From Tunisia, Subzero Blue (Ar) shares with us the list of the 50 richest Arabs – led by Al Waleed bin Talal from Saudi Arabia.
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Learn more about Lingua Translation »From Tunisia, Subzero Blue (Ar) shares with us the list of the 50 richest Arabs – led by Al Waleed bin Talal from Saudi Arabia.
“Fully, aware of economic, trade with “Middle East” referral of location why specific area connotation of heritage. Bias” irrelevancy, governments are “corrupt” entrenched nepotism never free honest elections media censor. Opposite willing to purchase into, “EU” hesitate dealing “Maghreb” refugee’s of EU with “GOP” why allow migration. Tribalism lack of democratic: polices why? Condon African regions which non-Arabic when read journalism the viable titans of “Middle east there not regulated nor pay taxes. Leaders enrich themselves off the central banks hidden tradition notice audit where never. Super wealthy, never invest social progress educational, health and civil organizations biggest deficit externalism how? Dependent on guess workers failure to promote national educational facilities why many “nationals” detest there countries lack of “Brand Products” yes, France dominates region. Aviation and engineering commodities why haven’t leaders bought from local companies mistrust they’ll pay foreigners. Trading with fellow “Arabs” barter or give nothing why mistrust so prevalent going to worsen. “Dubai” is nice, try to bring “placid” city into region exteriors western still medieval feudalism! Nationalism is paramount and religious sect of Islam” why so many rather migrate to non-Umman” especially women whom can’t become independent entangled. Ideologies of “Middle east where slavery is practice detest “Africans” for shame ‘GOP” still corrupt society whom refuse to adjust. New era, empowering your citizens! “Nation of Islam” is cult or marabout irony, well protected in “Ummah” reason mention human crisis effecting Africans whom lobby in USA” there paid to protect interest of dictators. Louis Farrakhan is worth billions playing pious!