1 March 2008

Stories from 1 March 2008

Armenia: Censorship Concerns

Blogian makes another post raising concerns about censorship and freedom of speech following the declaration of a state of emergency in Armenia. The blog already notes that various online media...

Armenia: Riots

The Armenian Observer updates its readers on the latest developments in the confrontation between the opposition and authorities in the Armenian capital. The blog reports that molotov cocktails are being...

Armenia: Turning Point?

American-Armenian Raffi N at Life in Armenia says that the local broadcast media is not informing the public well on today's riots in Yerevan, but welcomes events if only because...

Uganda: Uganda's Calling

  1 March 2008

Uganda's Calling blog: “Uganda Calling is a non-profit organization that is helping to end the 20-year long war in Northern Uganda through the means of connecting with outreach programs in...

Fidel here and there

  1 March 2008

O Escriba blogs[PT] about the shocking difference between the covers of the Brazilian Veja magazine and the North-American New Yorker magazine about the end of Fidel Castro's long term on...

Brazil: Whose, and what kind of party, was Campus Party 2008?

  1 March 2008

The biggest event of the world involving people interested in internet and technology has just had its first Brazilian edition. Daniel Duende was among the thousands of participants who gathered together under the same roof in São Paulo to live and work for seven days, and now reports on the aftermath of the camping, which was great for some and awful for others, and goes beyond the clash the between traditional media and bloggers.

China: No more free lunch, even at here?

  1 March 2008

Now the fire has been burned to right outside the door. Is the litigation of movie makers in U.S agasint Xunlei in China a start of a fire that is bound to burn down the pirate paradise, or itself a scheme resulted from the drastic trade conflict of the two powers?

Thailand: Thaksin's PR

  1 March 2008

Real Life Thailand writes Thaksin, the former prime minister of Thailand, is “one of the best media manipulators of all time“.

Brad Will, one night more at the barricade

  1 March 2008

DPadua, from imaginarios.net/fluxos[PT], highlights in his blog[PT] the release of the movie “Brad Will, uma noite mais nas barricadas” [“Brad Will, one night more at the barricade”, PT], about the...

Cuba: Human Rights Treaty

  1 March 2008

Cuba has signed two United Nations treaties on human rights, but Child of the Revolution wonders whether the move will make any difference.