It is now approaching the Chinese New Year, the most important festival in China. However, there is still a group of people who can’t go back home for the most pleasant time of the year; they are still rushing about towns after towns in search of their beloved children, who used to be the “brick kiln” slaves and were now still lost. They are the parents, the forgotten victims in the 2007 Chinese slave scandal.
As the time passed, the media and the public are gradually losing their concern over the issue, which is one of the most inhuman events in 2007. And the heated rescue movement by the government had come to an end and was alleged to achieve greatly by saving over 300 illegal workers.
However, it doesn’t mean that all the slaves received their salvation. Cai Changqing, a blind-deaf young man, got lost after the government stroke the kilns. His parents have rambled thousands of miles to seek their son, while the kid was yet out of their reach. Miao Lisong, a father, has also lost his son’s whereabouts since 2005. He had quit his job to devote to seeking the kid, and kept circulating the boy’s pictures. Moreover, under the harsh environment, some seriously tortured workers had been mental-impaired and a few of them got lost again after being rescued. Scores of parents have been wading alone, as the government had virtually ended the investigation after a transient storm. The aftermath and more facts are likely to be covered.
Their children unfound
The pictures of the lost workers
Our of direction
According to the attorney Xu Zhiyong, the lawyers in Xi’an had all received order that they shouldn’t litigate for the kiln workers for any kind of compensation. And the many lawsuits on the process are still pending, leaving the parents like Zhang, whose son got seriously hurt and burnt in the kiln, suffering from an endless waiting. That’s why the famous blogger IAMV in launched a donation project, which later evolved into a mass action in blogsphere, to aid these helpless parents.
现实之于他们如此坚硬,我们可能没什么办法帮到他们什么忙,但至少可以让他们感受到世界还有人性的柔软的另一面。 所以,发起这次对部分黑窑母亲及获救窑工送过年红包的募捐活动。 以下是我们准备送红包的黑窑母亲及获救窑奴名单,他们只是黑窑受害者的一小部分,鉴于没有公开全面的信息来源,我们暂时只能做到这一步。
A donation project for netizens to bring warmth and give lucky money to the mothers and saved workers in the black kiln event.
The reality is so harsh to them. We might not be able to help them a lot, but at least we could let them feel that there is still a tender side of humanity. Therefore, we launched this campaign to call for donation to them, so that they may have a good new year. The list below features the names of the “black kiln” mothers and saved workers. They are just part of the victims. Since there had been no open, complete information about the issue, that’s all what we can do now.
捐赠人:所有自愿参加送温暖活动的网友 组织者:IAMV 受益人:失踪窑工袁学宇家长袁成、柴长青家长柴伟、苗全(又名苗旭鹏)家长苗立松、霍晨阳家长霍耀周、赵永民家长赵臣义、李鹏家长蒋花荣、秦明辉家长李玉亲、何建强家长何大楼;怀疑被掳为窑工的陈昌家长王小丽……等 获救窑工张文龙(化名)、李耀锴、陈小军、庞飞虎、周道明、肖文龙、刘亚飞、刘伟等
Donators: all those who wish to participate.
Organizer: IAMV
Beneficiary: Yuan Cheng; Cai Wei, parent of Cai Chang, Miao lisong, Huo Yaozhou, Zhao Chengyi, Jiang Huarong, Li Yuqin, He Dalou, Wang Xiaoli, and so forth. (All are the parents of the kiln workers).
接收捐款的银行帐号:4060101-01880211765 开户行:中国银行北京崇外大街支行 崇文区崇外大街44号 户名:钭江明 期限:2008年1月22日至2008年2月21日(正月十五)24时。
Bank account: 4060101-01880211765
Bank: Bank of China, sub-branch in Beijing Chong Wai Street
User name: Dou Jiangming Term: 01/22/2008 to 02/21/2008
规则: 一、捐款汇至上述银行帐户;当你向上述帐户汇款时,表示你已经阅读、理解并接受本方案,视为你已经同组织者达成捐赠协议。 二、截至2008年2月21日(正月十五)24时,将所有捐款以现金或实物方式送给受益人。 三、分别给每个受益人的数额由组织者IAMV与辛艳华、罗永浩、王小山根据受益人的家庭经济状况及个人意愿共同商讨决定。 四、受益人包括但不限于上述所列名单,捐款活动结束后一个月内,组织者公布所有受到捐助的受益人名单。 五、受益人自由支配获捐款项。
1. Please donate to the bank account listed above. When you make your donation, it means that you have read, understood, and accepted the project. An agreement with the organizer on donation was thought to be reached.
2. All the donation will be delivered to the beneficiaries no later than 02/21/2008
3. The amount allocated to each beneficiary will be decided by the organizer IAMV (a famous blogger) and Xin Yanhua ( a citizen journalist that has helped save the workers in person), Luo Yonghao (host of Bulloger, a celebrated blog fair), Wang Xiaoshan (a journalist), based on the financial situation and individual’s will.
4. Beneficiaries are not limited to those on the list above. One month after the campaign, the organizer will publicize the list of the beneficiaries.
5. The beneficiaries will have the complete right to make a use of the donation.
阳光保障措施: 一、罗永浩先生保管捐款帐户存折,保证不将该存折交给他人,并定期公布接收捐款的金额(公布频率不低于七天一次)。 二、王小山先生掌握捐款帐户密码,并保证不将自己掌握的折卡密码泄露给他人。 三、罗永浩先生、王小山先生、IAMV承诺仅在三人同时在场的情况下方可提款。 四、IAMV承诺捐款帐户提出的款项将仅交付给受益人。 五、取款及向受益人汇款的过程,由律师见证。 撤销捐赠的流程: 一、捐赠人在捐款后一个月内有权撤销捐赠。 二、要求撤销捐赠的,需要提交汇款凭证原件供组织者或组织者指定的人士查验。 三、核实汇款信息属实后半个月内,组织者将相应的款项退还给原汇款人(退款时,收款人、收款帐号为原汇款人、原汇款帐号)。
The open guarantee 1. Luo Yonghao keeps the bankbook and promises not to give it to anyone else. Also, he will periodically open the sum of money received.
2. Wang Xiaoshan keeps the account password and promises not to reveal it to anyone else.
3. Luo, Wang, IAMV promise that the money will be withdrawn from the account only with the presence of all the 3 people.
4. IAMV promises the money in the account will only be given to the beneficiaries.