Venezuela's Constitutional Reform is a blog that was created “by a group of bloggers to explain to the outside work why the Venezuelan constitutional reform is dangerous for Venezuelan democracy.”
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Learn more about Lingua Translation »Venezuela's Constitutional Reform is a blog that was created “by a group of bloggers to explain to the outside work why the Venezuelan constitutional reform is dangerous for Venezuelan democracy.”
The U. S. media is replete these days with editorial hit men busy misinforming the public about the proposed reforms to the Venezuelan constitution with the customary demonization of Chavez and the portrayal of the reforms as ending life as we know it in Venezuela. The Venezuela Constitutional Reform blog appears to be doing the same thing, but dressed up high-tech. How about a little analysis focused on what really matters as the referendum on the reforms approaches: the people of Venezuela, their Bolivarian revolution, and their democratically-elected president? Check out:
My name is Camila, I´m a journalist and live in Brazil.. I found your blog while I was looking for some fonts with whom I can interview to write my article about Venezuela. Firstable, I´m doing a research and trying to find people from venezuela that coudl explain me how things are going on over there after the statizations and that could possible give a number of someone that was really affected by the new experiences of Hugo Chavez.
I hope you can help me with information, or even give me some details about the situation in Venezuela.
I´m lokking forward to hear from you.
Thank you. See ya,
I could help you out. E-mail me to and I’ll answer to any question you may have.
Hello. Despite an amnesty law signed by President Hugo Chávez in December of 2007, that purportedly ensured that no Venezuelan would be imprisoned for political reasons, Venezuelans are continually subjected to political persecution, imprisonment, torture and other cruel and degrading treatment for disagreeing with or opposing the government. Many of these prisoners are being held in inhumane conditions without access to medical care. Outside of Venezuela’s prisons, “political inhabilitation” has been used by the government to disqualify 400 potential candidates for office, among them, those who appear to be favorites in the upcoming November elections. It’s a very creative campaign to make noise about the struggle for Freedom in Venezuela. log on , in Venezuela we have a political genocide