If 2007 is the year that China's masses rose up in stock market frenzy, then last week's eight percent dip came as a bucket of ice cold water. Or a sign of things to come, like the guy whose broadband wasn't working that day and went berserk when he couldn't handle not being able to check his portfolio.
Much more common, however, are the creative ways with which the craze is being dealt, like the remix of the song ‘Die And I'll Still Love You’ (死了都要爱) from the Taiwanese rock group Shin, resung here in a stock market version as ‘Won't Sell Even If It Kills Me’, subtitled using the excellent subtitling tools at dotSUB (please feel free to translate the video into other languages!):
Just so nobody accuses me of not leading from in front, I’ve started a French translation of the video (I’ve done 8% of it), which I’m hoping somebody who knows the French translation for things like “stock index” will help me complete. . . .
Found some others, all very interesting. Anyone interested in subtitling? I’ve got the ‘Die’ lyrics and corresponding times if anyone wants to pop them in at dotSUB. It’s deviously easy..
“I’ll sell when pigs fly, house pets roll in money, babies go crazy and sexy models squeeze their buttcheeks”
China’s new national anthem version: http://www.6rooms.com/watch/568437.html
this one also quite good, just for the pictures’ sake: http://www.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDU0Mzk1Ng==.html
The floating George Bush head version
the transsexual lip sync suicide earthquake version? Same lyrics as above: http://www.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDcwMzU1Mg==.html
technicolor subliminal suggestion positive indicator psychological motivator version
pretty girl pretty flower impressionist montage stock market life version
The Faye Wong version: http://www.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDU3NTA3Ng==.html
Britney Spears and the Chinese bull market
Britney We Will Rock You version? http://www.56.com/u65/v_MTQzMjIzMTg.html
The 吉祥三宝 version which you’ll recognize if you’ve been to China in the last few years: http://www.6rooms.com/watch/809332.html
Home karaoke version: http://www.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDgxNzE1Mg==.html
Stock player superhero version: http://www.6rooms.com/watch/480986.html
Conductor of investment auspiciousness? http://www.flashmov.com/video-788044
Animated version http://peng.blog.sohu.com/49928867.html
Gordon Gekko version: http://xiongleiqq1983.v.hexun.com/D302151.html
Well-done spoof on ‘be calm don’t buy/sell crazy’ type news reports http://www.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTAxMTk4OA==.html
Too excited
A love song even
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