Cuba: Cardinal Points

“Nowhere in the world has the Catholic Church been a greater force for evil than in Cuba,” according to Review of Cuban-American Blogs. Babalu is not impressed with Cardinal Bertone's recent visit either.


  • Nothing but the head of Fidel rolling down the street will impress these hardheads in Miami. They ignore the fact that Granma printed a call from the Cuban bishops to heed the calls for change expressed by Cubans in last year’s debate. The Government also agreed to support increased Church access to the public news media, radio and TV. The Pope’s emissary called the US blockade “oppressive.”

  • There has never been a U.S. “blockade” of Cuban since the Missile Crisis in 1962. Exactly how many U.S. ships are currently encircling the island and preventing its commerce with other nations? The answer, of course, is none. Cuba is free to trade with whomever it pleases. In fact, the U.S. is Cuba’s fourth-largest trading partner. The only stipulation the trade embargo which is still in place requires Communist Cuba to pay for any goods it purchases from the U.S. with cash. That is, credit is denied to Cuba. Since Cuba has been in default of its foreign debt since 1986, it makes no sense for U.S. corporations to agree to be defrauded by Castro and then write-off their losses at the expense of the American taxpaper.

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