Here's a Facebook app waiting to happen: can you name all 51 bloggers currently doing time in Chinese prisons? Any guesses what #52's last blog post will have been about?
For house-arrested Hu Jia in Beijing, it was his firsthand news last week that Guangzhou-based Zhang Qing, wife of imprisoned lawyer Guo Feixiong, had on Dec. 26 discovered that the roughly USD 1,000 left in her bank account had disappeared. No time like the present, Hu Jia was arrested the next day in the middle of a Skype chat while his wife Zeng Jinyan was in the bathroom giving their month-old baby a bath. Ten or more police had forced their way in, disconnected all communications in the house, and left, placing 24 year-old Zeng and baby under house arrest, where they most likely still remain today.
Despite Zeng having been chosen last year as one of the world's most influential people, the couple doesn't get blogged about much in China.
Which is not to say never; blogger-historian and book critic Ran Yunfei chose Hu as one of China's ten people of 2007 in his Jan. 2 post:
Officially recognized people of the year are of course different from mine. The people I've recognized are recognized for their tireless and rational efforts efforts, recognized for our common call for democracy and freedom. Of the ten people I've chosen, as far as I know, three (Guo Feixiong, Chen Guangcheng and Hu Jia) are now in prison, and as it is the coming of the a new year, I hope that all the seeds of civil rights and resistance that they have scattered take root and blossom.
The people I've chosen are listed in no particular order, and even these ten people alone cannot make up for all the Chinese people I want to name, but what can I do, quotas have their limits. My assessment of them is temporary and impromptu at best, so not necessarily sufficient, but at the very least shows my respect. My hope for the Chinese people in 2008: less catastrophe, and more happiness.
In lieu of Ran's brief descriptions of each, links have been provided for background where available, and his choices are: Gao Yaojie, Zhou Yunpeng, Lian Yue, Wang Zhaojun, Gao Zhisheng, Guo Feixiong, Hu Jia, Chen Guangcheng, Pu Zhiqiang and Mao Yushi.
Several of them, not just those in jail, don't often get blogged about, which is not to suggest bloggers don't try. Ran even left a comment on his post showing the automated message his blog host Tianya sent him as he submitted it, warning him that it contained sensitive keywords and an administrator would be inspecting it shortly.
Following Hu's apprehension, a number of people have spoken out. Blogspot blogger Huang Yiyu writes of recent experiences in blogging about Hu in a January 2 post:
Of course I have no hopes of getting comments, so I'll just mention readership rates. There was a while during which the number of views on each post was consistently 10, never more, never less. Then after I deleted all the un-harmonious posts, it seemed like there was only one, or sometimes none. When I only just made notes about my ordinary life, about how stupid or ugly I am, or how little money I have, it didn't have much appeal, and that nobody read those posts was quite common.
The strange thing is this: 17 people read my post on Dec. 31, a historically high number. There wasn't anything substantial in this post at all, so you can't say it was either well-written, nor pornographic and violent. Normally, nobody would have read it, yet it got seventeen views, very strange indeed.
As there are no comments, I of course have no idea who it was that came and read it, all I have to go by are the numbers. Personally, I think these 17 people were most likely internet police of some sort, and because I put keywords like ‘Hu Jia’, ‘arrested’, ‘China’, together, and because of that was being watched. Several minutes after I submitted the post, it must have been like being at home with the Simpsons: the Golden Shield alarm starts wailing, alerting the police, and everyone gets excited and rushes to the scene. Then the 17 people showed up, only to see it wasn't anything important, not pornographic or violent, and so the alarm got turned off. Anyway, I have a record high readership on that post.
Is a post of three lines something worth being so paranoid about? Maybe if you're blogger Guo Weidong, who in large font on his personal blog WRITES:
Immediately release Hu Jia!
The Chinese people, shackled in chains, welcome the Olympics!
And on his blogspot blog:
How did he “incite to subvert state power”?
What is the Beijing government scared of?
Well-known sports journalist and Bullog International blogger Wang Xiaoshan has merely posted a picture of Hu in an post in his name, with a link to neighbor blogger and Beijing publisher Mo Zhixu‘s post, “An open China needs him”:
From then on we mostly kept in touch over the phone or on MSN Messenger, the reason being that he was always on and off under house arrest. Even so, whether it was in Linyi in Shandong or at the door to lawyer Gao‘s home, whenever friends and I heard any news or wanted to get some out, the first person we'd think of was Hu. My friend Peng Dingding once went to his house to visit, but he couldn't even get to the door, and so it went on, with Hu's home in BoBo Freedom City in Beijing's Tongzhou district to a very large degree becoming a news distribution center. We're the free ones, and yet we have to get our information from someone under house arrest. It sounds twisted, but that's just how valuable Hu Jia is.
And it's just for that reason that Hu Jia's actions are fairly well-received. Not long before he was arrested, he even received the “China prize” human rights award from Reporters Without Borders. The common speculation now is that Hu Jia was arrested in order to take out some non-harmonious noise prior to the Olympics. This, though, I don't get, how a celebration held to send a message to the world—and it stands to be a very intense message—has anything to do with tiny, little Hua Jia being locked away and covered up. Seeing as how China has opted to open up, coming to embrace freedom is inevitable, and within openness and freedom there will always be different voices. Never mind that these kinds of voices will give birth to an even more open and free society, but just say that these voices were void of value and even annoying; isn't their existence alone simply the most effective defense of openness and freedom? Isn't their existence alone simply the best propaganda for “an open China welcomes the Olympics”?
New media activist Ai Xiaoming, who runs her own gender education BBS, has written an letter of her thoughts for the new year which has been reposted by MSN Live Spaces blogger Claire YW and is entitled, “public enemy of the state, or friend of the people?”:
2008 年新年,由于胡佳被捕而蒙上阴影。朋友之间,新年快乐这个普通的问候语难以说出口。快乐什么呢?金燕和她刚满一月的小婴儿,一点消息也没有;失去了胡佳,她们怎么过?而胡佳被带走时,是否又蒙上了逮捕毒贩子的那种黑头罩,是否又给塞在车座之下呕吐几近窒息?他有没有带上治疗肝硬化的药物?更让人担心的是,他会不会遭受酷刑毒打?会不会遭遇彻夜车轮审讯,会不会带上几个月的铐子以至于在腿上留下淤青?更有甚者,会不会被电棍攻击身体,像郭飞雄君那样痛不欲生?
I can imagine all of these happening, but what could Jinyan be thinking? She's still so young, a year younger than my own child. Even in my dreams I see myself approaching her home, and I see her starving little daughter and the dim, eerie stairwell leading up.
Thankfully, today I saw news that the lawyer Li Jinsong will go meet with Hu Jia tomorrow, some relief for my anxiety. Compared to suspects who've long waited in vain to see a lawyer, Hu Jia's fate will be much better.
Writing of the one time Ai met Hu, at dinner following an AIDS seminar:
我现在回到文章标题上,胡佳和监控他的警察冲突持续了一年多,警察代表国家监控他,他就是不服从。胡佳就这样成了国家公敌,确切地说,是这个权力机器的公敌。在过去一年多时间,”胡佳人民广播电台”每天深更半夜在网上发些消息;这些消息,加上他直言不讳的评论意见,我相信是这些构成了他的”颠覆国家政权” 罪。
可是,如果容我说句实话,我愿意说,由于胡佳的存在,这个国家,恰恰就颠覆不了了!胡佳的努力,开启了公民新闻的积极实践,给世界一个希望的窗口:有胡佳存在,谁能说中国是一个专制国家 ,没有言论自由?宪法尊重和保障人权的承诺,从胡佳的存在就得到了突破性的体现。我不知道对胡佳来说,他是否还有言论禁忌这个概念;不管怎么说,中国媒体、网络、学界的言论自由,因为有了胡佳这样敢往火坑里跳的人,已经大大地拓展了。有了胡佳这样每天摸老虎屁股的人,学院里的自由知识分子梦里都要笑醒,还有什么话算得上更敏感的呢?
Yet, if you'll allow me to add a few words, I'm willing to say that Hu Jia's existence alone is the precise reason why this country cannot be subverted! Hu Jia's efforts have opened the door to positive and practical citizen journalism, as well as having given the world a window of hope: as long as Hu Jia exists, who is able to say that China is an authoritarian state? The constitution's promise to respect and uphold human rights had made a breakthrough, starting with Hu Jia's existence. I don't know, in Hu Jia's eyes, if such things as taboos even exist for him. Regardless, however, freedoms of speech for Chinese media, the internet and academia, because of the existence of Hu Jia, the kind of person who dared jump into the pit of fire, have already been greatly expanded. With people like Hu Jia, poking the butt of the tiger on a daily basis, the liberal intellectuals in their academies have woken up laughing from their dreams, and is there anything to be said more sensitive than that?
One line: the things which Hu Jia criticizes could all be improved. This country won't be overthrown, it just needs to thrive, keep on the up-and-up.
From an arrest, to a lawyer's involvement, to a sentencing, there's still a short procedure to be followed. Legal representatives haven't been able to get out news on lawyer Gao [Zhisheng], they haven't been able keep Guo Feixiong from being tortured, or Chen Guangcheng from being sent off to labor camp, so in Hu Jia's state subversion case, how much will they be able to do? I personally am not staying optimistic, though I do know that there are a few facts that cannot change:
Regardless of how many years Hu Jia gets sentenced, his convictions will never change. Further, with his excellent wife, educated in human rights as she is, everything they go through will make its way known around the world.
Regardless of whether his defence will be able to reduce the punishment handed down to Hu Jia, the value in lawyers’ efforts will not change. Their role, defending citizens’ human rights, will gain precedent and experience.
Regardless of how many human rights workers still stand to have their voices silenced, it won't make suffering and crises disappear, instead only intensifying them.
As for the stakeout police keeping Hu Jia under surveillance, their tough duty has finally come to an end, and they can swap shifts. However, a year, two years, three or maybe ten or twenty years from now, after the tides of history have receded, how many citizens will stand up to defend their rights, and exercise those to the point where they become human rights workers? You may not have noticed at the time, but when the saying “rights defender” first came out, it was used by authorities in a negative sense; less than two years later, and rights defenders is a keyword used openly by media everywhere and has respectfully entered the realm of everyday language. People can transform words, just as much as they can create history.
Also, as the Chinese government, among international society, has signed one of the most important covenants from a United Nations human rights body, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, it has the responsibility and obligation to create those conditions, and to to allow for this covenant to be carried out here in China, or else deal with international observers far more restricting than what was placed on Hu Jia.
FreeMoreNews, which provides original blogging on sensitive domestic stories, has a post today that puts the number of police stationed outside Hu and Zeng's home as of January 2 at twenty to thirty, and mentions a visit from Hu's mother the same day. She was searched and had belongings confiscated upon going it, FMN writes, saw six police officers posted inside the home, and was herself visited later that evening and told not to accept any interviews or otherwise leak any information. Little else is known at this point. Rights lawyers Li Jinsong and Li Fangping had applied to see Hu, and were denied [zh]. The post does, however, list Hu Jia and Zeng Jinyan's home address:
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Here is one thing we can do for Hu Jia and Zeng Jinyan who have been trying to defend our rights:
The Chinese government are very controlling. Any big players in China regardless of industry that don’t cooperate with
the government, even if it means being complicit in crimes, won’t be in
business for long. Attorney San Antonio
Aren’t lawyers supposed to be allowed to talk to their clients? The Chinese government should know better.