Kuwaiti bloggers are leaping into action, discovering their surroundings, attending events and covering them, keeping tabs on the latest developments on the arrest of the Monster of Hawali and looking for racial slurs on the shelves of supermarkets. Read this post by Abdullatif Al Omar to see what else is happening.
K.Thekuwaiti writes of what he thinks all the Kuwaiti bloggers are categorized into:
1. The Language-Challenged Blogger:
This is the category of bloggers who have trouble differentiating between languages, e.g. “I got into a car accident oo Ri7t ma5far Shamiya ilyom.” Writing a word or a sentence to refer to a specific person, place or thing in Arablish is fine, but writing the whole post – think several paragraphs – is just plain retarded
zdistrict speaks of problems that face small businesses in Kuwait.
Entrepreneurs in Kuwait have a difficult time getting themselves up and off the ground because of all the rules they make you jump through. There is no incentives for business in Kuwait to start something new, or for someone young to get some help in businesses in Kuwait.
There have also been a couple of events in Kuwait, which some bloggers covered.
Zahra over at Kuwait-Style went to the Kuwait for Kenya event.
Kuwait for Kenya (LOYAC) is having an exhibition that will start today at Bait Lothan. You can visit the exhibition on July 23rd and July 24th, from 6PM to 9PM.
Kuwait-Style had a sneak peak into the collection that contains an assortment of Kenyan objects from masks to paintings and from jewellery to kitchen utensils. Prices are very reasonable and if you wish to donate more there will be a donation jar at the entrance.
outlaw goes to the Charles Chaplin movie screening in Kuwait.
I've read and heard a lot in the news, blogs, etc about Charles Chaplin's movie's and that a lot of people are there and all the non-sense, so i decided to go there and spend some quality time with my Lil bro and sis since i like old movies and old stuff, so after i got lost cause i don't know where the place is a finally found it that's the plaaaaace
Exzombie posts about a movie screening too – this time its a documentary called Occupation 101.
The event will take place on Tuesday, July 24th, at the Cinemagic Courtyard in Bait Lothan, Salmiya, and will run between 7:30 p.m – 9:30 p.m.
This week, we will be screening Award-Winning Documentary “Occupation 101″.
A thought-provoking and powerful documentary film on the current and historical root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Da over at chillnite posts a picture that shows how the weather was in Kuwait.
…what you see is not fog, nor is it air-pollution, just plain old Humidity!
Tat The Don takes us on a trip into the past – his past as a young delinquent!
I did not want to post about the past since it’s dead and gone. But it came to my attention that some of you don’t understand me or in fact deny what it was like for me and my peers. So I’m gonna enlighten you on how it was being a teenager in Kuwait during the 90’s. We didn’t have Marina Malls or Virgin in fact we were not even allowed to go inside a mall
One case that was on the minds of bloggers this past week was the arrest of a criminal in Kuwait – a pedophile who was called the Monster of Hawali (the area were most crimes were committed).
First off, Frankom talks about something he find not right.
صور رجال المباحث والشخصيات الهامة لاتظهر في الصور أبدا … حتى عند التصوير سواء كاميرا أو فيديو … في الولايات المتحدة الامريكية هناك جريمة قتل كل عدد معين من الثواني وهناك “سفّاح” معين يظهر من فترة الى أخرى … ومع كل هذا لايظهر شكل رجال المباحث في الصور حتى وإن كانت أمريكا ذلك البلد الكبير بتعداده الضخم ولكن في الكويت الامر مختلف تماما … اليكم الصورةPhotographs of detectives and important figures never appear in the USA, where there is a murder every second and there are serial killers that appear from time to time. The detectives do not appear in the paper everyday unlike in Kuwait. Check out this picture.
Also Saints of Kuwait talks about another aspect of that case.
طالعتنا صحف الأمس و المدونات بخبر إلقاء القبض على وحش حولي كما أطلقت عليه الصحافة المحلية
و سررت شخصيا بهذا الخبر و لكني بنفس الوقت
صعقت فبدون أي منازع قامت جميع الصحف و المدونات التي أوردت الخبر بوضع صورة المتهم و أركز على كلمة متهم و اسمة و وظيفته وعنوانه و جنسيته و كل بياناته حتى
“رقم فنيلت “
و الكل قام يتساءل عن الحكم الذي سينتظره هذا الوحش
و هناك من قام بتحليل شخصيته و كيف انه تم اغتصابه في صغره الخ الخ
في استهزاء واضح و صريح بالقانون و الدستور
أين قاعدة المتهم بريء حتى تثبت إدانته
و لماذا يوجد لدينا قضاء في الكويت إن كانت الصحافة و الناس تدين
“بكيفها “
و تصدر الأحكام
بالعربي أين حقه القانوني و الدستوري
أم بسبب كونه من جنسيه عربية لا يوجد له حق و مظلة القانون لا تحميه
لا أدافع عنه ولا شيء ولكن القانون قانون و يجب أن يطبق على الكل ولا صار بطيخYesterday's newspapers and blogs alike talked about the arrest of the Hawali monster as he was called by the local newspaper. I was happy that he was caught but at the same time I was shocked. All newspapers and blogs talked about and posted the picture of the accused (and I emphasise accused) and his name and his job and his address and his nationality and everything about him even the size of his T-shirt and everyone started wondering what verdict would he face.
Some started speculations about what he had faced as a child and the abuse he had.
This is a farce. Where are the guidelines which say that the accused is innocent until proven guilty? And why do we have courts when people and newspapers can hurl accusations and pass judgments at who ever they want? In Arabic, where is the law and the Constitution? Or is it because he is an Arab (not Kuwaiti) that there is no law to protect him? I am not defending him but the law should be applied to all regardless.
And last but not least, Forzaq8 saw a logo which drew his attention at the local supermarket and wonders what its creators were thinking of when they made it!
Yesterday i went to pickup grocery for the house. The Co-OP is gold mine for comedy with misspelled words and such
but i think we need to draw a line here
this is just too much
Click on the link to see the product and read the comments on that post.
1 comment
Thank you Abdullatif for the link to my website and the informative roundup of what’s happening in the Kuwaiti blogosphere. Keep up the fantastic work!