Cuba, China, Tibet: Reactions

“As you may be aware, the Olympic torch relay through major European cities has been successfully disrupted over the past week by demonstrators calling on Communist China to respect human rights and to get out of Tibet”: Child of the Revolution focuses on Cuba's reaction.


  • brick

    could someone tell me what your reactions were about the riots it tibet and about dhalilama

  • JC

    Thank you for raising this topic as it is exactly my point. The US does not have a problem with democracy. They are in bed with the Chinese. The Chinese give access to large multi-nationals which Cuba does not. That is the real issue with Cuba – not democracy, not human rights as China so often violates. If that was the real reason for the embargo and travel restriction, we’d have put sanctions on China and waited for a democratic China. China is the new super power in the world. Cuba is worthless to the US…particularly if Cubans do not make it friendly for US corporations (i.e. Grand Caymans, Bermuda etc.). I am first generation Cuban American – I cannot see visit my family nor can I travel to the island of my birthright (like Jews who get to go to Israel) – that is a serious human rights violation on behalf of the US on US citizens. So much for democracy…

  • Knights

    @ JC

    No matter how much you hate U.S., that’s your business. Do NOT drag China into this. You see the sabotaging of the Olympics, and you should know that China is also a victim of U.S.A. If you do NOT know much about a country like China’s people, history, and language, then stay neutral. By commenting about China’s problems, you become part of U.S. and CNN propaganda.
    I empathize with you on Cuba. I hope you empathize with China.

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