China: Labour Contract Law and Huawei's Violation

Chris O'Brien has a detailed post on how the news about a local company, Huawei’s decision to “ask” 7,000 of its employees who had been working for the company for eight years or more to resign had been harmonized in the mainstream media. Huawei's action is seen as a way to circumvent the new labour contract law.


  • […] up on one blogger's lead, some comments on yet another staff suicide at tech company Huawei this week which for many reinforces the company's popular image of having one of the toughest […]

  • amy

    According to the fact ,Chinese company adapt Chinese laborer’s labour contract which conpany manager signed with the labour .The company refuse pay his compensate because they let their staff stay at home.Chinese people in order to protect themselves ,they go to Chinese official to reflect the fact.They hope Chinese official can slove their problem.They hope Chinese official can slove the Medical Treatment Insurance problem.Chinese official take their wages but do nothing.

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