You may have heard about the April 6 strike that took place here in Egypt, and Esraa Abdelfattah, the creator of the strike Facebook Group, who was arrested then reportedly disappeared, minutes after she was released.
That's why Michaelitoo decided to write here about her and other Egyptians who have disappeared in the previous few years.
رضا هلال..كاتب صحفي مشهور بجريدة الاهرام..كتب مؤلفات عديدة عن المسيحية الصهيونيه و عن الجماعات الاسلاميه و كتاباته دي لم تعجب الكثيرين فإختفي
وفاء قسطنين..زوجه قسيس قررت إعتناق الاسلام بمحض إرادتها فلم يعجب الامر المسيحيين في مصر فتظاهروا و إعتكف البابا ثم إختفت وفاء
إسراء عبد الفتاح..شابه مصريه كانت مخنوقه من موضوع الاسعار و طابور العيش و الفساد فعملت جروب ع الفيس بوك نادت فيه بالاضراب فتم القبض عليها ثم إختفت
Name: Reda Helal … A well known writer in Al-Ahram newspaper … he wrote many books about Christianity, Zionism, and Islamic Movements, and many didn't like what he writes, then he disappeared.
Name: Wafaa Costantine … A bishop's wife who decided to convert to Islam, with her own will. Many Christians didn't like it, and they arranged demonstrations and the Pope went on a strike, then she disappeared.
Name: Esraa Abdel Fattah … An Egyptian young lady, who wasn't happy with the mad prices and the shortage of bread in some areas, so she created a group on Facebook and called for a general strike, then she was arrested and after that she disappeared.