Colombia: Humorous Business Blog Given Top Prize

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The Cámara Colombiana de Informática y Telecomunicaciones CCIT (Colombian Chamber of Telecommunications and Information Technology) gave the Best Blog in 2007 Award to Se nos cayó el sistema [ES] , a blog which talks about productivity and business matters in a tongue-in-cheek fashion. The name of the blog is the most common phrase you will hear from any type of employee to excuse themselves and their company for any mistakes: we had a system failure.

Se nos cayó el sistema es el libro de negocios [en curso] sobre los temas empresariales y de negocios en el entorno de negocios del tercer mundo. Es una mirada divertida a las historias y los componentes de estrategia, organización, tecnología, procesos y gente que hacen a las economías en desarrollo

The System´s down is a business book [in process] about businesses and enterprise topics related to doing business in the third world. It is a fun look at the stories and the components of strategy, organization, technology, processes and people who make part of the developing economies.

This blog is also nominated for the The BoBs, The Deutsche Welle International Weblog Awards.

Blogger Víctor Solano [ES] mentions:

El blog ganador ha mostrado una suficiente coherencia conceptual y un enfoque disciplinado en el horizonte que se trazó. Con la mirada de un consultor que ausculta cada uno de los rincones del entramado organizacional, Andrés Naranjo deja ver un gran pragmatismo y no por ello descuida el humor y la dimensión social de cada uno de los momentos agrios y festivos de una empresa que se disculpa en la caída del sistema para evadir sus responsabilidades.

The winning blog has demonstrated conceptual coherence and a disciplined focus on the horizon it drew for itself. With the perspective of a consultant who studies each and every one of the nooks and crannies in the organizational network, Andrés Naranjo lets his great pragmatism show through, but doesn't forget humour and a social dimension to the different sour and festive moments of a company who places the blame on a system failure to avoid responsibilities.

At Se nos cayó el sistema, the author Andrés Naranjo writes about the award ceremony with the same style Mr. Solano previously mentioned:

No obstante, me parece interesante que este blog y su contenido – enfocado a temas de negocios, productividad, etc… – coincide con el zeitgeist del momento – (competitividad, productividad, etc…). Estoy seguro que eso tuvo que ver… y eso deja una lección de ventas (todo en este post es de negocios)… la lección es que es mas importante lo que estén comprando [el jurado] que lo que usted esté vendiendo!

Nevertheless, it is interesting to me that this blog and its content – focused on topics of business, productivity, etc…- coincides with the moment's zeitgeist – (competitivity, productivity, etc…) I'm sure that this had something to do…and this is a sales lesson (everything in this post has to do with business)… the lesson is that whatever they [the jury] is buying is more important than whatever you are selling!

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