23 April 2008

Stories from 23 April 2008

Taiwan: What is the dream we have in the Olympic Game?

  23 April 2008

Before an ancient Olympic Game, ancient Greek people ignited a torch before Temple of Olympian Zeus.[...] The torch holder would run and shout, 'stop wars to join the Olympics!' Where the torch went, where the war stopped.[...] Greek people went to the Olympic Game, and they forgot hatred and war. As a result, torch, which is a tool for sending signals, becomes a symbol for peace, light, and friendship.

China: Netizens defend Zimbabwe arms sales

  23 April 2008

As China's latest shipment of weapons and ammunition sits stranded off the coast of southeastern Africa and president Mugabe of landlocked Zimbabwe digs in against accusations of a fixed election, the majority of Chinese netizens are defending their government's arms sales to the country, at the same time accusing the US and its allies of double standards.

Macau: 5000 Tips from the Government

  23 April 2008

The Macau government decided to give every citizen 5000 dollars for relieving the inflation problem. Long ching noticed that rather than appreciating such move, people are skeptical of the policy [zh].

China: Grace Wang's Essay

  23 April 2008

ESWN puts together comments from various sources and translates a Chinese article from my1510 criticizing Grace Wang's essay in the Washington Post.

Green Global Voices on Earth Day 2008

Bloggers celebrated Earth Day on April 22 by posting their thoughts on what the day means, others did a roundup of articles, some shared reading lists and others mused about climate change. In this brief roundup we get a glimpse of these blogger's views on Earth Day 2008. Starting with...

China: Anti anti-CNN

  23 April 2008

Anti in nationonline.com (a nationalistic website) urged people to anti “anti-CNN” and criticized that the anti-CNN is run by commercial organization.

Ecuador: Tragic Fire in Quito Disco

  23 April 2008

A tragic fire that killed 15 people in a Quito, Ecuador disco due to the improper use of fireworks indoors. Danny Ayala Hinojosa of El Federalista [es] places blame on the public sector for not enforcing the laws.