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Kuwait: Here & there

Categories: Middle East & North Africa, Kuwait, Development, History, International Relations, Media & Journalism, Youth

Kuwaiti bloggers are talking about their present and past this week. While two bloggers are looking into their surroundings for inspiration and futuristic projects, another is diving into history to reinstate the rights of Kuwaitis to decide on their own fate.

Rayboy points to a new place for children with special needs [1].

Al-Kharafi Activity Kids Center is the first center of its kind in the Gulf region and the Middle East. It gives disabled children the opportunity to learn through play and fun within a safe and enjoyable environment.

Patrick over at projekt Cyan too has some pictures [2] of a nice mosaic place next door to his office.

I wanted to post this a while ago, but only lately I had time to go take snaps even though its right next door to our office’s mall in Salmiya. It's a giant big large Mosaic piece, approximately 36 meters width by 10 meters high, in each meter square they are approx 2500 small pixel piece (50 piece X and 50 piece Y. 50×50=2500) which means its made out of around 900,000 pieces!

Idip [3] brings to our attention to history.

يصادف اليوم الرابع عشر من تموز-يوليو ذكرى يوم الباستيل في فرنسا، وثورة تموز في العراق، لذا وجدت هذا اليوم مناسبا للحديث عن معلومة يكررها النائبان، السابق أحمد الخطيب، والحالي أحمد السعدون.
يقول الأحمدان أن السبب الرئيسي لدعوة ممثلي الشعب الكويتي، أي نواب مجلس١٩٨٥، لمؤتمر جدة خلال الغزو العراقي، هو خطاب الرئيس الفرنسي الاسبق فرانسوا ميتران أمام الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة، والذي أشار فيه، حسب الأحمدين، إلى حق الشعب الكويتي في تقرير مصير ه
وبعد البحث والتحري في الشبكة العنكبوتية، أدام الله ظلها الوارف، وجدت الخطاب المذكور، وإليكم ما قيل فيه
This day 14th of July is the day the Bastille in France and the July Revolution in Iraq
so I find this a good day to speak about some information that the Parliament members Ahmad Al khateeb (past member) and Ahmad Al Saudon (current member) both keep on repeating. They state that the main reason why the parliament members of 1985 (the one the Emir dissolved) were invited to the Jeddah conference during the invasion of Iraq was the speech of France's former president François Mitterrand in front of the UN General Assembly in which he pointed to the right of the Kuwaiti people to declare their own fate.
After few searches on the Internet, I found the mentioned speech and here it is.