Bridge-blogging has taken on a whole new meaning now in China since armies of multilingual netizens started scouring the known media universe last month for inaccuracy or distortions in reports regarding China or, more specifically, Tibet.
Though there was no mention of the anti-China protests which took place in London today on Chinese state-owned media and very little to be seen on all incoming media, many people inside and out of China are quite capable in English, and it took about nine seconds for someone at to find reason to start yet another ‘anti-CNN’ thread: the large torch-welcoming protest held by London's Chinese community near 10 Downing Street wasn't covered today by the BBC.
From YouTube user cnsunshugmail:
Why on BBC's all day live coverage I only see tibet protests but never see supporting Beijing Olympic from Chinese students like this video? Is western medias really impartial like they claim them are? And do they still have the right to blame Chinese media censorship?
From thread ‘censored!! chinese protest in London you never see on BBC’:
如果实在没法看,但是肯定可以打开网页。也请在点下Favorite和Rate 下的第五颗星星!!
This video has been taken on 6/04/08
(中文下面)Chinese students protest against western media bias and welcoming the Olympic torch arrival in London.The location is near the number 10 downing street Whitehall, Westminster – London.
The BBC report shows the free Tibet groups nearby but near show the Chinese student's protest. SHAME ON YOU BBC.
2008年4月6日在伦敦唐宁街首相府附近拍摄的中国学生和爱国人士的爱国迎接奥运圣 火游行。 这次游行有来自全英国各地的同胞,远到苏格兰,曼城。在游行中大家自豪的高唱国歌 ,对过来挑衅的藏DU人士大声叱喝。 我在唱国歌的时候差点感动到流下眼泪,不得不哽咽的坚持唱下去。我们在海外的学子是多 么的团结!!!
我们的游行队伍大概和旁边的藏DU不相上下,但是BBC的新闻中完全没有报道我们。 让我对BBC 彻底失望。 希望在接下来的圣火传递中,我们的兄弟同胞能团结一致站起来,喊出我们中华民族的心声 !
Everybody, please support this video. Let more people see it!!!!
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This video has been taken on 6/04/08
(see Chinese text below)Chinese students protest against western media bias and welcoming the Olympic torch arrival in London.
The location is near the number 10 downing street Whitehall, Westminster – London.
The BBC report shows the free Tibet groups nearby but near show the Chinese student's protest. SHAME ON YOU BBC.
On April 6 Chinese students and patriots held a march near the Prime Minister's office on Downing St. to welcome the Olympic torch. Co-patriots came from all over England to march, from as far as Scotland and Manchester. During the march everybody sang the national anthem proudly and loudly, and was shouting loudly at the pro-Tibetan *****endence people who came to provoke. Singing the national anthem, I was almost moved to tears, and even though I was choking I had to keep on singing. See how united we overseas students are!!!
Our procession was about the same size as the pro-Tibetan *****endence one beside us, but BBC News didn't report on us at all. This leaves me so disappointed in the BBC. I hope that in the coming torch relays, our brother-compatriots can unite together and stand up, and shout with the voice of the Chinese people!
From another thread: 中国加油,中国人加油!
我看不到 谁有看到 ?很想 看 等待中~~
it's does not matter. we have one heart, China. let them do what they want. at least they let us hug
很好,很强大,让世界听听中国真正的声音,让CNN死去吧,不实报道 在这里 可以 打开
大家留意一下,有可能是youtube屏蔽中国用户, 请专家考证一下
看到3, 有血气的中国人! 在海外更知道中国的伟大!
不知道为什么,youtube 上有时能看,有时又不能. 不过他封j你一个帐号,再申请一个又上.总要让我们的声音被听见.持续地坚持住, 反对偏见!
支持海外学子,B4 BBC!
我也打不開, 用工具下也下不了 – -~ 爲什麽不直接用代碼貼視頻呢
Oh what rubbish. I watched a video of the protests on the BBC site this morning which included not only footage of the pro-China demonstrators but an interviews with two of them.
And the BBC website currently has mention of the pro-China protestors on its main page covering the demonstrations, although they were far less numerous and their intervention obviously less spectacular.
Meanwhile, has there been any footage on Chinese television that mentioned any protests at all?
No. The postings attacking the BBC (not that it is by any means perfect) are utter humbug.
Click any video link on the BBC’s main page dealing with the protests today, and look for the title:
Beijing flame’s troubled journey through London (4mins 31 secs)
“Free Tibet, WorldWide Natives retake control”
Thanks for your report, I took the video around 2pm , By the time I got home and started watching BBC LIVE, I didn’t see any of the report that give a over-view of how strong and what scale was the pro-chinese protests. Only till later, I saw a short interview with a chinese girl that conducted in front of our crow, very breif, and can not reflect the truth voice of very chinese protesters.
I guess it still can be regarded as fair play, even though you cover one side story for 10 hours , and the other side for about 5 minutes.
By the way, I did updated my description in that youtube video, to let ppl know BBC did cover our side of the story. Thanks.
There is no need to interview the groups of Chinese welcoming the torch, we all know what opinions they will give in a very robotic manner and tone…and the rest of the world should pay no heed, we all got along well without China, it is just a Pandora’s box.
“Meanwhile, has there been any footage on Chinese television that mentioned any protests at all?”
Yes. The protest was brocasted by the Chinese telivison CCTV.
Given the level of distrust of Chinese government owned media, the best PR strategy for the Chinese government is to encourage patriotic bloggers to attempt to stir up the same level of distrust of Western media.
Typical nonsense.
As someone said above, the BBC coverage showed pro-China Chinese students and interviewed them.
Why don’t you Chinese condemn your own media for failing to cover the protests?