19 November 2007

Stories from 19 November 2007

Russia: Moscow's Gastarbeiter

  19 November 2007

Moscow Through Brown Eyes offers an approach to writing about migrant workers in Moscow: “[…] it demands the excavation of Russia’s imperial pasts, a detailed examination of the labor question...

Egypt: Yamli Search

  19 November 2007

Yamli Search is very intriguing new search engine that transliterates Arabic written in the Latin alphabet into Arabic proper, and then runs that query through Google, says The Arabist.

Brazil: Extreme poverty is halved

  19 November 2007

Edson Lima [pt] comments on a good piece of news: “Brazil has accomplished, ten years before the deadline set by the UN, the target of halving the percentage of the...

Georgia: Imedi Returns

  19 November 2007

TOL Georgia reports that journalists at the Georgian TV station Imedi which was taken off the air during the recent opposition protest will resume their work by writing for a...