Last week's Olympics “angel” Jin Jing is on the traitor [zh] list now, after she spoke out against the upcoming nation-wide anti-Carrefour [zh] protests set for May 1 [zh].
People can't wait [update: yeah, it's totally on now] to get out to those, it seems, just like Chinese hackers, having already gotten into, weren't willing to wait until the 19th for the planned DDOS attack to begin, all this against the backdrop of millions of netizens finding ways to display their patriotism.
As if that weren't enough, Jack Cafferty's remarks even got the central government on the anti-CNN bandwagon.
So now Saturday is looking like Chinese anti-CNN day in a number of different places [zh] around the world [zh]
At least one related post at has over 27,000 comments over nearly 500 pages. As Heike The Dark Visitor blogger points out, the April 19 protests will mostly be held in western Europe:
1. 1500-1800hrs, 19 April 2008, at the Bundestag, Platz der Republik, Berlin
2. 1300-1500hrs, 19 April 2008, two routes (from Talie – Hotel de Ville – Bastille) or (Republique – Bastille – Hotel de Ville –Bastille, Paris
3. 1100-1500hrs, 19 April 2008, Downing Street outside of Whitehall, England
4. (No time given) 19 April 2008, Amsterdam, HollandThe protests appear to be well organized, with the coordination of donations, banners, flags, T-shirts…etc. While it is of course impossible to tell how widespread the demonstrations will be, an online keyword search, using Chinese, did produce several hundred hits.
One link Heike provides emphasizes that the protesters are furious and promising demonstrations that will flood Europe in a sea of red flags:
On April 18, one of the earlier members of posted the address and fax number for CNN's office in Beijing, along with a sample letter for anyone to send:
美国东部时间4月9日晚6点,贵台主持人Jack Cafferty 在“时事观察室”节目中发表了侮辱全体中国人的种族歧视言论,令人甚感震惊。他说:“他们(中国人)基本上还是五十年来的那群恶棍和暴徒。”
全世界华人充分理解贵国一贯秉持的言论自由原则,并尊重Jack Cafferty的政治立场,但是作为一个公众人物,一个新闻从业者,Jack Cafferty所说的已经完全超越了言论自由的底线,相信任何一个有尊严的华人都不会接受这种对于华人整个族裔的谩骂。
At 6pm EST on the evening of April 9, your network's anchorperson Jack Cafferty, made racist remarks on the program The Situation Room that insulted and shocked the entirety of the Chinese people. He said, “(the Chinese) they're basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years.”
The Chinese people of the world fully understand that your country has always upheld the principle of free speech, and respect Jack Cafferty's political stance, but as a public persona and a news professional, what Jack Cafferty said has gone way beyond the line of freedom of speech, and [we] believe that any respectable Chinese person cannot accept this kind of invective towards the entire Chinese race.
贵台稍候在15日发表的简短声明中辩解称Jack Cafferty所说的恶棍暴徒指的是中国政府,这样避重就轻没有诚意的道歉声明更是令人难以接受。首先,在Jack Cafferty的言论中,他反复多次说到中国,中国人,丝毫没有提到中国政府的地方;再者,Jack Cafferty在说到“恶棍”与“暴徒”时,使用的是复数,其意思非常明确,他口中的“他们”指的就是整个华人族群;最后,贵台的声明把矛头转向中国政府,这样牵强的强辩实际上是对中华民族的二度伤害!难道攻击一个国家的政府就不会伤害该国人民的感情了吗?
为此我致函向CNN以及Jack Cafferty提出严正抗议和谴责!
It is for these reasons that I have written to sternly protest and condemn both CNN and Jack Cafferty!
China has only opened its doors to the world for a short twenty-something years, but Chinese people from around the world are all able to see that people from every country around the world still bear many doubts and various sorts of misunderstandings toward China, this country far off in the Orient. But this does not mean that certain people can be irresponsible, and freely make attacks against China and the Chinese people. Even if one doesn't understand China, no conscientious person ought to be selectively blind to facts which lay before them.
以美国为例,华人移民多少年来都是社会中最遵纪守法和最友善的一群人。Cafferty先生是否记得, 9.11事件发生后 ,布什总统向劫机事件中表现英勇的华裔空姐邓月薇家属颁发奖状,称她是“美国的英雄”,事件中另一名中国学生曾喆在世贸大厦现场不停救人最终英勇牺牲,被追赠纽约市“社区贡献奖”的曾喆是美国历史上获此殊荣的第二人;Cafferty先生又是否知道,去年震惊美国震惊世界的弗吉尼亚理工大学枪击案中,有一名华裔女教师挺身而出带领学生顶住大门阻止了枪手进入,从而保护了全班学生。从何时起,善良、本分、为世界和平默默做出贡献的华人竟然成为了Jack Cafferty口中的恶棍和暴徒?
我相信,身为一名资深政治评论员,Jack Cafferty决非无知,他更没有失忆,促使他公开侮辱中国人的根本原因是他对我华人的种族歧视!他的言论无疑是对整个中华民族,尤其是在美华人最无耻的伤害,更造成了非常恶劣的影响,严重损伤了中美两国人民的友谊。
I believe, that as a senior political commentator, Jack Cafferty is in no way ignorant, as much as I don't believe he has amnesia: the underlying reason which led him to publicly insult the Chinese people is his racism towards Chinese people! His words undoubtedly referred to the entire Chinese race, shamelessly hurting in particular those Chinese in America the most, but the most terrible impact this has had is the serious harm it has done to the friendship between the peoples of America and China.
贵台多年来一直标榜CNN在全球树立了很强的公信度和良好的声誉,而现如今Jack Cafferty信口开河恶意攻击中国人的言论无疑是CNN甚至全美传媒界的耻辱!试问一个赤裸裸发表种族歧视言论的人有何资格站在道德高点批评他人为恶棍暴徒?
希望CNN及Jack Cafferty收起傲慢与偏见,立即向全世界华人进行公开、正式的道歉!
如果贵台及Jack Cafferty本人迟迟不愿就辱华言论事件向全世界华人做出诚恳回应,全球华人定将依法提起集体诉讼,追究CNN及Jack Cafferty的诽谤侮辱责任和相关赔偿。
I hope CNN and Jack Cafferty retract their arrogance and prejudice, and immediately issue a public and formal apology to the Chinese people of the world!
If this station and Jack Cafferty himself take their time in issuing a sincere response to the Chinese people of the world for this remark incident which has disgraced us Chinese, the Chinese of the world are firmly prepared to adhere to law and file a class-action lawsuit to look into CNN and Jack Cafferty's responsibility and appropriate compensation for this slanderous insult.
I await your response!
I just checked out the video of the Cafferty comment. While there is no question he is being rude, there is also no question that he is talking in political terms – i.e. about the government of the PRC, and perhaps more generally the ‘system’ of the PRC. He talks of them having been thugs and goons “for the last 50 years”. Is this not a clear reference to the establishment of the PRC? He is just bashing communists.
I am fed up with Chinese leaping up and down demanding apologies without having taken the time to understand what has actually been said.
Any racial aspect to what Cafferty said was a subtext. The substance of Cafferty’s comments (if ‘substance’ is the right word to use to describe what comes out of his dumb mouth) were CLEARLY directed at the PRC government only.
Why can the author of the above letter not see this? Why does the author of the letter have to make this a race issue when it clearly is not?
we chinese interprete that as racial attack, not buts, ifs ors about it.
Chinese people have been expecting Olympics in Beijing for many years. It’s you who should take some time understanding our feelings.
PRC government is accepted and supported by most Chinese people, of course they’re not perfect. To varying degrees, they have so many things to improve. But what Chinese people really need for now is peace and prosperity. So insulting PRC government, especially now is equivalent to insulting Chinese peole.
Firstly I’s like to say that Cafferty is a moron.
Nevertheless, the Chinese reaction is a waste of energy. If only the Chinese people were united on questions of corruption and pollution….
I think this shows that China is not ready for democracy yet, the top tier of the PRC government (which contrary to Cafferty’s remark, are quite intelligent and constantly working for the betterment of China) know this and wisely delay the democratisation of China. This is a chance for Chinese people to learn to live with opposing opinions. There is no need to react violently whenever someone says “free Tibet”, it’s not a sign of strength but a sign of weakness. If China wants to be a successful superpower and not become a copy of the USA , they need to be more confident, allow more dialogue and criticism.
The Chinese should notice that no government supports an independent Tibet or Xinjiang.
I know many Chinese people who are boycotting Carrefour, none of them has even seen an evidence connecting Carrefour with the Tibetan separatist movement. Have you learned nothing from the American WMD experience in Iraq?
Somebody help to translate this:
李承鹏致CNN的一封信 送一盒“马应龙痔疮膏”
倍可亲( 我的美国同行CNN及卡弗蒂你们好:
我英语一直不好,但从来没有把CNN念成WCNN,现在觉得也许WCNN更合适,因为在真正的垃圾眼中,世界的一切才会都是垃圾,只有真正的暴民和匪徒,才会断言另一个国家和族种50年来一直是暴民和匪徒,卡弗蒂不小心就暴露出他、CNN、及美国的头等机密,哦,卖糕的,是不是前总统的拉链没把CNN 及主持人的嘴锁好,美国拉链,原来美国人也生产垃圾产品。
就算要比谁更“垃圾”的话,我们家就算有垃圾这么几千来也修炼成了精,那叫马王堆文物,那叫孔夫子的夜壶,你们家有吗,是白宫吗,是打着激素冒充肌肉男的史泰隆吗,当你们每次派好莱坞讲故事说“LONG LONG AGO”的时候,我一考查,不对呀,那是人苏格兰的历史,那是人意大利的历史,那是人古巴比伦的历史,或者是非洲黑兄弟的历史。
If you interpret it as a racial attack you misinterpret it. It is very simple really.
It is also worth emphasizing how illogical and (apparently) unable to understand simple English the author of the letter is. This is odd by the way because the English in his letter is not too bad. For example, he even says that because ‘goons’ was used in the plural then it must refer to the whole Chinese people. Why? How can somebody capable or writing such a long letter in English be unable to grasp how the plural works?
If Chinese honestly interpret this as a racial attack they are being ridiculous.
What I am fed up with, is the great number of people like you suggesting that the Chinese have no right to feel insulted by attacks against the Chinese government. Because that implies either: (A) One should not feel insulted unless he himself is the target of an attack; or (B) No one who isn’t “brain dead” would feel mentally attached with their government.
As to A: Would you feel insulted if someone is cursing your grandmother? Your best friend? Your favorite actor? Your most admired political leader? Where do you draw the line?
As to B: If you considered a foregone conclusion that the Chinese government is so evil it should be detested by all free-thinking Chinese, then of course there is no need for any discussion any more.
Unfortunately for the Chinese people, in this country ,we can insult even our own government, it is allowed, as we have free speech. So, I’m not exactly sure why a the media making a very clear insult to the Chinese government is any different.(the government not the people – I too watched the tape and there was no racial attack)
You must also remember that the middle and lower middle class here have had many of their jobs taken away – they feel they were taken away by the Chinese to the great detriment of middle class America and the great benefit of Corporate America.
At this point in time I can’t see anyone here really caring too much about the hurt feelings of the Chinese people, because people here would like prosperity as well, but they feel the Chinese took it. So really the people who have not had the luxury of an education, are now without decent employment opportunities. (Walmart which imports most of it’s stuff from China pays a crappy wage, hardly a living wage, and their benefits stink)These people don’t care about the Olympics ,they don’t care about Chinese pride, they are angry and they just want to live a decent life.
Someone in the media discussing China (the government ) in a politically derogatory way , to them, is justified.
Marches like this aren’t going to “wake up” westerners and make them start listening to Chinese people’s concerns. If they look like the one in the photo they will just make people think Chinese are a bunch of fanatical nationalists.
I think it’s a cultural difference between the Asian focus on the group and the western focus on the individual. The Chinese make the mistake of thinking westerners will be inpressed by large numbers of people, but no, they will be alienated by a faceless ranting mob.
Westerners are more likely to respond to an articulate and sympathetic individual arguing their cause.
Look at the South Africans during apartheid – they had people like Desmond Tutu. And of course that’s why the Dalai Lama has been so successful. Who have the Chinese got?
I check out again what Cafferty has said, I still find what he said is ambiguous and can’t tell whether he refers to all my countrymen ou our government, maybe that is where the discord comes.
The problem of corruption is recurrent and we have get used to it. It’s also dangerous when it’s becomes normal.
I can expect that kind of reation to Cafferty. Maybe they are overreacting to it. Chinese’s national ego is easily stimulated, and I know well that it only show our weakness and insecurity. I hope that my country can be a really great one, not like American. And we really have a long way to go, to be more tolerant toward differant ideas.
In Internet, it’s hard to reason. Slogans have more power,just like Gustave Le Bon have said. People get fanatical. We get stupid when a lot of people is toghether.
And I think that our goverment should rethink about the publicity of Tibet. Maybe Dalai is telling lies, but his lies is more credible than the truth that the our goverment tells.