As the post-election crisis looms in Zimbabwe and Mugabe clings to power, the fate of the vessel holding the latest arms shipment from China remains unclear. Sightings of armed uniformed Chinese soldiers in the country have for some raised the question: how long have they been there and what exactly is their role?
Official statements made by Beijing defend the weapons as merely part of an old contractual agreement, saying the sales don't violate any UN mandates or international laws. Many Chinese netizens are rejecting criticism by accusing America of being an even larger weapons dealer. Reports in recent days have made little mention of Chinese military presence in Zimbabwe, instead focusing heavily on the issue of Chinese arms sales itself; here are the top reader comments on the related news stories from several Chinese BBSes and news portal websites:
This is a good start; you can't let those in charge go around burning down houses while common people can't even light lamps!!!
American imperialism is really what's in control of the dalai bandit terrorist groups!! China needs to rise up!!!
Even if [Chinese soldiers] are on patrol, so what?
You Yanks, Limeys and Krauts can go patrol Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, Japan and the whole world, but Chinese soldiers can't go patrol Zimbabwe? That's really bloody screwy logic!
IronBlood BBS:
China selling ships full of weapons to Zimbabwe is a completely legal exchange, China hasn't done anything wrong.
Hoodlum logic…and then they blame us for not being secretive enough about it?
What's wrong with selling weapons? Heaps and heaps of American weapons go to Taiwan and no one makes a sound
Western media just like to dump shit on our country
Why is our country's external propaganda so powerless?
I believe the government will resolve this properly; after all, Western countries’ influence in Africa doesn't compare closely with ours!
Is ‘we didn't do anything wrong’ all that we can say?
The day China no longer has to respond as the weaker side
Those will be the days when we stand out
Legitimacy comes with power in this world; only when China takes America down will we then have legitimate status. Otherwise, China will never have legitimacy in the eyes of Western politicians and media.
We just send a bit of that stuff and people get all worked up. Sigh. We really have no face now. Selling them to bin Laden or Iraqi opposition groups might not be such a bad idea.
Just ignore them, they say what they want, and we sell what we want.
We haven't done anything wrong
Right! Take this to the UN and smack the table and tell them: ‘we'll sell arms if we want to. What you gonna do about it?’
The arms trade between China and Zimbabwe is completely legal, though we should be more careful during this sensitive time, so as not to give anyone the upper hand.
This is just proof of American imperialistic discrimination and attack toward us
不干涉他国内政是中国提出来的,但好像也只有中国一个国家遵守 。世界是干涉的世界。中国的理论很难联系实际,与世界脱轨了。中国应该全球范围内扶植亲中政权和势力,广结盟友。朋友多,路才宽。中国的不干涉他国内政是另种形式的闭关锁国。把自己隔绝世界之外。
Non-interference in other countries’ domestic affairs is something China proposed, but it seems like China is the only country which abides by it. The world interferes with the world. It's hard for China to apply its theories to practice, they're so far out from the rest of the world. China ought to prop up the pro-China regimes and forces around the world, and consolidate its allies. The more friends China has, the wider the roads on which to move. China's policy of non-intervention is another form of closed-door policy, cutting itself off from the outside world.
On the 17th, the SABC, all radio stations, The Star and The Citizen newspapers and other media all splashed the news that “Chinese Arms” had arrived in South Africa and weren't being allowed to be shipped on to Zimbabwe.
Now South Africa's bullying China too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We shouldn't be selling weapons to these rotten people.
Chinese arms are traded legally! Without question, anyone who obstructs them will be subject to sanctions from China! If Western countries intercepts them, China will see to equivalent retaliation!
我们不应该为了这些蝇头小利去损害自己的名声. 出口这些武器的公司实际损害了中国的远大利益.
We shouldn't be damaging our reputation for such petty profit. The company exporting these weapons is doing effective damaging China's long-term prospects.
Of course this trade is legal, it's just not very moral. Although, America did in the past sell weapons to Saddam.
Is other people's immoral behavior justification for you to do the same? I'd hope our compatriots would consider this carefully.
That's Western media for you, diverting attention.
政府不知道怎么做的,今年老出现重大差错!!?!!抓住把柄了!!!郁闷 !!!
The government doesn't know what it's doing, all these huge bumbles this year!!?!! Let's take advantage of that!!! It's depressing!!!
The Chinese government must ensure that these arms arrive in Zimbabwe safely, or else from now on regular arms trade shipments will be subject to heavy attack.
The anti-China West is hell-bent on hurting us
Despicable West, China should order two aircraft carriers from America
Damn, you'd think America'd never sold arms before
It's illegal when the Chinese sell weapons, but legal when they do it, what kind of backwards logic is this?
America is the largest arms exporter in the world
Strongly suggest we sink American arms freighters to Taiwan!!!!
Pure slander! Would our Chinese government do something as impudent and outrageous as peddle munitions? Only America does things like that!!!
Anti-China types are everywhere.
China sells munitions all the time.
America, no more selling weapons to Taiwan from now on!
We have to stop making excuses
When foreigners take actions against us!!!!
We have to defend our own interests!
Spring to action!
We have to act!
America is the largest arms dealer in the world.
China can start seizing weapons America sells to Taiwan
China! We must be strong! We must act.
That we have no aircraft carriers is unacceptable
The mistake is that China has no aircraft carriers
China is a sovereign state, China hasn't done anything wrong.
We don't need to make the entire free world our enemy.
A third-class country like South Africa dares
say no to China?
China ought to learn from Putin, and be more tough.
People won't dare messing with us then.
There goes CNN again
We should start selling some to Al Qaeda, let them take on the US and NATO.
This seems strange to me. China gets blamed for everything, whether it's right or not, and it's all Chinese people's fault. Who's manipulating world public opinion? Who's tormenting China?!!
Any country as long as they support China, we should start selling them more weapons
How much of the world market for munitions trade is taken up by America? England? France? And how much of it is taken up by China? Being as we are the factory of the world, the current ratio is completely normal. Just as it's normal that we stand to overtake America!
“中国没有做错什么“ 这句话以后最好不要说了
”China hasn't done anything wrong” Can we stop saying this so much from now on?
I just feel that we ought not to be selling weapons to African countries in turmoil, or near to turmoil. Aren't the different ethnicities in Africa fighting intensely enough as it is?
Don't we strongly love peace? Selling weapons to killers is always wrong.
You can sell them, but we can't? You can sell them freely, but we can only sell under restrictions? What bandit's logic is this! Just try savagely provoking us, and tomorrow we'll haul out the atom bombs to sell—to Cuba! We'll see how you handle that!
China's selling small arms now. Soon they'll be bigger, more advanced. Support, support, support………
Strong China
I bet it if was them selling weapons to Zimbabwe, China wouldn't say a word. And why not? Those gwailos know exactly why
We ought to teach them a lesson, see how arrogant they are then!
Selling weapons for profit is just the natural thing to do
有卖原子弹 的吗?我要买 3个;
Are we selling atom bombs? I'll take 3!
又是CNN, TM的还在造谣祸众
There goes CNN again, spreading more hurtful fracking rumors
Damn, the mainland is in a state of war with Taiwan right now, so if anyone's boats move in to Taiwan, China can demand to search them. Especially those Japanese or American devils’. If you're Chinese, click this comment up.
China urgently needs several large aircraft carriers and a pack of fighter jets.
We need to be even harder on incidents like this.
Why? Because since we don't dare stand up to any developed countries like the US, France or England, if any countries of equal or smaller size pick anything with us, we'll lose all respect.
China needs aircraft carriers to protect its own interests!
How is it that even South Africa is bullying China now? I think we definitely need a battle to earn our respect as a major nation!!!!
Thanks Wei
The numbers are different from what I see on wikipedia, but the parameters are different…though the order is a bit similar.
If that puts the Chinese view in perspective, also note that Chinese media were saying the CIA had quickly gotten involved and was pressuring Mozambique and Angola and other surrounding countries to not let the ship dock.
well said!
“If you or anyone knows where the “deeper” is, definitely please send me the link and I’ll get translating.”
I sent you a link with an article written by an offspring of former Tibetan slave on his view of 3.14 riots but received no response from you. that was how i got to know that you have your own agenda. I respect your right to choose stuff to translate and publicize accoring to your own agenda. anyway, here is the link with plenty deep stuffs:
Mugabe used AL QAEDA funds for the weapons order ,,Makeing china a AlQaeda supporter of world Terrorest OPTs
Through out all these comments no one has even mentioned the people of Zimbabwe. If America is wrong in selling arms to Israel and other countries does that make it right for you to do the same ? so that another regime can oppress people ? If you want to do right , why dont you DARE sell arms to the Palestinians ? Mmmm ?
people please? what is this? how can we look upon this as a legitimate exchange, thats a load of shit! how can china even consider bringing weapons into africa, what is the use, it can only bring bloodshed amongsr brothers and sisters, & actually china has no business in africa anyway!, zimbabwe do not need weapons, they are not at war with anyone but themselves, so if you all logically think about it, whats the point people? wake up and smell the air!
any one interested in konwing THE LARGE PICTURE of the young netizens whose words have been frequently translated into Chinese by John on this forum this article below might be a start.
其实俄罗斯的外部压力来的比中国早也比中国大,因此俄罗斯的80后反弹也比中国来的早一些,同时俄罗斯学者和官方对此的研究与引导也多一些。比如一年前俄罗斯学者提出了 “国际进入新对立时代”的概念;提出了“可控性动乱”的概念。比如他认为:信息革命带来了数十亿人的政治觉醒和参政的积极性,使得国际安全的可控性下降等等。他们还认为: 意识形态领域的竞争无疑将日益尖锐,民主已变成了相互攻击的武器,美国将重塑自己的吸引力。但令人遗憾的是,在竞争白热化的环境下,追求民主的崇高价值之争难免会以地缘政治冲突为特点。
俄罗斯的官员对80后网络一代也非常重视,尽管俄罗斯宽带普及率比中国差远了。2004年底,当乌克兰大学生打着写有英国哲学家柏克的箴言:“恶人得胜的惟一条件,就是好人袖手旁观”的标语,几周内不知疲倦地唱歌呼喊口号的时候,俄罗斯官方并没有在意。但当乌克兰发生了“橙色革命”后,官方被年轻人的力量震惊了。每年俄罗斯有150万青年学生毕业,这些年龄在16到28岁的年轻人占俄罗斯总人口的20 %。如何赢得这些年轻人的心,成了官方的重要课题。他们提出了“主权民主”的概念(按照俄罗斯政治调研所所长马尔科夫的说法,“主权民主”这一概念是对那些在民主化幌子下建立依从性政治制度的“颜色革命”分子的原则性回答,也是对20世纪90年代俄罗斯按别国模式实行的那种“低劣民主化”的回答。),提出了 “软入侵”概念。如俄罗斯历史学家尤里”阿法纳斯耶夫(Yury Afanasyev)所说:“俄罗斯将成为什么样的国家,这很大程度上取决于她如何看待自己的历史。”于是官方在2007年出版了《俄罗斯现代史:1945-2006:历史教师教学手册》……等等。
China’s sale of weapon to Zimbabwei is legitmate dealing between two states, and I have seen no violation of international laws.
On the other hand, the illegal weapons we Americans ship to Africa to sustain conflicts is completely deplorable, but nobody give a hoot.
We even let Russian mob boss Victor Bout to run guns out of Texas and Floria into Africa:
“Much of the arms that have fuelled the killing in Darfur and the south have been brought in via murky, protected private “merchants of death” such as the notorious former KGB operative, now with offices in the US, Victor Bout. Bout has been cited repeatedly in recent years for selling weapons across Africa. US Government officials strangely leave his operations in Texas and Florida untouched despite the fact he is on the Interpol wanted list for money laundering.”
It makes me sad to read comments of people who take the issue of China supplying guns and bombs to the Zimbabwean government, as an issue between American, other western governments against China.
I’m a Zimbabwean and I don’t want the Chinese government to supply these weapons to the Zimbabwe government, whether it is part of an old agreement or not. It is only the ordinary person who will die not these politicians. This is nothing to do with America, how can people support the Chinese supply guns and bombs to Mugabe. Why does he need guns and bombs when people are suffering through lack of food and medication? Who does he want to fight? Zimbabwe is not at war.
If Mugabe had won the elections, the results could have been out a long time ago. He lost and his Chinese friends want to give him guns and bombs. Zimbabweans do not eat guns and bombs. Those people who support China giving Mugabe guns and bombs will not be there in Zimbabwe when people are being killed.
This makes me feel so sad. Some of these people do not even have a clue on what life is like in Zimbabwe and they see it fit to support selling bombs and guns to this government.
You can read my blog and you will have a better idea on how things are like in Zimbabwe.
Anyone interested in knowing THE LARGE PICTURE of the young Chinese netizens, whose words have been frequently translated into Chinese on this forum by John, below is a good article to start with.
其实俄罗斯的外部压力来的比中国早也比中国大,因此俄罗斯的80后反弹也比中国来的早一些,同时俄罗斯学者和官方对此的研究与引导也多一些。比如一年前俄罗斯学者提出了 “国际进入新对立时代”的概念;提出了“可控性动乱”的概念。比如他认为:信息革命带来了数十亿人的政治觉醒和参政的积极性,使得国际安全的可控性下降等等。他们还认为: 意识形态领域的竞争无疑将日益尖锐,民主已变成了相互攻击的武器,美国将重塑自己的吸引力。但令人遗憾的是,在竞争白热化的环境下,追求民主的崇高价值之争难免会以地缘政治冲突为特点。
俄罗斯的官员对80后网络一代也非常重视,尽管俄罗斯宽带普及率比中国差远了。2004年底,当乌克兰大学生打着写有英国哲学家柏克的箴言:“恶人得胜的惟一条件,就是好人袖手旁观”的标语,几周内不知疲倦地唱歌呼喊口号的时候,俄罗斯官方并没有在意。但当乌克兰发生了“橙色革命”后,官方被年轻人的力量震惊了。每年俄罗斯有150万青年学生毕业,这些年龄在16到28岁的年轻人占俄罗斯总人口的20 %。如何赢得这些年轻人的心,成了官方的重要课题。他们提出了“主权民主”的概念(按照俄罗斯政治调研所所长马尔科夫的说法,“主权民主”这一概念是对那些在民主化幌子下建立依从性政治制度的“颜色革命”分子的原则性回答,也是对20世纪90年代俄罗斯按别国模式实行的那种“低劣民主化”的回答。),提出了 “软入侵”概念。如俄罗斯历史学家尤里”阿法纳斯耶夫(Yury Afanasyev)所说:“俄罗斯将成为什么样的国家,这很大程度上取决于她如何看待自己的历史。”于是官方在2007年出版了《俄罗斯现代史:1945-2006:历史教师教学手册》……等等。
Palestinian government is HAMAS terrorest group ,backed by Al qaeda in Iran ,America sells very few arms we actually buy arms from other countries than sell them ,,