Stories from 25 June 2007
Iran:A Basement Culture
Iranian Woman says I guess we have to be proud that we are a basement culture. That we are something to your face and different in your absence.
Iran:Same story in TV again and again
Korosuh Ziabari says[Fa] Iranian TV shows the same clichés about social related issues for last 50 years.
UAE: Camel Killed by Lightning
Seabee from Dubai links to a story about how a bolt of lightning killed 16 camels near a farmland off Ghayathi in the Western Region of Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Tunisia: Axis of Evil
Subzero Blue from Tunisia highly recommends watching the comedies produced by Axis of Evil. “Comedy is one of the best ways to bring people together, making them able to look...
Lithuania: Historical Restaurant Closed
Wu Wei reports on the shutdown of a historical restaurant in Vilnius.
Iran:An Iranian blogger in Libya
Mr.Behi, an Iranian blogger, has published several beautiful photos from Libya in his blog. He says I hope this can capture the changes that this country is going through.
Croatia: Still More on “Feral Tribune”
East Ethnia quotes a local author on what awaits Croatia if Feral Tribune is not rescued: “Croatia will be exactly the same, only there will be nobody to tell it.”
Europe: Prominent Roma Scholar Dies
TOL's Romantic pays tribute to the recently deceased prominent Romano scholar Jan Kochanowski.
If Bloggers attended the Conference on the Caribbean…
This past week (June 18-21) leaders of CARICOM met with President George W. Bush and other top U.S. government officials in Washington as part of the Conference on the Caribbean....
Hungary: Roma in the Government
TOL's Romantic writes about Roma representatives in the Hungarian government and parliament.
Serbia: Refugees
The nEUrosis writes about Serbia's refugees.
50,000 Iraqi Prostitutes in Syria
Wassim from Syria gives us a bird's view into the life of Iraqi prostitutes in Syria, claiming that there are around 50,000 of them in his country.
Syria: Messy Day at Work
Sharks from Syria tells us how to dress up for a “messy day” at work.
Lebanon: Lebanese with Funny Accents
Perpetual Refugee, from Lebanon, discusses the antics and politics of Lebanese living in diaspora here.
Palestine: Kidnapers Afraid to Release Johnston
Palestinian blogger Haitham Sabbah links to an article which explains why the captors of kidnapped British journalist Alan Johnston are afraid to release him.
Jordan: Eating off the Floor
Samir R, from Jordan, tells us why he will never eat anything he hasn't seen prepared in front of him here.
Palestine: Sharm Expectations
Charles Levinston briefs us on what is expected from an Arab Summit at Sharm El Sheikh on the latest Palestinian infighting.
Iraq: Women's Arrests Spark Protest
Alive in Baghdad brings us a video of a protest in Adhamiya earlier this year against the arrest of Iraqi women.
Iraq: Anti-war Arguments
Iraqpundit explains what anti-war arguments on Capitol Hill mean to average Iraqis here.
Egypt: Quranists Arrested
Several members of a “Quranist” group — people who reject the hadith and present a reformist practice of Islam based entirely on the Quran — have been arrested in Egypt,...
Bahrain: Martyrs Never Die
Martyrs continue to live on, notes Bahraini blogger emoodz, after visiting a cemetery for a burial ritual.