A Muslim Britney Spears?

As if the media circus surrounding her wasn't enough, the latest news is that Britney Spears will be considering converting to Islam in order to marry her Pakistan-born paparazzo boyfriend, Adnan Ghalib. The Middle East and North African bloggers could hardly contain themselves.

Alarabiya.net reported the story on Sunday and has since received nearly 100 comments. One reader was concerned:

I hope she finds true Islam out of a sincere calling. It would correct her life that's for sure. But to convert just to marry a man that is only Muslim by name isn't what Islam needs. Either way I wish her the best and welcome her to Islam.

Another put it bluntly:

She is the LAST thing Islam needs right now.

One reader was happy for her:

i think its a very good desicion for britney and she will be very happy person by converting to islam. she will be living a true life with the true religion, there will be no more drugs for her only a clean happy life for her and her kids! GOD BLESS YOU BRITNEY and WE PRAY FOR YOU!

Another said:

the doors to God's mercy and forgiveness are always opened regardless of what sins have been done. if she wants to be a Muslim then its a great option for her and i wish she truely finds the love of God in her heart.

And still others felt that Islam might benefit Britney, if only in matters of dress:

I think the whole world would benefit if [Britney Spears] put on the hijab! A little modesty is just what that deluded starlet needs~!

Moroccan blogger Laila Lalami wasn't too thrilled with Britney's decision:

And all I can say is: Our nut house is full, Britney. Please take up another religion, we have enough crazies of our own.

Blogger Egyptian Chronicles wants the media to leave Britney alone:

Look I feel very sad for Britney but can we please just stop talking about Religion and race because from what I see that this guy is using her to get more attention for him and for his photo agency ,already I feel very sad for Britney Spears and sadder for her kids , all what she needs is to stay in Rehab or see a shrink that really does not care about media and fortune and wants really to help her.

From Israel, The Elder of Zion sums it up with the heading “Britney in a Burqa?” garnering comments such as:

Good luck with the jiyza & submission thingy Brit!


Cover(ed) Girl.

One reader quipped:

Scientologists – its celebrity members include Tom Cruise and John Travolta – believe humans are descended from space aliens.

Brittny is living proof of this.

New York-based blogger Hahmed.com responded to the story, saying:

Wow… you can’t make this up


Commenter Umm Layth from France is praying for Britney:

I’ve been making du’aa’ for Britney since I heard her say she didn’t know her purpose in life. Allahu ‘Alim what Allah (SWT) has in store, but we know that it would save her life and turn things completely around, insha’Allah (SWT). Let us also remember that she’s just human.

But Sabdi2 from the U.S. questions whether or not Adnan Ghalib is even Muslim:

Is Adnan even muslim? If you google his name you find multiple images of him clearly wearing a cross.

While only time will tell if this story is true, I have to agree with Egyptian Chronicles
– we tend to forget that Britney is human like the rest of us. I don't know if this is a sincere choice for her, but if so, more power to her for figuring out what she wants. One can only hope that she isn't being taken for a ride.


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