Stories from 4 February 2008
Slovenia: Real Estate
Dr. Filomena writes about Slovenia's real estate and other business issues – here, here, here and here.
Russia: “Medvedev, Liberal?”
Streetwise Professor insists that Dmitri Medvedev isn't liberal.
The Balkans: Clinton's Legacy
Srebrenica Genocide Blog writes about Bill Clinton's legacy in the Balkans.
Russia: Ethnic Russian Mufti
Window on Eurasia reports that Muslims in North Ossetia have chosen a converted ethnic Russian as their mufti.
Russia: Stalingrad Battle
Windows to Russia! writes about the 65th anniversary of the Stalingrad Battle.
Russia: Presidential Candidates
Siberian Light discusses Russia's four presidential candidates.
Russia: “Un-Election”
Sean's Russia Blog writes on the March 2 “un-election”: “Western journalists might dismiss Russia’s election as a caricature of democracy, but the fact remains that the Kremlin is taking it...
Iraq: Stares and Reactions
Neurotic Iraqi Wife wonders why she gets stares from men and her reactions to those looks.
Bahrain: Publication Law
Bahraini blogger Mahmood Al Yousif sheds light on Bahrain's publication law and promises by the Information Minister not to jail journalists.
Angola: Looking forward to 2010 CAN now
Eugénio Costa Almeida [pt] says good bye for the Angolan dream in the CAN but he is looking forward to the 2010 games. “We lost to Egypt by 2-1 with...
Angola: Impressions on a new magazine for Afro woman
A. Quelha [pt] shares her thoughts on the new Afro magazine, which left her disappointed: “It seems that their goal is arouse the interest of all in African culture… hummm...
Georgia: Conflict Resolution or Reintegration?
Steady State wonders why the Georgian “Conflict Resolution Ministry” dealing with frozen conflicts in Abkhazia and South Ossetia has changed its name to the “Reintegration Ministry.” The blog wonders if...
Caucasus: Political Roundup
Marilisa Lorusso's blog posts another weekly roundup of the latest political developments in the South Caucasus. This week the blog examines the latest events in the area of relations between...
Azerbaijan: Cultural Destruction
The Djulfa Blog posts photographs of what it says is evidence that the destruction of an ancient Armenian cemetery in the Azerbaijani exclave of Nakhichevan was orchestrated and planned.
Armenia: Russian Railway Deal
Following the transfer of the Armenian railroad system to a Russian company, The Armenian Economist comments on the transaction and says that the railway is in desperate need of funding....
Armenia: On The Campaign Trail
With a little over two weeks to go until Armenia's presidential election, my Armenia Election Monitor 2008 posts photographs and an account of one of the largest opposition rallies held...
Nepal: Housewives and Women
My DiGi Home remembers speaking about her mother as a homemaker, and the idea of a housewife.
Nepal: Kite Runner
Kathmandu Speaks on watching Kite Runner – the film
Nepal: Working abroad
Deepak's Diary on the vulnerability of immigrants from Nepal.
India: Kids, poverty and education
Weight of Silence on getting disadvantaged kids in India to read.
Bolivia: Collective Blog from the Diaspora
A new collective blog written by Bolivians abroad attempts to provide a look into the lives of Bolivians living far from home. As the blog states, "To live in two cultures is sometimes a choice, and it is sometimes “an accident.” This a translation of a post written by Karen Heredia from Blogs Bolivia.