Taiwan: What is the dream we have in the Olympic Game?

Global Voices Olympics When China holds the 2008 Olympic Game and said “one world, one dream,” what do we expect for this dream?

Schumann explained the origin of the Olympic torch:

古代希臘人在奧運舉辦前,會按宗教儀式,在奧林匹亞宙斯神廟前的祭壇上點燃火種, […]火炬手高舉火炬,一邊奔跑,一邊呼喊:停止一切戰爭,參加運動會。

Before an ancient Olympic Game, ancient Greek people ignited a torch before Temple of Olympian Zeus.[…] The torch holder would run and shout, ‘stop wars to join the Olympics!’ Where the torch went, where the war stopped.[…] Greek people went to the Olympic Game, and they forgot hatred and war. As a result, torch, which is a tool for sending signals, becomes a symbol for peace, light, and friendship.

However, Schumann said,

中國, 污辱了聖火。

This blessed Olympic torch has been running around the streets to avoid protesters like a rat. China government stigmatizes the Olympic torch.

Many Taiwanese discuss if we should boycott the Olympic torch due to China government's records of repressing human right. AW talked what is the goal for China government to hold the Olympic Game:


The Communist Party of China plans to exhibit its legitimacy (to be in power) by holding the Olympic Game.[…] When people cheer in the athletic field, the human right activists are probably suffering in the prisons. When the western political leaders show their respect for China government in the opening ceremony, the Communist Party of China is determined to rule China forever.

Door and window discussed who should take the responsibility for letting the Olympic torch be tarnished?


The leaders of all the countries should take the responsibility for letting the torch be tarnished.
Where are the countries proud to be democratic?
Where are the countries proud to be free?
Where are the countries called as world police? Are they paralyzed?
That's fine. We can see how their sweet cover of morality diminishes before powerful autocracy.

doctor61 is surprised by how this Olympic torch is being relayed:


It is the first time that the country that holds an Olympic Game needs to mobilize oversea Chinese and their “safe guards” to “protect” the Olympic torch.

On the other hand, many people are surprised by how people supporting Tibet can evoke the boycott of the Olympic torch. forumvisitor commented,

圖博人在海外的人數應該沒台灣人數多,可是他們能爭取到的國際友人的聲援能量, 我自己覺得真的很驚人。我覺得我們要好好學習, 至少要盡量幫忙保護這個可能的盟友。

I am surprised by the support Tibetans get from foreigners, especially when the oversea Tibetans should not be more than oversea Taiwanese. I think we should learn from the Tibetans and protect these friends.

Door and window supported the boycott:


I sighed while watching the torch relay for days.
When China government was repressing Tibet, we did not hear a thing about boycotting the Olympic torch.
Singapore was even supporting China government's action. Sigh.
However, justice does not disappear.
After people supporting human right come forward, many leaders said they will not go to the Olympic opening ceremony.
Sigh. If we do not voice through our action, there is no voice.

mobobeijing2008 thought Taiwan should join the boycott:

台灣長期遭受中國武力的威嚇[…]在2008北京奧運舉辦之前,大家應掌握這個關鍵時刻,共同參與跨國界的抵制行動[…]呼籲中國,不應「右手舉聖火、左手抓飛彈」[…]而應該公開承諾,放棄以武力解 決台灣問題。

Taiwan has been threaten by China's armed force.[…] We should grasp this critical moment to join the cross-border boycott activity[…] and ask China government not to hold the Olympic torch with its right hand and hold the missiles with its left hand. […] China government should promise that they will give up armed force for resolving Taiwan's issue.

When the boycott becomes a serious matter to China, China government asks people not to mix politics and athletics. However, this request does not sell.

johnnio said,

中國過去有幾年都因為政治問題不參加奧運,現在反而喊很大聲,要政治歸政治,體育歸體育。中國人的雙重標準果然博大精深 。

China did not join some past Olympic Games due to political issues, but now it tells us that don't mix politics and athletics. This double standard is hard to understand.

no justice argued,

政治歸政治? 那台灣要加入世界衛生組織, 非政治機構, 他們在哭夭什麼?

Politics is politics? When Taiwan tries to join World Health Organization, which is not a political organization, why do they block us?

Boycott of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Game is not only a political issue. It is about what dream people all over the world want to share with each other.


  • steven chang

    “The Communist Party of China plans to exhibit its legitimacy (to be in power) by holding the Olympic Game.[…] When people cheer in the athletic field, the human right activists are probably suffering in the prisons. When the western political leaders show their respect for China government in the opening ceremony, the Communist Party of China is determined to rule China forever.”———————————————————太可笑了!我们自己生活在中国大陆的人都没有感觉到自己的人权受到什么限制,你们整天瞎什么心啊?过好自己的日子吧,别整天眼睛盯着别人的“苦难”,装作一副“救世主”的样子!
    允许分裂一个国家就表明有人权? 那法国为何不允许科西嘉岛独立?加拿大为何不让魁北克省独立?英国为何不让北爱尔兰独立? 如果夏威夷要独立出美国,你们认为美国政府会让他们夏威夷来个全民公决决定吗?
    你们了解西藏的历史吗?它什么时候可曾是一个独立的国家过?3.14事件那些闹独立的如果不烧杀抢平民,军队会镇压么? 这叫国家利益至上!懂吗? 美国可以攻打伊拉克、狂袭利比亚、轰炸南联盟、进军海地、进军巴拿马、入侵阿富汗,已经打遍五大洲了,中国对西藏还仅仅是平息分裂分子,为什么就不能呢?
    台湾自古就是中国的领土,台湾是毛泽东和蒋介石解放战争内战的后遗症,想独立成为一个国家,那可是13亿人民不可能答应的事情! 因为台湾属于中国,最符合中国的国家利益!就这么简单。
    我想问,台湾假设真的独立对自己的好处究竟在哪里? 不要鼠目寸光,中国的强大只是迟早的问题,30年左右的时间,中国的整体经济实力将完全和美国一样,不管你们想不想看到,它将都成为事实。到时候,一个小小的台湾,别说大陆对你动武,就是仅凭经济封锁,就可以让你死的很难看!一个包括台湾在内的强大的大中国对你们台湾百姓有什么不好? 一个弹丸之地,即使成为一个国家也只能永远做大国的低三下四的附庸而已,那样的国家有自尊吗?你以为美国永远有和中国抗衡的实力来袒护你?当美国发现和中国为台湾斗争损失很大,不符合自己的国家利益时,它会主动放弃台湾这颗棋子的。明白吗?

  • Matt Y.

    That’s some serious whinging… Keep it coming you guys:)
    You probably didn’t bother to work out that the Chinese government did NOT “mobilise” the Chinese students overseas. You only say so because it fits your stereotype and reckon that it serves your course of some smearing…

    I’ve never seen a more pathetic bunch, seriously.

  • starlight

    I think Taiwan should stop whining about China. I wish Taiwan stops trying to be a cute poodle of the U.S. If you can not appreciate the olympics, stay home and behind your closed curtains!

  • lisa

    I just wonder why are you misunderstanding China?!
    It is the first time that the country that holds an Olympic Game needs to mobilize oversea Chinese and their “safe guards” to “protect” the Olympic torch.
    How ridiculous!
    may be some of you couldn’t imagine the chinese love their motherland so much!
    but, it is the truth!

  • XniteMan

    And China is NOT the first host nation to send security personnels to protect the torch, we are only doing so to keep with practices of past Olympic games.

    Really, being ignorant is not your fault, but it’s your fault to show off your ignorance everywhere.

  • Winter

    Why the same group keep plaguing the torch relay?
    Why the same group keep insulting the Chinese people?
    Why the same group keep focusing the issues in China?
    Why the same group do not go to IRAQ to ask for the profits for the people there!
    Why the same group keep confusing people by lying!
    Do you really think,using your own mind,How the hell is going on!

  • ifan

    My dear Chinese friends,
    First, if you agree that “oversea Chinese” should take the responsibility of the attack of peaceful Japanese protesters in Malaysia and the attack of Wang Qianyuan who studies in Duke University, I agree that the Communist Party of China did not “mobilize” Chinese to do these attacks–I am flexible about who should take the responsibility.
    Second, if China is not the first country sending its “safe guards” to protect the Olympic torch, these “security personnels” should be the first ones to be rejected by so many countries, and they are definitely the first ones to be called as thugs (in UK) due to their behaviors.
    Third, if you simplified all the protesters as “anti-Chinese” or “ZB,” these protesters did come from the same group. However, they are from different groups: Free Tibet campaign, Stop Genocide in Durfur, Taiwan, Free Burma, Reporters sans frontières, Human Right groups, and so on. These people are not anti-Chinese, and they hope that this Olympic Game can keep Olympic spirits–all human beings should have their freedom and live without fear.
    Last but not least, before you leave your message here, please think about what is the dream you want to share with others in this Olympic Game.

  • Maverick

    I disagree the boycott the Olympic Game in china. The game belongs to the people in the world. As one member in this global family, china has the right to host the game.

    However, i disagree CPC is using hosting a game as an evidence to boast its accomplishment. Chinese people does not deserve to be fooled by CPC.

    recently, oversea chinese is motivated to support the torch relay. however, such goodwill is manipulated by the CPC as a tool to bargain with wesern country. The reason We support the torch realy is because we love china.

    It is doubeless that Taiwan will unite with mainland china. New taiwan leader will be a catalyst to accelearate the process, which was paused in last eight years. The unite will help Mainland china become a democratic country. As a trade off,CPC will accpet Guo ming party as an equal party in the central government.

  • “I agree that the Communist Party of China did not “mobilize” Chinese to do these attacks–I am flexible about who should take the responsibility”

    Oh?! It was the Chinese consulate in LA that brought Chinese immigrants by bus from LA to SF to “support” the Terror Torch on its Parade of Suffering.

    Taiwan should not allow the torch because if it accepts a torch run, it would acknowledge Beijing’s claims to that independent nation.

  • Wei


    First of all, Chinese consolate is in SF, not in LA.

    Secondly, I was there for the torch run. I live in Silicon Valley, and I saw a ton of people going there without any urging; and we far outnumbered the protesters. There were people there from the east coast who timed their vacation just try to cheer the torch on. I doubt the Tibetans were going to be able to do anything if the torch were to proceed according to the original plan.

    As for Taiwan’s position, Taiwan is already irrevelant in terms of a political/military entity. It will be irrelevant economically if it seeks to distance itself from China. The failed policies of Chen forshadow this.

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