Zimbabwe: Chinese troops Mutare?

Curly wonders what the Chinese troops are doing in Zimbabwe: “These blue suited marathon running highly trained policemen probably know the identities of the Chinese troops who have been reported as being seen on the streets of Mutare in Zimbabwe, after checking into a hotel resplendent with nice shining pistols. So why are the Chinese there? Have they been sent to protect and supervise the shipment of 77 tonnes of arms that is sitting off the coast of South Africa, waiting for someone to be brave enough to unload it? Are they the vanguard of a larger force that will help keep Harare’s streets quiet while Mugabe and the Zimbabwean electoral commission “officially” fiddle the result of the recent parliamentary and presidential elections?”


  • monica

    i thought that the shipment of arms have already been brought back to China since the crew couldn’t wait any longer. Am I mistaken?

    They might very well be the vanguard of a larger force sent to keep the peace. According to an article on allAfrica.com (http://allafrica.com/stories/200704240253.html) China has an investment portfolio of over 600 million USD in Zimbabwe. It’d make sense that Beijing would like to avoid a breakout of violence in Mutare.

  • albert tsang

    What is wrong of China sending weapons to Zimbabwe. Are US and European countries doing all these?

  • Tinashe

    I may not be in a position to give the status of the arms shipment, but all I wanna say is….Mam, Do not be blind !!!

  • Smith

    The shipment was last said to be heading to Angola

  • ross

    no its just that china is as undemocratic as zimbabwe its a joke china investing in zimbabwe only looking out for itself making money off the back of zimbabwes collapse the chinese are a joke we all forget that they are comunist anyway look at tibet all the human rights abuses its been all over the news world wide they should get this article up on BBC world as well “China bankrolling zimbabwean regime” that would really put them in the shit before the elections what the hell are they thinking sending arms to zimbabwe just as the post political situation is disintergrating MDC just reported 10 deaths and then the chinses send 75 tonnes or arms to zim its a disgrace if mugabe uses the weapons to inflict human rights abuses and to stay in power which every knows he will do china should be put to the ICC for human rights abuses themselves their not idiots they no what mugabe will use the weapons for there effectivly funding undemocratic rule in zimbabwe protecting their own investments and getting another vote at the UN the bastards they may be the new super power but there still a bunch of thugs bring democracy to china and problems around the world will end!!!

  • why cant anyone help to take the old man out we(zimbabwe) are sick and tired of him he a very evil person he has been killing people since he got into power why cant he taste his own medicine

  • BRE

    There have been a number of credible reports that uniformed and armed PLA (PR China) soldiers were on joint patrols with Mugabe’s shock troops in the city of Mutare. Eyewitness reports say that 10 Red Army soldiers checked into the local Holiday Inn with about 70 Zimbabwean troops on April 16th. This is not unusual since the PRC military has been supplying Mugabe with arms and munitions, fighter aircraft and military vehicles, logistical support and training for years.

    What is really disturbing is that Beijing chose to allow a shipment of millions of rounds of ammunition, RPG’s, and mortar tubes to go ahead right around the same time that Mugabe’s death grip on power in Zimbabwe was slipping (the start of the vote counting in last month’s elections). The task for concerned global citizens and bloggers now is to nail down the present location of the Chinese freighter the An Yue Jiang, a ship loaded with 77 tons of munitions for Mugabe.

    African government leaders and civic organizations across the continent must work together to stop this shipment of deadly cargo from reaching the Zimbabwean Ministry of Defence. In addition, Beijing and its corp of “Africa ambassdors” need to be called on the carpet before the AU and the UN to explain why this arms shipment was made during such a delicate period in the future of Zimbabwe and southern Africa.

    It would be great if GVO staffers really stay on top of this important development in Sino-African relations by tracking what bloggers and journalists around the globe are writing and saying.

  • Good call, BRE, I’ll see if I can get a post out on this.

  • IRIS

    What i dont understand is what the international community is waiting for.People are dieing in Zimbabwe ,how would anyone feel if that was your mum or son.People will keep dieing, i mean real people dieing not dolls. Or dear whats the united nations for and why are they looking on while this is obviously like some comedy show with a freak twist. its not funny anymore.international community is letting zimbabweans down.people are having their hands, legs and bottoms burnt with real fire and people who have little are having even that little destroyed. shame on the human race if we cant stand and protect our week fellow human beings.whats the point..why dosent the end of the world just come then.

  • Tinashe

    Guys, I am a zimbo, true, we are suffering ….but has any od you guys looked into the spiritual implications of this whole matter? I have news.

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