory.. I always wondered how Sunni and Shia split occured and had no respect for Khalifah who turn their own possession before Islamic values. Now I am more convinced that Sunni Islam is not strong enough concept to meet the human values. This was proved by Sheikh Bin Landen and Sheil Jouzou who would repel any nonMuslim from becoming Muslem.
I always wondered why all Islamic countries have problems as they always blame somebody for it.. I am now convinced that Christians values are stronger and Muslems only believe in a head at the top to clap for and pray for even if Islam is against that. Unfortunately, rather than spreading true soft Islamic human values into Saudi and gulf region, Sunnis in the area converted to wahabism terrorist concept like Jouzo and Hariri (the son, not the father). After all, Saudi politics is lead not by king Abdallah but by the American poppet Bandar Bin Sultan who himself is illegal child of prince Sultan.
Amazing we hear Sunnis praising the criminal Geagea who killed Karameh and many thousands of Sunnis