China: Civilians in violence and conflict

In order to stop the spreading panic, most of the detailed recounts of what is happening in Tibet are filtered out; however, a few blogs have survived to report what had happened at the frontline.

In the propaganda sparring, each side has shown their best skills to stand their positions by the name of “people” on their banners. But given the records of people who have in person witnessed the violence and anti-violence by the means of crackdown, it's the thousands of commons who were hurled into a sea of infinite fear.

Jiandanai posted a letter from his Tibetan schoolmate in Tibet, which records the violence aimed at Hans in Tibet


I personally think the riot is quite successfully planned. Since 10 March, monks and nuns around Lhasa have entered downtown to protest, but were soon dispelled. Then, great hordes of police were sent to around the temples at suburb, thus the force available in city was limited. On 14th, 10 am, some started to siege the police outside the Xiaozhao Temple in the city, and the action soon turned into violence. The whole city was then thrown into the insurgence. A very pretty feint.

14 号白天,在骚乱地点是见一个汉人就杀,死亡数据是封锁了的。但在14日晚九点,我同事的爱人在公安厅,当时透露了一个数据,汉族平民死亡大概在一百七八十左右,之后就没有数据了。拉萨各医院住满了伤亡者(我在报社的朋友去医院采访,亲眼见到5个失去了耳朵的伤者,还有一具被点了”天灯”女尸),武警总医院是隔几分钟就抬入一个受伤战士(因为白天不能动武,只靠人墙去挡)。顺便,可以告诉你两例真实的暴行:一是三名藏族男子追上一汉族女子,每人一刀;另一是以纯专卖店的5位花季店员,汽油瓶丢入,卷帘门拉下,被活活烧死。

On the day of 14th, (mobs) killed every Han they met at where the riot was going. But the overall death toll was unreleased. However, my colleague’s spouse who worked in Public Security department told that about 170 Hans died. Then there was no more statistics. Hospitals in Lhasa were crowded with the injured. My friend working in newspaper office has been there and saw in person 5 people lost their ears and one body of a female burnt to death. In the police hospital, every a few minutes an armed police was sent in, as in daytime they could not crackdown by force but could just stopped the mob with flesh wall.
By the way, I can tell you 2 cases of real violence: 3 Tibetans caught up a Han girl and each gave her a knife stab; another case —– 5 young salespeople were kept in a shop, door shuttered up and gas bottles thrown in. They were burnt to death.


On 14th, the police were allowed to shoot at those who strike them. At 5 am, 15th, the army drove in with 40 wheeled armor cars. (That inspired us Han). And on 15th the police broke in homes for search. On 22; 00, 16th, the pedrail tanks withdrew, situation under control. But pieces of violence still existed. At 11 am, 17th, we were back to work.

Shops on fire

town after battle
Town after battle

A girl working in Lhasa also recorded the day and night during the unrest. She kept using “scared” in a row.


The whole afternoon was spent in panic. For a while we heard that armored cars had showed up…. for another while it’s said tanks came too, and then smoke rising at around Xiaozhao Temple. I dared not go out, and had no idea what’s happening outside. There was all noise —– screaming, guffaws, sound of chasing, 120 (emergency medical call) for twice and something blown up.

晚饭还好,有中午剩下的菜汤,再加点菜,居然很香!吃饭时发现多了好多人,一共十几个人吧,哪冒出这么多的人?奇怪?还有两个四川人,好像受伤了 一问,才知道是翻墙逃到隔壁屋顶上,观察良久,再翻到我们院子里来的。不知道是不是傍晚时分在我们巷子里被打得很惨叫声的主人。当时我们也吓坏了,都不敢 说话,也不敢开门,怕一说话,坏蛋一听是汉人就冲撞进来,那后果真是不敢想像……

The dinner, some soup left from lunch plus a few more dishes, is fine. It tasted so good! When at table I found quite more people, over 10 totally. Where did they come up? So strange. And there were 2 men from Sichuan, who seemed injured. The men said they hurdled the wall and observed the situation for quite a long time before skipping down to our yard. I was not sure if they were exactly the men beaten up howling when at dusk. We were so scared too, speechless, daring not to open the door for the fear that the thugs would broke in on hearing we are Han. I am too frightful to imagine that.

我打电话给还住在平措青年旅馆的温州女孩联系,问她是否平安,她说现在停 电了,什么都看不到,晚上只有一点点吃的卖很贵,下午看到平措的两边门都烧起来了,边上有家银行(应该也是门)也被烧了,旅馆老板在楼下值班守夜,她很害 怕,安慰了她一阵子挂了电话,其实我也害怕……

I phone a Wenzhou girl staying at Pingchuo Youth Hotel for regard. She said the place was out of power. The only little food could be bought was so dear. She saw the doors of Pingchuo burnt at noon and so did the door of a bank nearby. The hotel owner was keeping watch downstairs and she was also scared. I comforted her for a while and ringed off. Actually I was scared no less.

和我们一起的有游客,有在拉萨投资的,当然还有这家主人,大家表面上都不说,可是我相信大家心里都很怕!很 很怕!很很很怕! 这逃进来的两个人中其中一个告诉我们,他的摩托车被烧了,车上有现金两万元人民币和无数帐单……我们当时就告诉他,人没事才是最重要的!他们被打劫了, 身上的钱也被抢了,而且,被打得好惨,进到我们这里,脸都是惨白的……虽然我没和他们在一起,听到他们说这些,仍然觉得,有政府各部门的关爱真是一件非常幸福的事情!假设这个时候没有政府在保护,我们这些待在拉萨的人们,是怎样的一番场景?

Staying with us were tourists, investors in Lhasa, and of course the owner of the house. Though no one spoke it out, I was sure every one of us was very scared. Very very very scared!
One of the two found here a shelter said his motor was burnt along with the 20000 RMB cash and bills on it…. We told them it’s the personal safety that matters!
They were robbed and beaten up, faces pale.
Though I had not been with them at the time, when hearing this I still thought how lucky to have the care from the government. Imagine what would have happened then without the protection of the government? What would we staying in Lhasa be?

They are both wanted by the government. Who are they? Martyrs or just killers?

Finally, a wife is praying for her husband who had been sent to Tibet for crackdown.

郁闷,前几天没有看新闻,不是老公说是要去西藏还不知道发生了这么大的事情,不过好像也跟我们的生活没有太大的关系,日子照旧。可是现在不同了,这一切却 是跟我的生活挂钩了,老公去了青海保护西藏去了,在我生日的前一天晚上确切说是我生日当天的凌晨,这是我最后一个单身生日了,可是老公不在

Two nights ago my husband marched to Tibet, and I know nothing about where he is now. The cell phone must have been out of power, contact lost. Qiu told that they were demanded to reach within 3 days. They should be there now.
Gloomy…. I hadn’t read news a few days ago until my husband said he would go to Tibet. But it seemed to have nothing to do with our life. Well, now everything is different. My husband was sent to Qinghai to protect Tibet, exactly on the early morning of my birthday, a time He should have been here.

就在他们出发的那天下午—还不知道要去,去买了戒指项链等东西,总共有一万六七吧,不过还好花了7000。要不我肯定有的心疼好长一阵子了。给他也买 了不过好像也不是特别合适但是晚上他就出发了,现在也没有办法去换,只有等到回来了再去。我的戒指也稍有一点大,可是他那没有这个款了,而且这个还是铂金 镶的VVS级别的钻,应该说是很不错的,换一个可能就不会有这么好了吧。

On the day they set off —– we didn’t know it then—- we did shopping for rings and necklace. It’s good that we just spent about 7000 or I have to be sorry for the money for quite a while. I bought some for him too, but it doesn’t fit very well. However, we had no chance to ask for a change now. I have to wait until he is back.
These two nights I don’t feel like to sleep until the TV shows made me extremely sleepy to midnight. So unaccustomed to the days without him, without a companion.
Hope they can be fine outside, take good care of themselves, and I don’t know if they’ll suffer cold with the clothes I sent. How stupid that I forgot to bring him shampoo. How could he wash hair?
Wish a peaceful Tibet coming soon, wish my husband coming soon.
Blessing on Tibet, on my husband!

They carry out orders. But what are their stories behind the cool masks?


  • Tenzin


  • Tan

    @ qiang:

    In this later hour, many notable media groups including The Economist and The Guardian have pinned the source of the violence on certain Tibetan groups, so I don’t think the Western media is entirely against you. Even the Dalai Lama has stated that he is not in support of any boycott to the Beijing Olympics.

  • Lianxisheng

    To Tenzin:
    Every action has reaction. If the riot is reaction, please tell me what is the action that your research shows? Is it “Chinese Govt Policy towards Tibet and discrimination and bad treatment towards Tibeten”? Before claiming this statement, do you know anything about “Chinese Govt Policy towards Tibet”? Or are you just following those slogans and jumping on a bandwagon? If you do know some policies, tell me what’s wrong with these policies.

    As of discrimination and bad treatment towards Tibeten, do you have any solid evidence to back this vague accusation. From my persoanl experience, most people in different ethnic groups are very friendly towards Tibeten and respect their culture. After the riot, will people feel the same? I don’t know. But at least some seeds of inharmony have been planted. Like what you’ve said, action has its reaction.

    About the link you gave, a picture of a Tibeten being shot. Let’s put aside its authenticity at first. Do you believe this can demonstrates the bad treatment towards Tibeten? The man in the picture was shot on 2008.3.16, two days after the riot began. Who is he? If he is one of the rioters who brutally kill innocent people in public, does he sort of deserve such an end?

  • Lianxisheng

    Actually, being a chinese, recent western reports on the riot makes me very disappointed in western media. The propaganda against China is disgusting and it will do no good to most groups of interest, esp to Tibetens.

    Truth is: people in the west don’t really care about Tibet or Tibetens. Behind hypocritical slogans is their hostility towards China.

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  • Lianxisheng

    Why chinese gov not allowing world media in Tibet?

    Personally, I fully support more openness and less censorship(unnecessary in many occasions), but I think I could understand why Chinese Gov don’t want to open the gate until the situation is fully stabilized.
    Because reports from people who holds hostility and prejudice will make white look like black(I’ve witnessed several examples in these days), the Chinese gov is afraid that openness will provide bullets for those who have vile plans. In short, the gov is in a dilemma. It is willing to open but is afraid of the negative side of it, esp in 2008.

  • Tan

    @ Lianxisheng:

    There are people who genuinely care about the issue in Tibet. Please understand that not everyone is guilty of bad intentions toward either the Tibetans or the Chinese.

    It would probably be in China’s best interest to open itself to foreign media. Criticism against China is something that China needs to learn to tolerate and respond to, rather than avoid. This is particularly important if it intends to become a major world leader in the near future, which won’t happen if it isolates itself from the rest of the world. Even if being a superpower is not one of its aims, the fact that China will be hosting this year’s Olympics is a cause for some reform.

  • Tenzin

    to Lianxisheng
    Yes, i know Chinese policy toward Tibet and Now Whole world Will Get to know about it too !!!
    Before asking me can you tell me about they Policy toward Tibet!!
    I think you are brainwashed too!!
    and you forgot Tiananmen Square Massacre i hope you know about it or you don’t know.( Chinese government on its own people as barbaric and a severe violation of human rights)
    think about it before sleeping and reply me following morning i can wait for your reply not hurry
    hurry make worry !!
    thanks Lianxishengh

  • Tenzin

    Fighting for human dignity is our lifetime conviction. We shall fight on as long as there is breath left in us. The Chinese people are living with too little dignity. This kind of history, with no freedom but compliance, should be ended as soon as possible.

    —— Ding Zilin, Jiang Peikun, “Swear to fight for human dignity”, April 18, 1994, China Spring, USA, June 1994

    Note: Professors Jiang and Ding from the People’s University of China are well-known human rights workers from mainland China. Their 16-year-old son, a high school, was killed by the People’s Liberation Army on June 3, 1989. The two professors have devoted themselves since then to finding and taking care of the families whose family members died around June 4.

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