Kikuyumoja wants to know the number of Africans on Twitter: “How many African twitterdudes & -dudettes are there on Twitter?
Am asking because of my friends on facebook who feel like being spammed with “JKE is twittering:…” messages on their feed pages. I’ve received at least two “what is this twittering business”-questions so far and then try to explain it.”
I am currently on twitter but I don’t think I will end up using it a lot long term, I feel it’s too much of a tool of distraction unless you need to constantly keep in touch with business associates or a social circle across a long distance.
I would use twitterpacks: and if there is not an Africa or Africans twitter group, start one and tweet it out and ask everyone else to add their name to the list.
I’m @waynesutton on twitter and I’m African-American
The other day I had been blogging about Tweets or Blogs – A Personal Perspective (1) and how twitter had been doing as a social network tool. But this is something else about how many Africans are on Twitter and it implications for teenagers.