“Methinks I shall read 100 books,” declares Jamaican author Marlon James. Find out why.
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Learn more about Lingua Translation »“Methinks I shall read 100 books,” declares Jamaican author Marlon James. Find out why.
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Dear Global Voices:
I am an African American eye surgeon and poet. I graduated from Cornell University and Harvard University. I have just published a powerful critically acclaimed anthology of my experiences and thoughts re: Race and Racism in American. The anthology is titled “Nigger For Life ”. It has been reviewed by the likes of Prof. Cornel West of Princeton University and Noted African America Studies Professor, Beth Richie, of the University of Illinois, Chicago.
I invite you to visit my website to learn more about the book. I look forward to your comments and reviews as well.
The website address is: http://www.surgeonpoet.com
Thank you in advance for your time and interest.
Neal Hall, M.D., Poet