11 September 2007

Stories from 11 September 2007

Japan: The “Happy Family” Bill

  11 September 2007

At from the inside, looking in, blogger fukamimi writes about a new bill calling for an increase in the number of white collar workers not eligible for overtime pay. In...

Ukraine: Tymoshenko's Presentation

  11 September 2007

Petro of Petro's Jotter writes about Yulia Tymoshenko's “Contract With Investors” presentation: “I really dug the results oriented approach in everything she spoke about. Tangible project steps were outlined and...

Russia: International Terrorism?

  11 September 2007

The Accidental Russophile writes about the difference between the Russian and American views of international terrorism: “Putin's most recent tour of southeast Asia was little more than an arms dealer...

Nepal: A letter

  11 September 2007

Blogdai is out with the LETTER. “For those of you who are new to the game, blogdai and 3400 of my closest friends and Nepal watchers are fed up with...

US: Remembering 9/11

  11 September 2007

Blogpourri remembers 9/11, six years after, and on how the cities and our ways of looking at the world have changed irreversibly.

India: Half a century of neglect

  11 September 2007

My Himachal on the state of prisons. “With the completion of 60 years of independence one of the oldest and biggest and the first Model Central Jail of Himachal Pradesh...

Peru: The Rising Boom of Peruvian Cuisine

  11 September 2007

There has been a national and international boom in regards to Peruvian gastronomy. Over the past years, talking about Peruvian food has been something very common. Radio and television programs, newspapers, books, cooking schools and of course, blogs have all taken part in the discussion. Peruvian bloggers are taking pride in being in the spotlight, while others seek to explain what else could be done to take advantage of this attention.

China: Senior sues would-be Samaritan

  11 September 2007

An older woman is knocked down as she tries to board a bus and breaks her collarbone. A young man, the first to have just exited the bus, helps her up and takes her to the hospital. After she accuses and successfully sues him, a moral debate sweeps across the blogsphere: are we to still lend a helping hand?