Sunbin comments on Tibet issue and urges politicians not to sacrifice the lives of the people you claim to love and save.
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I see China as part of another Axis of EVIL as long as those communist, power hungry politicians kill peaceful
Tibetans and invade it with armed military forces! It can NOT be ANY clearer, Tibet belongs to Tibetans and NOBODY else! Chinese in power that support invading peaceful Tibet are further destroying an already very shaky
China world image. The world is now seeing China for the Evil, Terroristic Communist that it is. Remember that China still does business with a VERY Evil Myanmar/Burma, another spoke of the Axis of Evil.
who is the terrorist, oh you mean March 14th Lhasa incident where the Lamas killed the innocent and the babies?!
hint? Native Americans?! USA image?
Is there really freedom of religion in the USA? because many places in the east coast don’t allow buddhist temples to be built even with request for permission for years?! how do you explain that?
If Dalai wants the best for our buddhist religion, instead of fighting internally and try to separate our brothers and sisters, he should focus on propagating the buddhist religion to the west.
I have a question for Dalai, how can he separate himself from other ethnicities living in China, for he has almond shaped eyes, yellow skin . . . If we can accept Indian Buddha the enlightened one to be our teacher, why can’t we accept each other as brothers and sisters.
Many buddhist temples are NOT real temples in many states in the U.S., just run down houses with monks living in them. There are national churches and mosques in Washington DC, but there are no national buddhist temple. That’s not fair!