China: Create a harmonious society and receive 5,000 yuan!

Chris O'Brien blogs about a writing competition organized by Chinese Internet operators for creating a harmonious society.



    dear lam i would like to articulate about harmonious socity we are in the modern era and obviously we should have mutual understanding for initiative of peace love throughout the entire world .basically we human being have been created by one god .and we should have forward out lookand broad sence,dedication, devotion for others .for this i have only one formulla that is to set up embassy for reseach for love peace and harmony among all religion of the world that embassy should be organised by the united nation and all countries ellite religious reperentative should be appointed for cogitate how to eradicate hatred and restore peace harmony .if we do that our world will be haven. with regads

  • Many ideas are great if one lives by its value with a genuine heart. however, when it becomes a mean for political purpose, its meaning can be twisted. in china, many bloggers like to use the word “harmonized” which means that contradictory ideas and thinkings are erased from the Internet. Well, one can say that it is a step forward, as it is the erasing of ideas rather than actual arrest. still it goes against the very principle of harmony – peaceful existence with diversity. Maybe I should join the competition. However, my writing may get harmonized eventually.

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