Iran:Woman to be stoned

Kamangir reports that the state-run newspaper Qods reported that a mother of three is sentenced to stoning. Reportedly,the evidence is video tapes of her having sex with another person.


  • May God forgive her for deserting herself and her family as she has done, Insha’allah many people will take a lesson from her misguided actions. It is also illegal in South Korea to commit adultery, though the penalty is only 2 years imprisonment. Shockingly people can get away with such a thing so lightly in some parts of this world, even when it is properly listed as a crime.

  • Telesphor Magobe

    I don’t believe in the God who is after killing His own sons and daughters even if they sin gravely. I believe in the loving and merciful God – the God who loves and forgives all humans radically and unconditionally.

    Jesus in the Gospels teaches us about the love of God and love of one another. He even says we should forgive others as many times as possible (symbolically 7×70). He forgave Mary Magdalene who was brought to him after she was found committing adultery and Mary was not stoned to death.

    He told her, “Where are your accusers? Neither do I condemn you. Go and don’t sin again.” He also forgave his own executors, saying, “Father forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.”

    If God were as harsh to us as we do to our fellow brothers and sisters who would survive? Scriptures have been written in a certain literary style that needs careful analysis and interpretation. We don’t need to interpret them literary, otherwise we fall into fundamentalism and lose meaning.

    I’m sorry for the lady who will be stoned to death. For me that doesn’t teach me anything, it just shows how cruel and unforgiving we are to one another.

    Being Christian, I might be out of place to comment on such cruel penalty. But each time I hear of capital executions that deny others forgiveness and reform I don’t understand. I get confused!

    Why can’t the lady be given time to repent if she has committed adultery or did she say she will never repent? Does it mean that those who will stone the lady to death have never sinned? Let’s shun hypocrisy and may the love and tender heartedness of God permeate through us.

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